What books should I read to stop me from wanting to be a girl?
What books should I read to stop me from wanting to be a girl?
The DSM-5
Judith Butler
Gender is performative, so you should be aiming at being yourself, not some arbitrary category like “girl”
The Bible.
surprisingly no
you'd want dsm1-3
Excellent advice.
You can choose whatever gender you want but you can't choose to be cute and desirable.
You need the right genetics for that.
Maybe I'm just being cynical, but I doubt OP would be happy with being an ugly non passing tranny.
Books given to girls about becoming a woman
Like seriously that's enough to turn you ancient Greek gay
There's a lot about the female body you're not being told about by your girlfriends, dudes
dam bitch, clean yo fuckin room, wipe down your mirror w windex, do yo fuckin laundry so yo clothes don't look like shit
like how she will regularly shit out giant clots of bloody uterine lining and not just blood from her vajeen
I don't need to be told if it's done into my mouth.
Cis women make me happy I have a trans gf
You're really adorable if that's you.
Imagine this was your son. Imagine the shame. Imagine the disappointment. Imagine the guilt. What are the suicide rates of fathers of trannies?
>giving a girl oral ever
haha faggot
but also why would you ever put your mouth on a bloody vag
haha yeah imagine if that was your best friend and you started to feel attracted to him just imagine
have you ever fucked your friend in the boipucci? is it normal to feel guilt afterward for violating your best friend and you can never look him in the eye again because he is no longer your equal? asking for a friend
No i haven't.
I would feel a little guilty because personally I think traps have a mental illness but they turn me on so much i can't help it, i would be uncontrollably driven by lust as long as you both want it i dont see why you should shy away from destroying his tight little hole and making him your fucktoy slave
that seemed pretty personal, user
He could be a cute boy.
it's for a friend
traps are the future
if you're in the lucky few that can pass you can enjoy your 20s being highly sought after and have strong men fill you up every second of the day. there is nothing hotter than a submissive trap who can pass and if you dont agree then you're probably in denial.
if your in the not so lucky group (much more likely, especially if you haven't been on hormones since your early teens) then you will regret it immensely and probably want to kill yourself
The Confessions of St. Augustine
>To Carthage then I came, where a cauldron of unholy loves bubbled up all around me. I loved not as yet, yet I loved to love; and with a hidden want, I abhorred myself that I wanted not. I searched about for something to love, in love with loving, and hating security, and a way not beset with snares. For within me I had a dearth of that inward food, Yourself, my God, though that dearth caused me no hunger; but I remained without all desire for incorruptible food, not because I was already filled thereby, but the more empty I was the more I loathed it. For this reason my soul was far from well, and, full of ulcers, it miserably cast itself forth, craving to be excited by contact with objects of sense. Yet, had these no soul, they would not surely inspire love. To love and to be loved was sweet to me, and all the more when I succeeded in enjoying the person I loved. I befouled, therefore, the spring of friendship with the filth of concupiscence, and I dimmed its lustre with the hell of lustfulness; and yet, foul and dishonourable as I was, I craved, through an excess of vanity, to be thought elegant and urbane. I fell precipitately, then, into the love in which I longed to be ensnared. My God, my mercy, with how much bitterness did Thou, out of Your infinite goodness, besprinkle for me that sweetness! For I was both beloved, and secretly arrived at the bond of enjoying; and was joyfully bound with troublesome ties, that I might be scourged with the burning iron rods of jealousy, suspicion, fear, anger, and strife.
damn traps are fucking gay
they are literally the most patrician fetish though
I beg to differ
who cares, your opinion is worthless
are you going to post t h e d i c k or not
i dont wanna get banned :)
name is kitty lynn
yeah traps are gay but you're not gay for fucking them
traps might be really hot but at the end of the day you'd still have your cock in a man's asshole
dominating a weaker male by forcefully shoving your dick in his ass ain't gay famalam unless yiu touch his dick or put your mouth anywhere near him or some gay shit
ofc u are gay for fucking them user dats the definishun of homoseksuality
Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, Junger
Lol no. Do you seriously need a small boy, whose practically a girl, to be able to dominate "him"?
The most straight thing ever is dominating a significantly bigger and more masculine than you. Show him whose boss. Run your hands through the thick hair on his times chest. Grab his beard. That is the most masculine and straight thing you can do, not some pussy trap shit
>Asshole fetishists
Joyce, Mozart,
>Foot fetishists
Hugo, Goethe, Pushkin, Dostoevsky.
>Trap fetishists
Greasy neckbeards on Veeky Forums who, through decades of daily pornography abuse, has morphed and deformed their sexuality and desensitized their reward pathways to point of irreversible brain damage.
it's as freud says, repressed desires will release themselves as something similar to said desire. You're gay if you're attracted to something with a cock, you just loathe yourself so you replace your desire for men with a desire for """feminine penis"""
>inb4 (((freud)))