I will read only one book on Jung—which


Joseph Campbell's Jung Reader


>pic related
for what purpose are you reading Jung?

Man and His Symbols

The Red Book

1) I like to collect books that are works of art.
2) Maybe Jung is worth studying—I believe in repetition in reading books, so I have to be careful because this is a long-term time and money commitment. I don’t understand unless I read the same book over and over.

Gee, all those books sound good. Maybe I’ll have to get more than one.
Is he worth it, that is the question.
My responsibility to research that question.
Thank you for your help.

Anything by Freud.

Frued is trash

Him I already read.

Freud is literally "muh dick nigga" just said by a coked up pseud.

then jung is some guy reading esoteric meanings into muh dick man's theories and his own coprophagic german dreams

you say esoteric like its a bad thing.

when you attempt to interpret the esoteric through modern psychology and try to steer freud's work as if it were not naturalistic and modern like a gullible goy, you get nonsense

Only one book "on Jung"? Hoeller's Gnostic Jung is great, and has a neat analysis of Jung's Seven Sermons to the Dead. Do not mix with Ligotti, you will want to slit your wrists at the absurdity of a mankind that can build civilizations but continually fails to learn the most important lesson. The Red Book is a little advanced, you need to know Jung's vocabulary and models to get the most out of it.

Thank you

Do not read someone's take on an author or philosopher. It inevitably gets distorted. If you want to get into Jung then read Jung. There really is no excuse, as far as Jung wrote several introductory works towards the end of his life. Man and his symbols is a great intro.

Op im studying the complete work of Jung for some months now. If you want a amazing summary of his work you should read The psychology of C.G.Jung by Jolande Jacobi. It is truly an amazing work.

Seven Sermons To The Dead is supposed to be pretty neat, but The Red Book is usually the first place to start with Jung.

Not to hijack the OP's thread, but I've read his autobiography and Modern Man, any advice on where to go next?

Holy shit, the absolute fucking state of Veeky Forums.

the irony of this sentence