ITT books that are so bad you never bothered finishing
ITT books that are so bad you never bothered finishing
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my diary desu
Eros and Civilization is the only Marcuse i've read. Was a good read, in a degenerate sort of way.
The Glass Bead Game
I cant do that. But then again, I was trained to be able to stand harsh readings. I dont have the patience I used to have when I was 14 and could read 200 pages in one day whilst understanding nothing, but I still can do it if I take extended breaks.
On the Road
A Rebours by JK Huysmans.
Mr Mercedes
You a p l e b
Holy shit! I almost forgot I read that drivel, and I finished it, I would have enjoyed it if it had more incest and less muh diversity.
I read J R in two sittings but I gave up 40 pages into The Stand
Pic related. It was partly my fault for wanting to be 'well read.' Stephen king was the only writer that came to mind at that time and his books are everywhere. I wasn't all that bad; the scene where Junior kills whats-her-name and hides her in the shed was pretty hot. I think he jerked off to her corpse. The protagonist is just annoying and boring, so I dropped it. I might pick it up before the year runs out.
You were trained to torture yourself and suppress your will? Was it your perfectionist mummy projecting her idealised ego on yourself? Asking for a friend
curious, why?
there he goes again
Jane Eyre
>On the Road
Its amazing that name recognition can sell a book like this. This is one of the few books you could be totally justified in laughing at based on the title and cover art alone. It looks like the type of shit you would find in the Science Fiction section of a Barnes & Noble
Quoted the wrong thing, meant Under the Dome Part 2 obviously
Ready Player One. Couldnt finish the first chapter, and it looks like i didnt miss out on much
Naked Lunch
It was unbearable. The prose didn't make up for the lack of interesting ideas.
Interesting execution, bad novel. In a way like American Psycho
t. brainlet
this had the depth and profundity of a Black Mirror episode. fuck every middlebrow MFA pomo hack
For best results, audiobook while driving.
Anyone feel like defending this? It's top 3 on my reading list rn
I found it incredibly inspirational, actually. Huysmans isn't exactly "fun" but the message of the book is that you really can't escape all that you hate about society and make yourself a hermit and not have it take a toll on your health.
Embrace all that you loathe.
I've tried to read multiple King novels. Dropped all of them. King is truly garbage and a hack. His attempts at psychoanalysis especially are hilarious and painful.
Slash's autobiography.
An appallingly written masturbatory mess.
Just felt a little to edgy despite me connecting with it conceptually, got 80pgs in
Mason & Dixon. I got about 6 chapters in
Orlando by Virginia Woolf, read 40 pages and noped the fuck out.
I liked To The Lighthouse though.
About to quit Look Homeward, Angel. 200 or so pages in.
Anything in this pitiful series.
Stephen King's "Pet Cemetary". Read 2/3 of it and it never really caught my attention.
you mean literally anything ever written by King
Sure, only thing I ever read by him. Don't have any interest in starting on his other books.
One of the worst books I dropped
To kill a mockingbird. Shit was so bad i couldn't finish the first chapter.
many victorian era novels
I'm a long time reader of King and will be a lifelong fan. Some of his books are truly artful and rich, this is not one of them. Drop it and read something else. Even if it's some other King book, it's fine.
I finished Under the Dome, so I'm speaking from experience. Don't fucking bother. For real.
Ready Player One is a strange combination of young adult genre writing but packed with referenced you have to be like 30+ years old to recognize or really care about.
I just treated every reference as random science fiction mumbo-jumbo like every other sci-fi book expects you to swallow and enjoyed it fine.
Pet Cemetery is one of his early spook books. Most of those are trash. The only lesson that is pushed by Pet Cemetery is "Regardless of how tragic or unfair someone's death is, accept it and let them go. Anything less is hell on earth."
The problem with King is that he's so goddamn prolific that one person can read only his spotty stuff (Dreamcatcher, The Dark Side) and someone else can read only his gold (The Gunslinger, Hearts in Atlantis, Black House), and everyone just assumes their experience is the same.
The guy has been writing non-stop his entire life. Of course he's gotten better over time and has changed his writing style. He's not a one-note hack who just churns out paychecks. A lot of his work is personal and inspired.
Kant's critique of pure reason
I came here to post this!
i don't finish about half the books i start. latest one for me was A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway
Lit hypes it up way too much but it is still pretty good and still should be considered Hesse's best novel.
pleb opinion
new delillo is goat
better less incest and less muh diversity and let the Brady win he had so much time to do it.
I hate myself for wasting time on the 1300 page atrocity that is IT.
The Maze Runner
To the Lighthouse was just too atrocious to continue. I got about 80 pages in and it felt like I had read nothing at all.
You did not even start the fucking novel
Go read it you fag
Goddamn it
Full dark, no stars
Stephen King is shit tier sometimes
Lies of Locke Lamora
Worst piece of trash I’ve ever bought. Literally the only book I’ve thrown in the garbage.
t. brainlet