Hey theists: what caused God to exist?

Hey theists: what caused God to exist?

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God has, by definition, always existed.

If it is possible that there is something that always has existed, then why in addition postulate an existent deity instead of simply proposing that the Universe has always existed?

Define God

If there isn't a Prime Mover, how do things move in the first place? If God doesn't exist and a Universe is self-sufficient to explain all variables, how did that come to pass?

The absence of a celestial being makes very little sense.

1. Everything that exists has a cause
2. The Universe exists
3. Therefore, it has a cause

This cause is God, whether you believe God is some sort of deity or just a scientifically unknown fact is another problem.

This logic is retarded and doesn't answer the question

The desire of man to make sense of everything.

Aquinas, Leibniz, Anselm, Lane Craig etc. are all retarded, right? You, sitting on your desk, shitposting on an anonymous site about a subject you didn't even bother searching for before creating a thread about, is quite intelligent, huh?

>Aquinas, Leibniz are all retarded

>Anslem, Lane Craig are all retarded

God precedes existence. God is that which all existence is predicated upon.

1.im not OP
2.Yes they are all brainlets

If God is so good, why does evil exist?

Hehehehe check fucking mate

>applying mortal concepts like beginning and end to an eternal being

Morals are subjective, evil is defined by the individual

Actually, the claim isn’t that everything has a cause, it’s that everything contingent, anything whose essence does not involve existence has a cause. God is not that kind of being.

haha, gottem

>not applying mortal concepts like beginning and end to an eternal being

Ha ha ha! Holy Sh--, you're just seeking attention, right? Leave Veeky Forums and go study about that subject if it genuinely interests you.

Stop trolling, it's bad for your mental health.


atheists BTFO!!

Yet every society has more or less the same morals, and no period in history has seen as much moral decline as our individualistic one (in which individual definitions of morality is actively encouraged).

Yeah, thanks for telling something I already know, Mr. Pedantic.

>evolution is an intelligent proces-

Stopped reading right there.

No problem bud :)

Did I hurt your feefees?

you know everything came from absolutely nothing, it's impossible that we exist at all, but we do. even the concept of nothing shouldn't exist. even if you go down to the deepes atom and say, yo this has always been here, how? How can anything be?

I enjoy watching dozens of people act like they're arguing for and against the cosmological argument when really they're just talking past each other because nobody wants to explain exactly which one of the thousand variations of the argument they're talking about.

Holy... atheists simply cannot recover from this.....

Because modern scientific knowledge says the Universe we live in was born a finite amount of time ago, in the event known as the Big Bang.

You also enjoy being a passive-agressive cunt towards people you don't even know in an anonymous board instead of writing an actual argument that could sustain your claims and give some basis to your meaningless aggressiveness, huh?

imagine having serious religious arguments on the internet past the age of 13

>every society has more or less the same morals,
what? no they don't
sure i can't think of any current society where murder is permitted (except by the state, in the case of the death penalty) but there are wide divisions in terms of things like the treatment of women, gay people or animals, or individual freedoms, etc etc

I don't have all day to teach you the difference between essential and accidental causation. None of you know what you're talking about. You wouldn't debate economics with a couple homeless bums at the bus stop so why would you expect me to talk philosophy with you?