So I was reading Debord's Commentary on the Society of Spectacle and Agamben's Homo Sacer and a lot of it sounds very...

So I was reading Debord's Commentary on the Society of Spectacle and Agamben's Homo Sacer and a lot of it sounds very similar to right-wing conspiracy material. Not to mention people like Zizek and Sloterdijk say crypto-/pol/ stuff all the time. It seems like the far right represents the logical conclusion, the completion and fulfillment of the radical critique of postmodernism, post-structuralism, queer theory and what not. The radical critique that refuses to be recuperated. Eventually pluralism and relativism become a new form of universalism, and the only meaningful way to assert oneself is to negate relativism and postmodernity for a new absolutism. The Harvard sociologist Pitirim Sorokin noticed this in his analysis of how cultural patterns go from materialistic to idealistic. The historian Oswald Spengler also touched upon similar themes of cyclicity and civilizational phases. This is why the 21st century is witnessing a great religious revival. Fascists, Jihadis and neocatholic reactionaries, are the true children of postmodernity.

Revolutionary conservatism is a radical affirmation of Dasein.
The postmodern liberal order was a content free moral solution for a world in which everything had been discredited. But what happens when liberalism and postmodernism themselves are discredited? When contentless freedom becomes prescriptive? When relativism develops into an universalising ideology? You know Gramsci's original notion of Marxist hegemony actually implied a strengthening of the proletarian family unit, not its dissolution and replacement by atomized units. The simple affirmation of organic Dasein is revolutionary.

pseud general

Pseud pleb teen soyboy bugman

>people communicate with media
>the way people communicate shapes the way they think
>media shapes the way people think

>the jews are organizing a worldwide conspiracy to keep the white man down
>the jews own the media
>the media is part of a worldwide conspiracy to keep the white man down

>we need to distance ourselves somewhat from media, and go on lots of nice walks around the city

>we need to do ethnic cleansing

These are obviously very different trains of thought.

i arrived at similar conclusions, albeit reducing postmodernism to post-structuralist relativism is wrong. there are many different schools of thought labelled as "postmodernism"

ive also noticed zizek and sloterjik flirting with /pol/-tier thought and it disappoints me. ethnocentrism is no solution, to anything

>tfw this image is a more or less accurate representation of your political beliefs

Foucault supported the Iran revolution for no other reason than it was anti-western. Imagine being so hypocritical: a literal product of western liberalism preaching its downfall. He probably pozzed up some Algerian teens.

wrong. this shows you lack an understanding of what you speak

/pol/ is a recognition of jews having a common goal: furthering themselves, their race, and their religion, by helping other jews over other races. it's not a conspiracy of any kind. it comes down to memetic sociology. their inherent xenophobia makes them a dangerous force. they are, in fact, not united, and this is why they are dangerous

learn yourself before you embarrass yourself

>tfw the schizophrenic shitposts u vomited a year ago in Veeky Forums are still going around causing new and exciting forms of Mental Illness amongst the undergrads

Foucault and Burroughs represent the last Heroic phase of homosexuality, just before it got recuperated by the liberal establishment.

>/pol/ tries to talk about "embarassing yourself"
You people are a tragic road accident

I guess you mean anti-social

what if Foucault was actually an eurasian 5th columnist esoteric traditionalist undermining the west from within through crowleyite homosexual chaos magick?

>Foucault supported the Iran revolution for no other reason than it was anti-western

what a hypocrite. in his beloved anti-western iran, he would have been hung from a crane

Sounds like a Fantomas plot.

self loathing is the hidden source of /pol/'s strength. They know they are mongrels and degenerates, they know they fail to live up to their own cartoonish standards of masculinity. But Hey, far right LARPing sure beats surrendering to inverted totalitarianism and the total managerialisation of life and becoming a neurotic pavlov dog who gets told what to think about everything and who to be attracted to by Vox media, huffpo and EverydayFeminism. The ultimate goal of the 'woke' left is total socialisation, everyone gets turned into a blank slate. an interchangable component in a psychologically standarised world of interchangable components.

>memetic sociology
Exactly, a conspiracy theory.

They are even going to tell you who to fuck, you know, because all biases ought to be eliminated, we are all 'equal' after all.

Maybe if they spent less time shitposting and more time on self-betterment they wouldn't hate themselves so much.

Your choices as a postmodern subject:
a) 'woke' malefeminist bugman/equally self hating victimised subaltern
b)Joe Rogan-Peterson Cultist
c)fentanyl addict/problem gambler

I dont think the "woke" left itself knows what its ultimate goal is

You could always become a Christian.

>a lot of it sounds very similar to right-wing conspiracy material
no fucking shit

the cultural marxism conspiracy is a dumbed down version of adorno's own ideas of the culture industry, no one cares about his irony

>/pol/ is a recognition of jews having a common goal: furthering themselves, their race, and their religion
/pol/ is literally the safespace for edgy teenagers and retarded americans

funny shit mayne

all the people complain about other people and their ideas of a 'safe space' yet their explicit goal is to have and maintain one large safe space from border to border

humans truly best species

I already mentioned Peterson cultists

>when you browse Veeky Forums too much and you start mistaking memes for reality

They are just useful idiots for the sillicon valley managerial technostate imo

beats /r/ChapoTrapHouse that's for sure

It's kind of a dream of mine for Hiro to pull an April Furs' Day and delete /pol/ while permabanning everyone who happens to be posting on it at the time of the deletion. But I know it will never happen, Hiro doesn't have Moot's penchant for mischief.

big if true

>implying reality isn’t memetic

Sounds like something a CHUD would say XD

All conspiracy theorists are happy to claim that they are not conspiracy theorists, that the conspiracy they are talking about is really just a silent agreement among individuals, et cetera.


What is this supposed to mean

>not supporting the islamic revolution for anti-ZOG reasons

The Managerial Revolution by James Burnham

Read The Ordeal of Civility: Freud, Marx, Lévi-Strauss and the Jewish Struggle with Modernity