/uni/ thread. Post your university and major and others will judge you. Harshly

/uni/ thread. Post your university and major and others will judge you. Harshly

I'm majoring in political science, what about you guys?

Ca' Foscari University of Venice, getting an undergraduate degree in History & Philosophy. Shit's nice, though I'm a bit nervous about writting my dissertation.

What's studying political science like?

it's pretty cool so far, I've always been interested in government and political theory, and the majority of my classes involve either statistics and data analysis or heavy amounts of writing, both of which I love. What are you writing your dissertation on?

Oh, nice. Always thought they would have involved a staggering quantity of treatises and essays rather than number crunching.

I'm writing about how racism/antisemitism/conspiratorial and dietrological thinking could be understood as culturally situated attempts to mantain a hold on one's "presence" in the world, the ability to function normally/economically in a reality that is always changing, rather than what they are made out to be nowadays - irrational and bigoted ideas held just for their own sake. I mean, I think there are better cultural practices and tools to achieve the same result, but nothing is meaningless and it oughtn't be trivialized.

that sounds incredibly interesting, it's fascinating just how much sway cognitive dissonance holds over people's lives. ignorance breeds ignorance I guess, though.

La Sapienza,Rome.
Majoring in Philosophy and Literature

Adelaide, English and Philosophy double major.

Ehi, ciao italico amico. Com'è la facoltà di Filosofia lì?

Never looked into Italian universities. Where did bookchemist go lol?
Basically the same majors. We are the master race.

Lol dropped out.

Harvard. Classics. I started with the Greeks, famalam.

bella mbare
difficile come lo schifo,però l'ambiente è bello e i professori non sono tanto figli di puttana

Wildlife Science

Université de Montréal
Law school

Majoring in Economics


I graduated from Rock Island Prison with an advanced degree in recidivism.

Didn't we just have one of these?

It got moved to /r9k/ for some reason.

>It got moved to /r9k/ for some reason.

I dropped out when I realize there was no 'research' to be done in stem, just slaving your ass away to big pharma or pioneering the next mass scale liberticide technology. I know A LOT of people like this, most of them went for the diploma anyways but will never work a day in their respected fields.

How is the Philosophy/History/Classical Studies courses there?

Unrelated: How are London universities doing nowadays and how accessible are them for a foreigner?

Cal, philosophy major. I graduate in the spring.

Did you participate in those battles?

In an honors program at a community college. Hope to transfer to UT Austin this fall.

I’m not OP, but I might know them.
Classics at Harvard is small, usually pretty insular group. I’m not a Classics major, just took Latin classes here. I know some Classics concentrators who are very normal people, some are catholic conservative type.

I’m History of Art and Arch, which is also very small. Any other crimson boys and girls on here?

University of Edinburgh


I did a lot of reading in the library there. Got engaged in the little courtyard. Lovely Edinburgh.

This is a permavirgin/volcel board. leave.

Georgia College, Bio major, history minor. Got a paper due in 4 hours that I have absolutely no desire to conclude/edit, someone shoot me.

>he's smart enough to read, but still can't get laid

What is your future job and do you think studying philosophy at Berkeley helped?

what year lad

doing philosophy

probably the most patrician uni thread so far.

>t. brainlet

>tfw your college is so small that if one of you is here, you could probably infer who I am

3rd year. How do you like it?

Not too bad mate, only a 1st year and never done phil before so it’s taking some getting used to aha


>tfw went to the pub and the cove last night to see off buddy leaving the university with his bro
>tfw was already sleep backlogged
>tfw run into 4 people today who spontaneously let me know "You look like shit"

...do we tell him?