New Sincerity, a return to modernism?

The public is more atheist than ever, and necessarily in desperate need of spiritual relief. The longer they resist, the greater their neurosis. In the US and EU we are watching the sort of social upheaval that hasn't occurred since the 1960s. A leading edge of millennials are turning to unironic traditional religious beliefs as a reaction against the seeming hopelessness of their generation.

Which books describe a post-post-modern life? Are there any yet? Something substantial and wholesome and not the typical self-help cash grab pablum.

>A leading edge of millennials are turning to unironic traditional religious beliefs as a reaction against the seeming hopelessness of their generation.
it's called contrarianism and a herd mentality. see: stockholm syndrome

It's even worse. A youth so boring that wants to be their parents.

You've been spending too much time on Veeky Forums. The "social upheaval" you speak of does not exist in the real world.

If reviewbrah had a daughter

No, they want to be their great-grandparents. For the most part this guy is correct. If you spent time with the average college kid you would know that

Their great grandparents were eating dirt and said words like zozzled.

I don't think that's what they are aiming at.

I would say just read about Buddhism. Shit's cash

Are you kidding? Have you been watching the news? Because the crazies have, and they're shooting up the joint. Air Force nerds false flagging nazi graffiti on churches, polo shirt white nationalists marching and firing into crowds, black authors upending the social order, federal sovereignty threatened, the broadcast medium enforcing correct opinion? Maybe you weren't alive in the 1990s, but the propaganda wasn't always so blatant and the people were not always so mad.

I think what we need is an amalgamation of traditional religion and non-religious ideas.
Basically an acknowledgement of the atheistic, apathetic, and nihilistic mood of the 21st century, with religion-like ritualism and dogma to give a sense of meaning, morality, and purpose.
Admitting that we believe existence is meaningless and finding meaning through chasing a moral superior, essentially religion without God.
Something like that.

Have several millennials as colleagues, proteges, and employees. Only about a third of them express any form of devout religious fervor, and even then, that's just because it was shoved down their throats as children. It's mostly habit, more than anything else Most express a vague agnosticism, or an interest in non-traditional or alternate belief systems. They tend to view traditional religious groups as hypocritical, and as big a part of the worlds problems as corrupt politics, or rigged corporate business. The millennial's I know have a more optimistic attitude towards things as they are. They are pragmatic enough to know that their turn is coming as soon as the boomers, and older generations age out of the system and begin to retire or die off. The average age in the Senate is around 68, many are in their 70s and 80s. It's the same in the corporate suites of 'Murika. It won't be too long before they come into their own.

You wish kids were getting hip to Modernism and the Word, fag!

if you were alive in the 90s is it safe to say you significantly dumber back then, than you are now? Maybe the world has not changed and you just started actually watching things.

Post-post-modernism isn't a thing.

>A youth so boring that wants to be their parents.

better than copying the uninteresting trends of urban cattle and pedestrian output of contemporary academics

>unironic traditional religious
>substantial and wholesome

Stop using words you don't understand.
And stop posting your conservative propaganda on Veeky Forums

>I didn't go to school, I went to youtube comment sections and got red pilled

Not really. Normie parents are pretty much the bottom of the barrel. No culture, no wealth, no aesthetics. Just the banality of existence.



>Admitting that we believe existence is meaningless and finding meaning through chasing a moral superior, essentially religion without God.

Religion without God is what we have already. In my experience the devout who go to church regularly are not interested in God or philosophy, they just want to be sure they are following orders correctly and adequately participating in a social group.

I agree with the rest of your post though. It would be nice if such a liberal system of theology were brought together, but (like the boomers) the old systems have to die off.

I don't have a lot of hope for this century. This is not wild speculation fueled by media scaremongering, I know how fragile our domestic peace is. Widespread infrastructure failures would paralyze the nation and cause us to turn on ourselves. The government has fuel reserves, but we really are totally unprepared for worst case scenarios even at a regional level.

we're reaching post-post-modernism, but it's not "wholesome". It's an apathetic "fuck you, faggot".

Modernism and New Sincerity are anti-thetical because Modernism is inherently elitist historical while New Sincerity is implicitly accessible and contemporary. New Sincerity pretends to modernism for prestige. It's really just more bourgeoisie (in)conspicious consumption.

If you want a great modern author, read Vollmann. Start with the Love trilogy or the Rainbow stories. His stuff is grounded in the 1980s and 1990s because he doesn't use computers but he's as close as you're going to get.

>the time slice of all ideas either consists of youtube comments or contemporary cat-woman academia

t. small-souled bugman

Most left wing and liberal urban "culture" participation is either motivated by herd instinct (copying everyone around them) or status instinct ("I partake in this culture or art, because it's cool. You are a banal virgin, and couldn't fathom the depths of my aesthetic preferences"). There is no outside to these motivations. The culture it produces is one step up from flag-waving Fox news watchers, yet it presents itself like it holds the same ground as the great works of the past (while the same cultural gatekeepers work to denigrate the works of the past).

It produces culture and aesthetics that are completely devoured by politics (usually left wing or liberal), money, or the herd. You complain about the banality of existence (an actualized world), while partaking in a cultural complex that pushes an exact possible world (as opposed to new possible worlds, plural), over and over again. You couldn't get more banal than an umpteenth rap album or yet another "check out this radical youth culture hippie version V5.0 that is fighting the man" opinion piece from the NYT or New Yorker. You talk about actualized worlds being banal, your possibilities are banal.

I imagine they'll stop when you guys stop your /pol/ false flagging in every thread with "deus vult", "read kevin macdonald", etc.

Is that reviewbrah?

Thats like, just your opinion man.

Not really but thanks for the (You).
>Religion without God is what we have already. In my experience the devout who go to church regularly are not interested in God or philosophy, they just want to be sure they are following orders correctly and adequately participating in a social group.
I agree. I've had the same experience, in multiple churches. Its part of what caused my disillusionment. Church-goers aren't there to worships God they believe or an ideal they're striving for.
>I agree with the rest of your post though. It would be nice if such a liberal system of theology were brought together, but (like the boomers) the old systems have to die off.
I believe its currently possible, and perhaps that's the romantic in me but even so, it is possible. It would be ridiculed and probably called a cult and other things.
I dream of a religious non-religion which focuses on human strength and triumph and bringing out the best in each individual through hard work, physical and intellectual. A system to create Übermensch.
>I don't have a lot of hope for this century. This is not wild speculation fueled by media scaremongering, I know how fragile our domestic peace is. Widespread infrastructure failures would paralyze the nation and cause us to turn on ourselves. The government has fuel reserves, but we really are totally unprepared for worst case scenarios even at a regional level.
I don't know what exactly to believe anymore, but if I know one thing, its that our civilizations are experiencing a sort of intellectual atrophy. Cancerous ideals are championed which are modeled to benefit those who espouse them. There is not thought of the greater good or even the continual improvement of the individual. I blame consumerism and instantaneous gratification, but I'm not a commie and bear no grudge against capitalism. I just think the corruption is rampant.

I believe we must strive unceasingly for greatness. Even if it cannot be achieved, it is the earnest suffering which improves the individual.

>right wing

you don't get it.

reviewsis a q.t.

What do you mean? Please clarify.
I enjoy the vaporwave aesthetic, but I'm not really right wing. I also like this image because it reminds me to strive for a greater ideal. It gives me hope, stupid as that might sound.

Whatever there is to get he doesn't either.