Literary confessions

confess and repent you uncultured swine

I never read poetry

I find Tolstoy overrated. War and Peace has some interesting bits, but overall it's not worth your time. Anna Karenina is horseshit.

I spend more time playing video games than reading.

I'm coming to the realization that I generally prefer non-fiction to fiction.
Also, I don't get Charles Dickens.

Charles Dickens = immersion into some fictional world before TV, video games, etc.
It's way too fucking detailed because the people reading it literally had nothing better to do.

In a lit class we compared the opening sentences of David Copperfield and Portait of an Artist. It made me never want to read Charles Dickens.

I read what I think are good Veeky Forums recommendations but since I am too poor for college I often feel left out. I read Moby Dick and loved it. But I can't seem to pinpoint what I loved. Same with reading Pynchon. I feel so confused reading him and though I feel like he is more entertaining to read than, say, Stephen King most of the plot just disappears from the memory of my experience. I remember the feeling of loving it, remember laughing at some parts, being in awe of some parts but I forget how or why soon as I close the book.

y'all don't need college to understand books
join one of the literature chats/discords here famalam

I honestly don't understand meter at all. Like, I know what it is, but I don't understand the difference between a stressed and unstressed syllable, I can't really tell a difference between meters. I can discern rhyme scheme, but not meter at all. Stressed and unstressed syllables sound the same to me, it's too subtle a difference. I generally need exaggerated examples to really understand what I'm listening for and I've never really had a teacher use one.

Yeah you don't need some faggy professor to tell you why a book is good. Enjoying it as you do is a great start, but it's really hard to do put it into words unless you actually communicate to other knowledgeable people about it.

I often try to read fiction to feel superior but all i wanna read is fantasy

Cool story bro.

don't worry famalam, once you know the exaggerated examples and read more and more poetry you're going to get an ear for meter yourself. Reading everything out loud doesn't hurt either.

I never finished the Harry Potter books.

I don’t actually read books a lot
I’m new and trying to be /fitlit/

i don't like faulkner or mccarthy

i never started

90% of what I have read is comprised of genre fiction.

Especially thrillers
>I own 30+ copys of assorted Clive Cussler novels

I have been trying to finish Brothers Karamazov for three years.

I haven't read anything in a long time and I haven't finished anything for even longer. I justify this to myself by having a busy schedule but 80% of that schedule actually consists of shitposting.

It's probably because you're reading the P&V translation

I try to like all kinds of books, from Galileo to comic books. I even try to enjoy books people would normally consider very bad.

I've grown
to resent poetry
and hide
such threads.

If you wrote novels between 1800 and ~1920 your shit is probably longwinded and tiresome.

Women can write great literature but haven't in like ninety years. They are almost deliberately ignoring Virgina Woolf's plea for an 'ambiguous mind' and how the best writers don't write from their gender.

Poetry hasn't been relevant for a hundred years and hasn't been good for at least 60.

Harold Bloom is unironically right about everything, especially his observations on the "school of resentment."

I often get depressed I don't really have the chance for a formal education. I feel like im condemned to the life of a prole and my interests in literature, attempts at reading and writing are suffering because of it

The academy is tainted by psueds who will champion causes and politics over the written word. A large percentage of brilliant minds have never had any kind of institutional atmosphere, so fuck them.

Just keep reading, but read smart, and you will be better than them.

I can't stand Anglo literature

I have a bad problem of buying more books than I can read

I hate poetry and only stand like one or two.

I read 160 books

I had perfect grades and scores in AP english and got my english I and II credits, but majored in business

I haven't had the motivation to read anything in nearly a year.

I prefer to write more than read. I used to read a lot but now every time I read anything, I hit a wall write some nonsense then never go back.

The more I read the less reverence I have for books.

I really dislike poems that don't rhyme.

I have no strong opinions on Jordan Peterson yet I continually make bait threads from both sides on him


Ha, exactly. Whom would you recommend instead?


Going to college for anything in the arts or social sciences is just paying to make yourself dumber.

>Whom would you recommend?
>I would recommend him.

"Whom" works out here, right?

ye I was just joshin'


I think Portrait is too up it's own was about Catholicism to be worth a damn, and the dialogue in chapter 5 (although I think this is stylistically intended) does not resemble a human conversation.

There are two things I read
Anything with the label “literary fiction” comes across as a painful slog.

i used to be very into literature. i have a lot of creative outputs that require a lot of focus and time. i also have a girlfriend and a good social life in a city. its not that i don't have the time to read, its that i can't get excited like i did before about reading. my peers don't care about it and ultimately only i will ever know about my reading experience, i feel. even talking to my friends about literature, it feels more like a circlejerk rather than relating about things we've experienced through books.

not really looking for a solution to my reading situation, just thought i'd share. its pretty obvious that i just need to read whenever i'm not as caught up with real life. just felt like sharing