What do I need to read/know before reading Hegel?

What do I need to read/know before reading Hegel?

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You will die.


You don't have to understand everything the first time.


it's impossible to understand PoS the first time because the book is about a fruition of its own understanding

Read every work of philosophy before and after him.

let me hit you with a little anecdote, OP

>be me in my first year of university
>take second year continental philosophy class
>have to read reface to the phenomenology of spirit
>read the whole thing
>friend is shocked that i read it all
>write a paper on hegel and kierkegaard
>write the whole paper thinking when Hegel says 'science' he is literally referring to things like physics and chemistry
>hand the paper in a week late
>get a D on the paper

Presocratics, Plato, Aristotle, Bible, Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, Spinoza, Berkeley, Locke, Leibniz, Rousseau, Hume, Adam Smith, Kant, Fichte, Schelling

That must be depressing
It seems so easy to misunderstand philosophy especially when you have to write dissertations on it since that's where you really prove your analysis of the text

>be me in my first year of university
>take second year continental philosophy class
What could possibly go wrong.
>write the whole paper thinking when Hegel says 'science' he is literally referring to things like physics and chemistry
You could have at least read the Metaphysics.

Was it Heidegger that called Hegel the last of the Greeks?

What does Hegel mean by "science"?

yes Wissenschaft =/= science

you should know this if you read Kant

but you probably didn't

in german its wissenschaft, and it just means a systematically organized body of knowledge, so it could be used in a lot of senses,
i.e. natural science, the science of philosophy and what have you.

important to take it this way, because Hegel's whole bag was that things had to be taken on their own terms without preconceptions
and there were separate sciences until we could dialectically link them up, which is to say, the point where we found them to have the
same subject matter in a greater sense. a vulgar example being, all our knowledge of sulfides and oxides could be grouped into our knowledge of minerals,
and we keep doing this until we figure everything out.

the republic, categories, on interpretation, 1st meditation, and COPR

Pretty much nothing if you can actually think. If you can't think, pretty much nothing will help you.

>inb4 that's impossibru
I did it. Yes, it's likely that I managed this becaude I have a high autism for systematic philosophy. Yes I read a bit of secondary random essays, but frankly what I learned from them all was that I hadn't learned anything because I didn't take Hegel fully at his word when he tells you to forget everything you think you know, and just go with what he lays out for you to think, and to only think with what is explicitly there.

Then I hit the Science of Logic, and two months later I was literally interpreting and outlining the Phenomenology of Spirit for myself link by link. Fascinating stuff you find when you have actually thoightit through yourself. A lot of what experts say Hegel does, but which is not at all clear, makes sense afterward.

You think I could get a handle on his general thought in 2 weeks if I studied hard enough

Yeah, you can (because I did). You'll do it at a very shallow level, but that's to be expected.

This: mixcloud.com/Anthony_Wolf/playlists/science-of-logic-readingdiscussion/

took place over pretty much two weeks and is the record of me and a group of even more philosophically ignorant people going through it for the first time dry with no lube. Two weeks is definitely doable if you're as obsessed as I was. I thought about this stupid book all day for almost two months.

There's so many times where I thought I understood a philosopher but didn't really understand him because I didn't read who he was replying to first

Noice thanks lad
OP if you're into Hegel I start the day after tommorow and will be posting threads about it probably.

Read this: The world as will and imagination. All the information you need about Hegel is in this book.

know how to read German

knowledge scape ?

This, you wont get it the first time through. He wont properly define his terms at the beginning (or at all), so you read it once for context then again to try and understand him.


Veeky Forums needs to have a filter where every time someone says 'IQ' or ''Intelligence' it changes it to 'autism'.

Best tip for reading Hegel is to just not read Hegel.

The System of Absolute Knowledge made of Logic + Philosophy of Nature + Philosophy of Spirit, inseparable from its Historical Development

>He didn't understand everything the first time


I got Critique of Pure Reason as well as Phenomenology of Spirit. Is there any preference as to which I read first? I'm also quite bad at philosophy, been getting only passes this year (my first) but I think it's because I do analytic courses. Anyway, I want to prep myself for Philosophy of Mind course next year.

I thought this too at first, but it's false. Hegel does actually take care to define things very quickly. The reason people feel this is the case is that they read way too quickly. When you slow down and parse Hegel out sentence by sentence you don't have this problem. When you take care to keep structure links in mind you also don't have this problem. Probably the best thing the Logic teaches you is the patience for true abstract thinking, that is, thinking within the given confines of a structure and what is within and through it.

The only thing you need to know is that Hegel is talking about thinking about thinking and this circular clusterfuck is gonna keep you from enjoying the first read, yet you should read it anyway

Serious question: What is there to gain/ what have you gained from reading Hegel? Is he what they call analystic philosophy, because it damn sure seems that way. What is the honest benefit of Hegel, and all the shit he created.

Luckily the collective spirit of the current zeitgeist has caught you up to a point where you can understand Hegel.

You learn to really think about what the hell meaning and explanation really are. If absolute knowledge is possible, only a way of thinking like Hegel's can do it.

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