Tfw come from a prominent old-stock scots-irish reformed protestant family in the agrarian south (I'm even...

>tfw come from a prominent old-stock scots-irish reformed protestant family in the agrarian south (I'm even uncircumcised)
>tfw drop everything to become a back-water fisherman in order to embrace a bohemian life living with squatters and criminals in squalor and destitution for the sake of achieving literary authenticity
>tfw grow walt whitman-esque beard
>tfw write a 500 page lyrical prose poetry novel based on my experiences
>tfw rejected by every publisher I sent it to, now I'm thinking of personally going to some of my favorite authors houses and dropping the manuscript through their letterbox
>tfw have become so poor that I have started to do medical experiments for money
>tfw thinking of becoming a sperm donor but I'm only 5 foot 6
>tfw go for help from my family but they slam the door of their country estate in my face for disgracing the family by becoming a yeoman
>tfw pawn my beloved heirloom time piece from my confederate ancestor for cash
>tfw one of the recent trials I did fucked up my vision and balance I signed the waiver not to expect compensation
>tfw probably going to have to donate some bone marrow soon to pay rent

Do you know any books that would be helpful to someone in my situation Veeky Forums? I can check them out here from the Iberville Parish Library. I've already read Breece D'J Pancake, I'm at the point where I'm thinking of just going out like him and blowing my head off with my grandpaw’s thirty-aught-six.

I don't think there are any books on endlessly reposting the same shitty threads, although you and some of the frogposters could collaborate on writing one.

I have been following the online metamodern literary text of Londonfrog poster and Oxford user, they are truly visionaries and one of the few reasons I visit this board. Any book reccomendations?

>he doesn't understand readymades and appropriation art in the digital era

Spartina, by Pancake's mentor John Casey

Write a work about your post-writing travails, including selling the timepiece, etc.

Thanks, I've never heard of him before.

Write a blogpost about your 'unique' life experiences.

Stop posting here.

Promptly kys

At least pic your own image if you're gonna copy pessochan my dude

I feel my fear moving away in rings through time for a million years.

post a sample here

OP here. Thank you all for the recommendations. Here's the first sentence of my novel:

"During the timeless dusty hours of this town when the streets lie black and cool on the feet in the wake of the sunset and now when the vagrant and homeless have turned up in the abandoned lots or in-between places and cats go forth with arched backs and mangy fur in the grim perimeters around, now in these soot-stained brick or cobbled corridors where streetlamp shadows make a grubby gothic play of saloon doors none shall walk save me."

Its not bad. Post moar

No thank you, I realize my opinion on the matter is now considered rather antiquated, but copyright is something I value and respect. You'll have to wait until after it's published.

Too rambling. You're not Joyce. And if "vagrant and homeless" turn up in these "dusty hours," how exactly are you the only one walking?

You're correct that I am no Joyce, I'm quite a bit further beyond Joyce's modernist charlatanism and his cispersonal obfuscations of tediously meandering self-indulgence.

What did you score on the reading comprehension section of the SAT?

become a rapper

>beyond Joyce
>reading comprehension section of the SAT
Bait confirmed

You clearly mean "save" as in "except," but this contradicts the earlier statement that "vagrant and homeless have turned up in abandoned lots." They must have walked there to turn up there, so you could not be the only one walking.


LMAO, don't lie, if you can't even cognitively follow a long sentence go back to reading Rainbow Fish.



>now in these soot-stained brick or cobbled corridors
>none shall walk save me

Both of those refer nevertheless to the town, in which the homeless and vagrants are walking also. Further, if "saloon doors" functions in a literal sense, there must be people walking to and from the saloons. And if it functions in a metaphorical sense, how can it be expected that he is the only one on each of these streets? If it's supposed to be a satire of the typical way a "young man finding himself" would write about his nighttime sojourns, it succeeds, because at the very least, it's grossly vague, and not at all a good first sentence.


What do you think "these" means? If he'd simply said, "in soot-stained brick etc." I would agree with you

Tfw you're me in 5 years.

It is far too objective and lifeless. Lacks any personality. just a funk of set pieces strewn about. Maybe try your hardest to be less self absorbed. Or you know you could just live. "My life has been the poem I would have writ, but i could not both live and utter it."

My writing is detailed with wit and dignity while the backdrop of the Great American landscape roams freely in counterpoint.

What's your situation?

Post pics of uncut dicc

sounds like you read a lot of cormac mccarthy laddy

I mainly read Sherwood Anderson, Hart Crane, and Wallace Stevens.