Why do you continue to ignore the Jewish Question?

You do realise some of the greatest geniuses in history discussed it, right? Geniuses ranging from Wittgenstein to Marx to Wagner etc.

Why do you continue to refuse to discuss perhaps the most important question in history? At least the top ten even...

I thought you would be even more interested in discussing such a topic considering how many Jews work in the publishing industry? You complain about the decline of literature yet ignore the very people who propagate its decline...

Other urls found in this thread:


What will this matter to me when I’m dead?

We don't care, /pol/.
How many times are you gonna ask this? Do you really think you had to kill that last page thread for this garbage?

Nihilism is for losers, grow up, individualist cuck.

>How many times are you gonna ask this? Do you really think you had to kill that last page thread for this garbage?

Why do you refuse to discuss something many before you discussed?

I'm sure the purpose of not taking a dump near the communal cooking fire is a good thing has been discussed before, why should I discuss it now?

Because people have forgotten that principle and now Jews are shitting all over our fire.


It really is as old as time and must be understood and dealt with by all whites, joke pr aside.

I'm from Israel so I am trying to research it, interesting things in there.

I think publishing is in the shitter because of new media.

A mixture of active and passive nepotism, and an average IQ a whole standard deviation above average

>you must discuss everything other people have discussed because they discussed it
y tho?

>must be understood
Got it. We know the theories now from all your shitposting. We get it, biodiversity and inverse cultural identity yada yada yada. Let's say for the purposes of discussion that I even agree:
>and dealt with by all whites
By doing what, exactly? Got any actual fucking directives besides shitposting?

Why ignore global warming? We're all dead in less than two decades. Will you spend it on tribalism? At least make a laugh of it. How does the JQ compare in scope? It's all a Jewish Hoax right?

>use arbitrary metrics to argue for the inferiority of other races
>jews superior to whites in every way according to same metrics
>say whites are successful because they're naturally better but jews are cheating
Is Jewish hatred just /pol/'s way of dealing with cognitive dissonance?


It is the Jew that propagates this civilisation.

>Is Jewish hatred just /pol/'s way of dealing with cognitive dissonance?

NOT ONCE did I claim any race is superior or inferior to another.

Nice STRAWMAN, moron. Take your Jewish tactics back to ((FOX NEWS)).

The JQ is a smokescreen and you've been completely fucking duped, user. You think the fellas in charge would let you this close to the real thing? They're a sham, a play, a joke at your expense. By all means keep being a useful idiot to the real players if you want, but just know now that you've been warned. The JQ is a fucking diversion from the real thing, which will never be as publicly paraded.

Don't worry. The White Anglo-Saxon Protestants will be dealt with too.

Hahaha! Cute.

I wish mods would get rid of /pol/ fags. They derail every thread and contribute nothing.

If you're just a white bystander who is young and doesn't know shit, just take note of how jews will swarm and obfuscate any negative mention of jews. It's quite fascinating from a sociological perspective how inbred tribal peoples will sacrifice their individuality and start doing weird stuff to protect the group, or the leaders of it, since these are little minnow jews. This is 21st century digital tribalism. All I'm saying is take notice, then learn why they behave this way.

We should talk about the PQ and read GQ. And at some point in our discussion, can we discuss the BS?

Would you behave differently if I said that white people are scum? Fuck off with your weird double standards. In-group/out-group dynamics are universal you idiot.

Make sure to leave time for BBQ.

Yes, the BBQ takes place while we have a panel for FAQs


It's not universal at all. Whites will almost always attack other whites or chastise them if they believe they are doing something immoral. Jews will rarely if ever do something that negatively affects their group.

Nah we have an open bar

Confirmed shitposter.

Sweet, I never know which Q's are FA enough.

You fucking moron, look at all the Jews accusing that Jewish Hollywood producer of rape and other such stuff lately. You're talking out your ass.

It's often about layering and color theory

That brings us right back to the FQ.

You mean the shiksas, Moshe? Do you know why you are so blind to recognizing and understanding your own group's behavior? It's intertwined with your inability to be honest, this thread being merely one example.

It's not that I'm Jewish, it's that you have no idea about social psychology and it's neurological undeperinnings. Yet you have probably used "biodiversity" in your arguments before. Why can't you just actually educate yourself, user? You don't need to stay this stupid about things outside the JQ. You might find it even helps your argument. Better yet, you might realise that the REAL conspirators don't let their identity so out in the open, you fucking fool.

Because of dogma. Dogma isn't an argument for or against a notion, it's just a set of doctrines that a group of people hold without questioning them. You cannot have a culture without some degree of dogmatism. You can continue to challenge these dogmas, but at the end of the process you will not get a thriving right-wing literature board where everyone talks about Evola or de Maistre or whatever. Most likely the board will disintegrate

White posters should notice the rage this jew is displaying in attempt to silence posters who speak about his group. Again, this is an uncontrollable tribal reaction that is the result of a semitic culture that practiced inbreeding and was for centuries informed to protect the tribe at all costs. Nature in action. The problem is that the tribal instincts of these aliens residing in our countries have a very negative effect on our institutions, including nepotism and what has recently been exposed as a bizarre genetic penchant for perversion. It's why they must be removed, it's not our problem to cure this sickness they have.

All posters should notice this guy really wants urethral fisting, lol

Jews have long been known for having very perverse minds. They try to pass it off as humor at times but it gets at something much deeper. Refer to all of the jews who are getting exposed for engaging in bizarre, disgusting behavior towards women. The jew is a sick creature that does not belong in civilized white societies.

I'm about as Jewish as you are Martian

All posters should note that this user is arguing against someone who is not a jew and not rageful. This fundamentalist is caught in a tunnel vision designed by conspirators to keep the meaning of his life and curiosity aimed at dead end stories that have no real bearing on the real powers that be. He is a useful idiot, spreading useless information that detracts from the real players who would not let him speak about their real identity - if they even had one that you could understand. Those who seize power are beyond silly tribal politics, that is how they have long ago risen above whites and Jews and other ethnic groups to enslave them all. Divide and conquer.

Please answer the second part of this post

>why don't you guys want to *discuss* JQ
>okay user let's do it
>da joos are perverse nepotistic scum that should be shot, everyone who disagrees is swarming JIDF
This is why. You're not here to discuss anything. You're a standard issue underage poltard.

>not a jew and not rageful.

I'm afraid we have passed the point where you can say such things and in earnest be believed.

because jews aren't heavy hitters in philosophy or literature. what the fuck are the irish up to is the question? it's as if every fourth one of them invented a genre a couple thousand years before other people had libraries.

I repeat, please answer the second part of this post

I dunno man, he doesn't seem particularly upset

I think there are many who do want to discuss it. I don't think you're as naive as you let on though. You know what happens immediately once the topic is broached here or anywhere, so if you want to be viewed as impartial here don't pretend like you don't.

How can I answer that? I don't even know what you're referring to.

Then a good urethral fisting evening to you, sir.

>You know what happens immediately once the topic is broached here
not him, but it looks like people respond is the immediate response.

Why do you think it is that most people don't want to discuss it?

I was the guy telling you to get urethral fisting and I'm certainly not upset, I'm drinking some booze and reading a book. Remember, this is an Internet website, more than one person can make posts in response to you


>I don't even know what you're referring to
OK, let me spell it out, dumdum. Let's say I agree with your perspective that ((((they)))) are genetically predisposed to be bloody bad guys! What impact do you think this should have on my life? How would I act on this other than shitposting arrogantly? What are you doing about the JP, rather than the JQ?

Well, I suppose one has to be familiar with how jews are liable to attack any post or posters portraying them in a negative light. That's the major thing. It's comparatively unique, how they think and work and act, that is. And for whites who don't know anything about how jews differ from them in that regard it is indeed difficult for them to wrap their minds around.

You should publicly advocate for a day of the rope where the Jews are expelled from our land

Fuck all white people

Do you do that?

That obviously depends on various factors. How can I answer how certain information should impact your life, other than making the initial assertion that there is are circumstances and a reality that extend beyond what you personally, and it seems selfishly, deem important.

But how can a discussion take place if disagreement is dismissed and agreement leads nowhere?

Oh definitely not, you think I wanna get beaten up and become a social pariah?
Oh yeah, you also get to blame your problems on the Jews

Such is the nature of discussion in the theater of ideas, what do you want me to say here? I don't tell people to fist their urethras and I rarely even curse or insult. Am I not doing my part?

Are you telling me you've never fisted your urethra? You should try it sometime

I discuss it, I just don't make it the centerpiece of some Scientology-tier cartoonish Manichean political religion which holds that a small tribe of 15 million people is a hive mind that is secretly responsible for every major historical event of the last 1000 years. I also don't feel compelled to insert these theories autistically into every discussion I have.

No you're not doing your part. You're turning the whole notion on its head, making it a fucking laughing stock. These threads look like falseflagging shitposting LARPS. You can't engage with any ideas that anons throw at you and link it back to your theory, you just repeat the same tired phrases we've heard 100 times already. If you are sincere, then you're really fucking bad at this and making the situation much worse.

Why do people get angry with Jews for being the smartest race and the most loyal?

You aren't out of place here. Many on Veeky Forums discuss things they display an incomplete understanding of.

>anyone saying anything to the contrary of my belief is a Jew
Thx OP, now I really know how to discuss the JQ properly

In the future you should just come out and say "I'm the guy from thread x that was embarrassed or insulted by x thing you said," instead of drawing out my time with a bunch of nonsense discussion and cowardly pretending you have some noble intent. You are not the righteous man here, you are the fool who keeps petty grievances built up then unleashes them because being honest and forthright requires more virtue than you are presently capable of exhibiting.

No u

Easy, huh?

I'm the guy from 1000 threads that was bored by the same thing you said 1000 times.

Anti Semites are just jealous of Jews, I remember reading bio after bio seeing how many successful Jews there were and feeling insecure. After I found out I'm 1/4 Ashkenazi Jewish, I stopped believing so much bull crap about Jews. You can't say blacks are genetically inferior while believing the Jews are on top simply because of nepotism.

This is only relevant and correct if you think the only thing that matters is verbal intelligence. Jews have never shown an aptitude for innovation or creative enterprises, which are European-dominated and always have been. But you're jewish, so...

People can't get away with posting many of the things I have on reddit.

This implies Jews are nothing more than a race. I could be of 100% Jewish descent, but if I weren't raised within the (Middle Eastern) culture I wouldn't really be within the in-group.

Prime example: Bobby Fischer.

What's that got to do with anything? I'm not criticising your ideas here but your style of repeating them again and again whole dismissing any openings for real discussions. You don't engage, you just shit up a thread with dead end posts that by this point might as well be pastas. Any time you get corned and would have to concede or ask somethinf of the other, you just tell. Them to educate themselves or act like they are Jews and start ad hominim distractions. You argue like an uneducated bitch. Half of the things you say are just flat out wrong, but you refuse to be called out on anything, so how can we have a discussion?

I thought every major company is jewish owned? Which one is it?

Jews have done loads of innovating in theoretical physics.

I constantly engage and only repeat myself as much as I have to, as I did responding to the jewish individual above who himself repeated the jewish trope about people disliking jews because they are envious of the jews' many nonexistent achievements. But the point of mentioning reddit was to tell you that you should go there since talk about jews is not allowed and such a thing seems to bother you quite a bit.

Everyone watch this jew squirm while he tries to distract us with false contradictions. He also recoils away from the truth that his inbred ancestors have gifted him with snakeeyed trickery magic wordplay rather than honourable creativity and intelligence. He knows those managers are just pretending to run those companies, delegating all real work to the whites, who are smiled upon by God and Jesus and the heavenly host of white itself.

More trickery. They only pretended to invent things. Everyone watch the jew try to defend his miserly jewness biodiversity selfishness.


Who said that? I didn't.

Innovating in theoretical physics? Let me theoretically ponder over that one...

ITT: the inferior wh*Te male discusses how he will destroy Europe with his persecution complex once again

Math as well

>Let me theoretically ponder over that one...
Um... Exactly, you fucking idiot.

t. turkroach




Hahaha, I came up with a new way to add two numbers hahaha I'm so special