How old where you when you grew out of your edgy atheist phase? What made you do it? What did you read after?
How old where you when you grew out of your edgy atheist phase? What made you do it? What did you read after?
I was 25 when I remembered I am God
The man who sculpted that was a homosexual, how does that make you feel, christard?
>What made you do it? What did you read after?
Crowley. Carlos Castaneda. A bunch of new age bullshit. What turned me around was the Dhammapada. It was a familiar philosophy dressed in eastern clothes. Years later, began with the Greeks and more recently early Church fathers.
t. Catholic heretic, deist
He clearly wasn't an overt homosexual, otherwise he would not have made a work of art as profound as this.
>falling for the lies of the dimurge
well achktually the archon is lying to you, user. the demiurge wants only good for you, but a little white lie is necessary. go read Kant.
I Kant do that
13 - 16 : Atheist (never talked about this topic and I was an Atheist because I didn´t read the bible and had no real oppinion on religion)
16 : develop an interest in politics, philosophy
16 - 18 : believed in agnosticism (thought it is better than cringy atheism)
19 right now : becoming more and more religious ( this year fucked me pretty bad)
Reason for my recent mind change is a tragic loss of my best friend in an car acident. I don´t believe in christianity jet but i am for no outcome an atheist anymore.
Homosexuals can be christians
>t. episcopalian
That's interesting. Would you describe your move towards theism as prompted more by spirituality or causality, in your own words?
This looks similar to mine.
>Christianity (mostly Catholic upbringing, minor contact with Protestantism)
>Atheism : problem of evil, perceived scriptural contradictions, hypocritical followers, claims of other religions (looked at a whole bunch)
>Agnostic : realised that the complete opposite metaphysical view isn't necessarily right either
I'd probably best describe my current views as being along the lines of pantheism. Similar to in the sense of not relying on organised religion, but perhaps more intuitive than rationalised.
>I believe because something bad happened to me and I don't like not having God protecting me or a heaven to go to
This is as bad as being an atheist because "the world sucks".
>we wuz fags and shiiet
the absolute state of sodomites
Probably last year, at 18. It was kind of my friend who always talked about Catholicism, Gnosticism and Sunni Islam. He was just a druggie but knows quite a bit about all of them. One time, he took LSD and couldn't help but fall down on his knees when he peaked and pray to the cross in his corridor. A bit after that, he was quite anti-carnal but never converted. So, I took LSD he gave me and worshipped some shadow that resembled this pagan symbol I've seen in Crusader Kings II (I think it was the Tengri one) and I went to Hell and Heaven like Divine Comedy where I met my demons and God. I was going to convert to something, didn't really care which, but got caught up in Uni work. Now, don't really feel the urge to convert, but I still read the Bible and Qu'ran.
I was 17 and I read The Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan and it was such a terrible book that I realized that for however good the guy was at astronomy or whatever he did, the new atheism movement that he had spawned was philosophically brain-dead.
Never was a full blown atheist, I always thought it was as implausible as Christianity/Judaism/Islam/etc, always was an agnostic, currently still an agnostic theist, I believe there must be some higher power that set up the universe, the laws of Physics, created energy, etc, but nothing specific.
I will call my best friend user.
The incident happend in summer. My friends and i had a party in my garden. We were pretty drunk but we never got to the point where we couldn´t control ourself. A few hours passed and user and i were the only one left. We waited for a taxi to pick us up but he wanted to buy cigarettes and crossed the streets. I only noticed this a few seconds before a car hit him with high speed. I saw everything and memorized how he was spined in the air and how he hit the ground. I rushed to him but could´t do anything besides calling the ambulance ( he was knocked out). I called his sister and we drove to the hospital where his mother already awaited us and we waited for an answer.
In the moments of this tragedy i felt agony and hatred. I was scared to encounter his family but they cared for me ever since.
The days after this i repeated the images of the incident over and over and couln´t stop this. I finaly visited him in the hospital and this experience was devastating and horific for my psyche. The visits got more and more painfull but i insisted on them.
In this period and especially the day after the incident i questioned why this happened. I came to the conclusion that it must be the product of series of events. I consoled myself with the thought that i couldn´t influence the outcome. I insist on the thought that some things are in our influence and that we have a choice but that sometimes this influence is beyond our reach. Some things aren´t in our hands, they are destined.
The only rational step after edgy atheism is benign atheism.
I had the thought on trying LSD or shrooms. I am a bit scared though. Do you have some tips you can give me ?
Really? That's one of my all time favourite books. Can you explain what is so bad about it?
I'm still atheist but I stopped being edgy about it around 16 maybe