Living the life lads. What are you and your significant others pretending to read tonight...

Living the life lads. What are you and your significant others pretending to read tonight? For me it’s J R and for her it’s the plebmaids tale.

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my s/o socks my dick wolle I read !

Pics of her feet?

Fuck you. Get that shit out of here.


you should erect a flag outside your home with a picture of a book on it, just in case you haven't told some of your neighbours that you read yet.

>chill senpai, i read postmodern novels

>breaking the spine
you fucking scumbag
at least you're a ways into it
>tfw you come to despise Bast but love Gibbs

My S/O is an illiterate dyslexic manipulative manic depressive who just broke up with me over a camping weekend with my friends.

Feel good asshole?

>tfw I slowly struggle through books as my wife grades papers
>tfw she sighs with great exaggeration when I have to bother her with a question

Also, you should train your cat to lay across your legs. My dog lays right on my lap and makes a great book rest.
Find a new one then. Or don't. Solitude is good sometimes. Take your time, it'll get better.

trust me I love solitude, that's partially why he broke up with me. He was possessive and crowded around me and hated the fact that I was comfortable doing my own thing. He wanted to be my other half but I was happy being a whole person. Still sucks because we've been together for a while and went through a lot together. But I'm actually relieved that he did this. He was just a dick about it.

>bragging about what you at the same time look smugly down upon
You sound insufferable. Read some Rabelais and take the stick out your ass. That pussy don't deserve you.

Savage post


Wow! A girlfriend!? That's awesome anonymous poster! I'm impressed

Cool blog. I totally can see how crazy he is. Why would anyone dislike you.


Literally A N Y O N E who posts a picture of a book they are reading is a fucking poseur normie who should not even be here. This goes for all of the bookshelf thread faggots.

Does this board even have mods anymore?

Well, I hope it gets better user. Maybe you'll find the right dick next time. Do you Boo Boo.

>This goes for all of the bookshelf thread faggots.
Disagree, the point is to weigh in and start mini discussions about them, the stack threads that is, bookshelf I don't see the point of

detecting a hint of sarcasm there. That's fair. You don't know the situation so I wouldn't expect you to understand

Any time you want to discuss a book, you could do so without posting a picture. A general picture of the cover, devoid of personal information, is acceptable. If you post a picture of the particular, physical book you are reading, this is superfluous to the discussion, and you are categorically a pretentious fuckboy.

I like stories. And I'm a good listener, so feel free if you want. I'll be here.

My myself and I are listening to JBP and playing Skyrim.

And boozing. Am I Veeky Forums?

Oh shit, he got around to it after all. I'll have me a little listensy once I's hads my shleep. Bright, bright and wakey, tomorrow.

>ironic whiteknighting

I like where this is going

Veeky Forums - Literature