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Roma Meetup
is the mafia still not picking up the trash in rome
e famola
Daje. Quando?
It's not about mafia. The problem is that politicians have used "municipalizzate" (public service societies) to get votes by promoting their friends as managers and gave them disproportionately high wages so now they don't have money to build infrastructures or buy buses.
word - so is the trash not getting picked up? i was last in rome two years ago and there was trashe verywhere. everyone said it was a new thing and was punishment by the mafia against a new (female?) mayor who had tried to reduce the prices paid for waste removal. has it not been fixed since then? has shit been piling up for two years or is it just a problem in poor areas or something now? whats your favorite pasta dish?
The current mayor is just inept and isn't doing anything worthwhile. The trash tax thing was a proposal which circulated for like a week last year. The trash hasn't been picked up for years because labour force is small and old, there are no incinerators, there's only one big center where all the trash is left and then goes to Austria where they transform it into energy and the entire neighbourhood of Fidene smells like shit. Plus there are barely any vehicles that are used to pick up trash. The problem is wide spread across the city. I currently live in a much poorer neighbourhood than the one I grew up in and there's virtually no trash, but that's because it is very small. Consider that working-class neighbourhoods, whether gentrified or not, are big as hell and the streets are small so there's also a logistic problems. But also historically rich neighbourhoods suffer from this problem.
>whats your favorite pasta dish?
pasta all'arrabbiata (or all'incazzata, depending on how much peperoncino you put on it)
same, but it normally torches my stomach
do you know a lot about modern roman neighborhoods and suburbs? what is the hip williamsburg-type one? what are some other stereotypes of neighborhoods (like in NY the upper east side is rich and the lower east side is gentrified bohemian and greenwich is a very wealthy suburb)?
I took Italian in high school (a long time ago, to be fair) and the only word I understood from this conversation is "quando".
>tfw M5tard tell bullshit to foreigners to shift blame from that sad excuse of a major
I live in the third world of Europe and there's trash on the curb in my proletarian neighbourhood, but the street bums make a living out of collecting scrap metal and plastic bottles and selling them for recycling. So there's plenty of old toilets and bricks and shoes and rotting food, but not a bit of metal or plastic or any electrical equipment, as in the days of old. I love living in a 21st century EU integrated shithole.
they're using Rome's dialect
>ywn live in a timeline when Giorgia becomes mayor and says yes to the olympics
Fuck you Arfio, you pariolino piece of shit.
I only eat arrabbiata on sunday when I visit my parents.
Basically, 99% of the neighbourhoods in Rome ain't got shit to do with ancient monuments.
The Northern part and the Center is where rich people live. Pariolino comes from Parioli, one of the richest neighbourhoods, and is used to mock well off people that talk and dress differently from the middle class and live in their own bubble.
The Eastern part, the one I grew up in, is usually regarded as full of drug addicts and trans prostitutes and smelling like shit. The most important neighbourhoods are San Lorenzo, the one attached to the University, so basically full of students smoking weed, drinking until late etc. Pigneto, where rich people go to live to pretend they are the main characters in a neorealist movie, Centocelle and Quadraro, big crime-filled working class neighbourhoods that are on their way towards gentrification, Colli Aniene and Lunghezza, wealthy neighbourhoods that were built during the 80s and 90s, San Basilio and Tor Bella Monaca, basically The Wire. The Eastern part is historically left-wing.
Trastevere and Testaccio are two neighbourhoods which were inhabited by poor people prior to Fascism and industrialization and they're now owned by Americans who come here to have an authentic Roman experience.
Garbatella is a working class neighbourhood built during Fascism, has peculiar houses and almost completely gentrified by now.
Ostia is controlled by Mafia.
Don't know anything else about the rest of Rome.
dia dhaoibh
Grazie. Ho preso appartamento qui un mesetto fa per andare in uni e non ci capivo un cazzo della città.
Lieto di essere stato di aiuto
>scrivere in dialetto
per quale ragione?
quando? non sono di roma, ma potrei organizzarmi
bhò non sono op
Rome's dialect is basically italian
ftfy amico mio
Anche quello
Sono un po' curioso, perche ho studiato l'italiano quando frequentavo la scuola e anche nell'universita (sorry can't do accents on my keyboard/am making retarded mistakes/am mixing english and pizza bear with me fuckeroni). Ho un amico fiorentino e adesso quando parlo rapidamente parlo con un accento fiorentino (dico cose come "amiho mio, hai una biscihletta?", "mi piasce la mathemathiha", tutto quello bullshit) It's embarrassing as fuck perche non ho un accento americano ma e ovvio che non sono italiano.
Anyway lo che volevo sapere e out of every cento persone, approximately quanti possono capire/parlare l'inglese? Ricordo che quando stavo in Roma, tutti parlavano l'inglese, e quando stavo in Firenze, tutte le persone parlavano in italiano, ma capivono l'inglese, so we would have conversations like this, perche non conoscevo molto italiano a quel tempo.
>go to Roma meet up
>everyone's tan or naturally brown
>greasy black hair
>terrible shirts open all the way to bellybutton
>6 gold accessories/limb
>they ask me for a cigarette
>say I don't smoke
>get stabbed
>they ask what's the time
>I show cheap H&M watch
>"no I only trust phones brother"
>show phone
>get stabbed
>phone stolen
>slowly bleed out
>can feel my shoes being taken off
>they somehow sold me a hand drawn map of Rome, a piece of rock and fake Gucci slippers
>someone spits sunflower seed hulls on my face
>their face when I go to the wrong Roma meet up
Most young people understand English. Most oldfags don't.
kekd hard
Non lo so. Io in genere sono libero il sabato sera e la domenica. Vediamo se arriva qualcun altro nella thread e ci organizziamo meglio.
Oh neat, there are actual Italians that post here. Is Pasolini revered in your country? I feel like he's never mentioned over here (the U.S.) but I've always loved his films and poems.
is ea "dia daoibh" é, a stoirín. ní gá duit cuir an séimhiú ann.
Pasolini is quite revered by intellectuals, but he's still a very controversial figure