Any Australians on Veeky Forums ?

Are there any Australians on Veeky Forums?
If so can we have a discussion about Australian Literature?
Pic related, one of my all time favourite Aussie books

Only Aussie book I think I've read this year was David Malouf's Johnno. I also bought Lovesong by Elizabeth Jolley some time ago and am keen to read that.

I hope you don't mind if I add a few irrelevant thoughts:
1. From what I've read of Donald Horne, he's a decent essayist but a dull and overwrought thinker. Australian 'culture' circles have a bad tendency to idolise certain figures and jerk themselves off about it, sprouting, I think, from a neurotic national self-consciousness. A pathetic glass house waiting to be shattered.
2. Anyone know any good literary journals or mags or anything of that sort? Too much political partisan tripe bullshit. 10 reason why my gay field trip through the nullabour made me hate my disabled sister who voted for john howard. my melbourne meth-addiction adventure to try and understand the australian lower class (and why white males don't write kitchen sink drama anymore)
3. Anyone read Greg Egan? I've only read some of Teranesia when I was younger, but I'm interested in reading some more of him now.

Sorry if I seem to be kicking off the thread with an unpleasant and cynical tone, OP.

>Are there any Australians on Veeky Forums?
Yup. Melbourne reporting in
>If so can we have a discussion about Australian Literature?
I think the last Australian book I read was The Boy Overboard back in year 8. I haven't heard anything crash hot about our lit scene. At least our music is better than our books

>I think, from a neurotic national self-consciousness.
I think our "culture circles" still suffer from the cultural cringe of the pre-1970s.
They just so badly want to feel like they're a mix of Europeans and Americans. At least that's my outsiders perspective on them.

1) There is no such thing as good Australian literature. There’s some good poetry, but that’s it.

2) All you fucking southern poofters need to get out of my country. Queensland is the only state which isn’t abo or queer af. Prove me wrong.

Queensland is shithouse. Dumb retard state. Adulthood is realising Western Australia is the superior state.

You fucking what mate?

Come back to me when you have literally anything other than mining. Even competent farmers would count.

>implying Aussies are people

Not Australian but I like Gerald Murnane's The Plains. I plan to read more of his works soon.

You're spot on about the literary journal thing, First problem is they are all based in the latte belt of Melbourne, second problem is they are a haven for the dregs of uni student journalism.

Has nobody here got on board with the Text Classics series? Does nobody read Tim Winton or Richard Flanagan?

>Are there any Australians on Veeky Forums?
>If so can we have a discussion about Australian Literature?
No, there is no good Australian literature.
>Pic related, one of my all time favourite Aussie books
You want a medal?
I want to fucking nuke pozzbourne

Haven’t read Winton, my mother like him tho, and she raves about Fifty Shades of Grey. Flanagan’s alright, but he’s more of an essayist in terms of what he does well. Everything else is genre fiction.

This one gets it.

Based Tone lol. xoxoxo


This is an Aus/pol/ thread lets be honest.

there's not much of an australian presence on lit

i zoomed through a collection from an australian female a few months ago. it was submediocre and i cant recall her name, but very much in-australia

>No, there is no good Australian literature.
The fuck are you on about? The magic pudding is dope.

Fuck off cunt. Go shove your books up your bumhole.

Gerald Murnane and Randolph Stow are fantastic (Murnane especially is staggering).

For Murnane, start with The Plains, but after that read his stuff in any order really. His greatest novel IMO is Inland. To get an idea of what he's like, imagine a hallucinatory W.G. Sebald. Wew As for Stow, I've only read To the Islands and The Merry-Go-Round in the Sea, but both are fantasic. Very existential lit, he's often compared to Patrick White (Australia's only winner of the Nobel for Literature).

I'm Australian but our books suck.

Guess I'm not alone in thinking this

Thoughts on Greig Beck? Lived on a beach in syd growing up and writes love craft inspired horror
