Convince me not to learn Mandarin

Convince me not to learn Mandarin.

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No. Its a pretty good language.

Nobody cares what you do. Stop shitting up the board and fuck off to /int/, dumb faggot.

Think about the white race, the redpill, and conservative values. Please keep to white languages

It is difficult, the literature is shit and the people are sneaky. For Americans French is the best for lit and Spanish for speaking

Someone post that screen grab of the steel trader in China

>french literature
not worth learning a new language just to read Celine.

>It is difficult

>Forgetting about poetry

>you will never have your chinese wife clean your ears
What's even the point guys...

Cantonese is cooler and the girls are cuter

>chinese wife
Is there anything worse? Maybe Thai or African? White people are so much more beautiful

I'm not even a weeaboo, but asian women are just beautiful, especially chinese and korean. After them, whites and latinas are pretty good too.

>After them, whites and latinas are pretty good too.
Round, flat faced asians can never achieve the sharp and defined beauty of caucasians. They also can never have blue or green eyes, or red or blonde hair. It's not even a contest desu

Why did ya delete your image user.
>sharp and defined beauty
Round and soft features can be just as beautiful, in fact they're 'cuter'.
>blue or green eyes, or red or blonde hair
But I don't even particularly like those features.

I do not understand how one can so passionately defend the establishment. There's so much ass-kissing of blue-eyed blondes, even if they aren't actually pretty, and so much ~~european ~~beauty in our media, be it Game of Thrones or The Witcher, that I just get saturated with it. Not to mention girls like these are a dime a dozen where I live.

go for Koreans or japs the Chinese have some pretty weird customs like telling their kids not to brush their kid teeth and having them shit out pants with slits

if you're deadset on china as a whole then this man has the right idea the gwangdong area is the least fucked up it's also situated on the coast so far stronger ties with economic development. Hong Kongers also tend to speak Cantonese more so there's that.

I don't have to convince you not to, because you will never succeed.

Here's why.

>Someone post that screen grab of the steel trader in China
Pic related.

ezpz... ah. Fuck. Beat to the punch. What said.

You'll probably have to talk to Chinese "people"

you're not just wrong, you're stupid
and you're ugly, just like your mum

My mom looks like Elle Fanning and is super popular with the guys. And I was handsome before I got fat.

you'll have to associate with chinks if you do, and they are total cunts.

Convince me to not learn Japanese

Learn Japanese so you can understand your favorite hentai.

The chinese are shit people.
They love eating eggs boiled in piss, they love eating dogs, cats, rats, centipedes, etc., they outdo Indiands at shitting in public, are poluted to the point the government has to install massive screens showing a blue sky in cities, have been going full retard for at least the past 500 years, don't produce anything of value other than things they ripped off from the west, they're all fucking peasants, and pretty much all of them consider driving to work on time a valid excuse for running toddlers over.
I could go on, but the gist is this: the only people who speak Mandarin are shit, so there's no reason to learn it.

>There's so much ass-kissing of blue-eyed blondes, even if they aren't actually pretty, and so much ~~european ~~beauty in our media
What fucking universe are you from

This pasta is incredibly stupid and it's pretty goddamned embarrassing that I've seen people posting it more than once as if it has any authority. Not going to look into it again, but the bit I remember- user tries to use the fact that China has a saying which is the EXACT EQUIVALENT of 'you get what you pay for' as some kind of indictment of the culture.

For those that don't know, Guangdong / Kwangtung is the modern version of "Canton". Hence Cantonese is the primary family of dialects spoken in that region, characterized by more than twice as many tones as Mandarin, hard consonants like k, m, t, (ie "yat", "bat", "suk") and a few different vowels.

If you've heard people speaking chinese in the US, it's probably Cantonese, specifically Taishan, a dialect that made up most of the immigrant speech outside China for decades. One of the key sounds is a fucking rasping noise that's made from the back of mouth. ( If you hear that don't go up and try to practice your standard Cantonese

All in all it's a good thing to learn. It's rarer than just learning standard Putonghua and will open up connections with everybody from businesspeople in the wealthy Hongkong region to old immigrants where you live. Its grammar is a superset of mandarin but is close enough that the two can be learned together. HKers are also usually quite proud of their language and you will be treated better for speaking that or english than if you speak Mandarin. They actually ironically have adopted the wartime japanese slur "Shinajin" to refer to the mainlander.

He's not saying you shouldn't learn mandarin because china has that saying. He's saying you shouldn't learn mandarin because you'll be forced to work in mainland China, or at least directly with the chinese, and as a rule of thumb, they have no honor. So you're better off learning other languages that won't force you into the headache of having to do business with people who have no honor.

Could ask you the same question, friendo.

Did you ever ask yourself how a language affects the values of the people speaking it?

Just think about how insectoid and devoid of human emotion most chinese people are and consider whether or not you want to learn a language that may or may not be partly responsible for propagating that soulless culture.

Sounds like a bitch who didn't read 孫子 and 李宗吾 to me. My yellow-slit eyes are crying tears of joy at what a cuck he is. It is clear that he doesn't understand the ways of being a 君子 or a 聖人, nor does he know how to use 厚 or 黑, 陰 or 陽, or even the 道. He could not master the lessons of 曹操 and 诸葛亮. Chinese culture is like the 率然, and it is not made for bitches more feminine than 杨玉环.


Only when you master the ching-chong language can you see deeper into the 玄 and realize what cucks those that do not follow 道 are.

I would like to thank you for existing Asian-user

i just wnana be like the Food Ranger and eat my way through China and fuck bishes

wat do

Sure, but the fact that user considers the existence of the phrase 'you get what you pay for' in a language to be compelling evidence that the culture is corrupt raises the very strong possibility that user is dumb as bricks.

Classical fiction:
Water Margin
Dream of Red Chambers

Modern fiction:
Lu Xun
Eileen Chang

That's all you need to read.

Do that, sounds fun

WTF I want to learn Mandarín now

You can't.

If employers find out you speak it then they might send you over to ching chong china land and everything over there is so shitty that you will literally die.

It's stupid and worthless no matter what "experts" say.


>you shouldn't learn mandarin because you'll be forced to work in mainland China
is Xi gonna kidnap you or something?

After five years of moderate to intense study, you'll be able to speak like a ten year old.

Why not though? I start to learn Mandarin because other than my traditional native language (which is very obscure in global scale), I can speak english fluently and what kind of other language I can learn which is useful in global scale other than Mandarin?

I mean I come from a SEA shithole and this is a fucked up and shit country too, other than maybe worse pollution, can't imagine China is worse than here, even when I know about that steel trader pasta. There are countless pasta about shit things people here do on daily basis too

Japanese? I don't know what I'll do with it other than reading my hentai and mango

You probably should. As should I. 99% of my class are Chinese. They all know me as the token white guy. I enjoy the attention.

First of all you round-eye in disguise, junzi were constantly ripped upon by everybody. No one liked these "gentlemen."


Chinese is pretty easy to learn.


you can learn the language without embracing culture. there are practical advantages and uses. what you're saying is basically if you learn russian you have to be a communist or if you learn sign language you have to be disabled.

>people are paid to write this

>5000 years of history
>barely anyone outside its home country speaks it

they're doing something right though. you cannot dispute it's value for business applications. their is more chinese fiction than any other language too, however shit it may all be.

a fucking language that you don't even have university-level education of will not force or even acquire you a job in mainland china.

THIS, China is much more advanced

How are you preparing for the Chinese century, Veeky Forums?

>Doesn't know about india 2020

yeah that multicultural democracy sure is working out well for India





don't learn chinese. there is no value... hehe

it's not worth the effort. the only people who speak mandarin are the chinese, and they are the worst people on the planet. at least indians have the decency to shit in their own streets. the chinese fly around the world to shit on train floors and in the middle of restaurants.

if you're basing your idea of asian woman on kpop idols, all of whom have undergone a significant amount of plastic surgery, you're a big dummy.