Infected by unbelief

religious books i should read after nietzsche and freud. dostoevsky?

(down the up staircase)

yes since christianity is a huge topic in his books, especially the brothers karamazov

That staircase is weird. How can "No deity" be before Atheism and "No Resurrection" and "No virgin birth" come after "no miracles"? I mean they're the same things.

It's the same old autistic christian "muh degradation" "muh slippery slope" weltanschauung

I understand that it's saying that, but the order or descent doesn't make sense.

who here /4thstep/?

Well, it doesn't have really have to since it's propaganda.

That's not a slippery slope you fallacy-toting pseud. A slippery slope is an indemonstrable presupposition, whereas historical precedent has already shown the progression in the pic to be true

>It's another episode of user tries to pass his simplistic generalizations as factual

You're a nigger.

Perhaps Chesterton on Orthodoxy or Knox passim. if youre (or were) Catholic; Bonhoeffer (The Cost of Discipleship) or Tillich (Dynamics of Faith) if Protestant. All worth reading.

thanks for the recommendations

i'm neither a catholic nor a protestant. i'm from russia and i was baptized (as a child) in the orthodox church

How did they even change their clothes up there? and why? if you wear dark clothes are you an atheist?

Then perhaps Nikolai Berdyaev? He's a strong writer but I've only read one of his titles so feel a little squeamish recommending him. Might be worth investigating, though. Of the four mentioned, read Bonhoeffer.

thank you. i'll try.

Rene Girard

isn't "No deity" the same thing as "atheism"?

maybe, i don't know

Shall I repeat the question?

if you wanna

You're not the boss of me now

of course

And you're not so big


The historical precedent doesn't matter here. The reason it's a slippery slope is that the historical precedent is described as being a bad thing, and the transition from one ideology to the other is implied to be like a "downward slide." It is precisely this framing which makes it fallacious propaganda, as opposed to an objective statement.

Without using the word "degeneracy", what do you think is wrong right now? I'm not saying there aren't problems, I'm just curious of your thinking.

The miracle of theism by J L Mackie and then the existence of god by swineburn (who is also orthodox )

Is it supposed to look like Freud is holding a dick?

Read Jung and circle back

Let me check /pol/ real quick and I'll answer.

I assume the miracles refer to Jesus' other miracles specifically (walking on water, water into wine etc.) but I could be wrong there
Also assumed that no deity refers to not belief in the Christian deity, as opposed to no belief in the divine in general. Again, could be wrong, but that makes a bit more sense. Still doesnt really explain why atonement and resurrection are as far down as they are.