Reading through the Divine Comedy

>reading through the Divine Comedy
>entirety of Inferno is just Dante talking about his meetings with historical figures and describing the horrible torture his real-life bullies are made to endure in Hell
Remind me again how this self-insert power fantasy became one of the most influential literary works of all time?

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>the animefag

If your average sonic the hedgehog self-insert autist coukd write as beautifully and with such depth of emotion and religious complexity they would be canon too

this desu

This + his unmatched (well, Leopardi comes close) mastery of language and poetry and the fact the he managed to write 3 (three) books of poetry in which every passage (the vast majority of them at least) has 4 (four) levels of interpretation which is pretty impressive.

Literally every line in dante could have an entire book written on it, it's context, it's meaning, all of that shit


It's like a medieval bill and ted

It's another
>he read the inferno but nothing beyond it

Do you even climb mountains, bro?

Just about to start on Purgatorio.

way to miss the point of inferno

kek I love the new woke Dante posting

Did you niggas read it in original language or are you just memeing for the fuck of it? What modern version should I read?



>Did you niggas read it in original language
>What modern version should I read?
Dunno, English translations make me cringe so I've never bothered with them

>ywn be able to enjoy the Divine Comedy in its original form
fucking italians

I will not be satisfied until Veeky Forums wakes up to how shitty T. S. Eliot is.

literally kill yourselves retards

ps i've never read either of those

Italian is not the Divine Comedy's original language.

This is the first I’m hearing of this

>tfw reading Divine Comedy and expecting to see cool cameos by cool people of medieval times
>most of them are just some irrelevant Welf Niggers

Fuck that bullshit

>And in like mode his father-in-law is punished
>Within this moat, and the others of the council,
>Which for the Jews was a malignant seed.
What did Dante mean by this?


More like "Farte" lole

Bitch, keep talking and I'll shake yo ass with a tuba.

Shut the fuck up, pretentious idiot. It's ancient italian but it's still italian.

t. italian who has read that bullshit in its original language.

the people who deny this are the illiterate italianfags who can't accept that they dont have some special magical understanding of Dante just cause they are vaguely living in the same geographic vicinity centuries later
Dante lived in a time centuries before there even was an Italy. his Italian is closer to Chaucer than to Shakespeare if we want to draw modern English comparisons
English scholarship of the divine comedy has surpassed Italian language scholarship in both quantity and quality by the second half of the 20th century

>Do you even climb mountains, bro?

OP prefers to remain in safety at the foot of the mountain, to be one of those “wretched ones, who never were alive.” To attempt the ascent is spiritual suicide, a sure path to damnation — for the she-wolf, Virgil explains, “allows no man to pass along her track, but blocks him even to the point of death.” Dante is quite literally damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t, and he escapes his predicament only through divine grace, when the saints in heaven (the Virgin Mary, St. Lucia, and Beatrice) send Virgil to his aid. The remainder of the Comedy — the grand tour of hell, purgatory, and paradise — is nothing but the detour Virgil arranges for Dante because “the shortest way up the fair mountain” is blocked.

>im am so smart because english is my first language

You can't deny there's less lost in translation when translating old italian to modern italian than any other language

the advantage is negligible

6/10 the English scholarship bit gave it away

but it's true

not him btw

Okay, wait a moment. Literal, allegorical, pertaining to the purification of the soul and what's the fourth?

Paradise Lost is better

t. anglo

Literal, allegorical, moral, anagogic.


>reading a translation



dante is way better in English, german, and even fucking portuguese than medieval italian

keep telling yourself that bud

Can you recommend versions in French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish?

And a competent English version?

No one actually posts these original translations that they've supposedly read.


can you recommend a german version?

where are you people getting these translations?

I appreciate this.

Im looking for books with lets say the english on one side, french on the other. Do I just call libraries for this? how do I find this.

you forgot
>is personally guided by his favorite poet and role model, Virgil, in his journey through hell

not him but for br-portuguese the best is vasco graça moura, the edition of this translation also has the original text by side

you are legit retarded. all musicality of the prose is lost in english translations, and dont even need to mentiom german.

portuguese translations can, and probably spanish and french also can preserve more of it than english

literally the most half assed portuguese translation > a considered good english translation

>t. have read the whole comedy in english, portuguse, a bit of inferno in italian and a bit of inferno in spanish

>english on one side, french on the other.

That makes sense, do you think Paradise Lost could be translated into Italian?

>the prose
you haven't even read itnince have you

>he doesn't know

Christian lit is all fanfiction, not sure why you're surprised that it has other fanfiction qualities like self insertion, getting back at detractors and talking to your heroes.

wish I could write self-fellating smut and become one of the most famous authors of all time desu

Is it actually a waste of time to read Inferno in English? The translation I have is by John d Sinclair if it makes a difference

This. Purgatorio is the best part. Paradiso is just a Pink Floyd lights show.

of course it is, it is a great work even translated. first time I read it it was in english and I thoroughly enjoyed it

if it could? obviously it could, but is the same situation...I didnt say italian is impossible to translate and english is not, just that english/german trandlations lose way more if compared to translastions to romantic languages (ie portuguese, since a LOT of words in the original and in the portuguese translation are identic or very similar, both in semantics and syntax, making it possible to achieve a translation closer to italian).

fuck, meant or course it is worth to read it, not a waste of time
. Just woke up

You can't. Because you suck. Understand this.

I bought a portuguese translation last week that has the original and the translation side by side so you can compare, it's the best way to read a translation imo ( it's from quetzal editores if anyone is interested)

You are a brainlet. Go back to reading Joyce and his modern "masterpieces"

>anglos trying to talk about literature


I'm writing a paper on Dante's allegory to man's salvation.

It's harder than I thought, Dante really packed the DC with content

what have you got so far?

Not much desu, right now I am setting the story and basically summarizing everything.

The second part is going to be my anaylsis of the allegory. I don't even know where to start. Maybe with Canto 1, the 3 beasts probably.

>some shitty wop poem
>one of the most influential literary works of all time

tell me something I don't know

If Dante's inferno was made today, it would be like a diary of a 13 year old girl that is full of people she hates.

if 2/3 of this thread isnt bait i be cry

>religious complexity