What are your opinions, m'laddos?

What are your opinions, m'laddos?

won't ever read it.


Nynaeve is my wife and I love her!

>Nynaeve thugs at her braid

The last thing fantastical stories should be is generic and predictable.

the immense amount of filler everyone talks about.

It might have been fun to read as a kid growing up, when the books were being released but I'm not gonna trudge through 14 over bloated books of generic fantasy as an adult.

>the immense amount of filler everyone talks about.
Top /comfy/ material.

If you're looking for a comfy read, something that you can enjoy in your armchair by a fire in a winter night, this is not the series for you. WoT is something you read when you crave fast-paced action, with minimal, to-the-point plot and brutal war scenes that will make your heart rate go through the roof. Don't read this in the evening unless you don't plan on sleeping.

Jordan imposes a relentless pace on the story. Here you will find no overly descriptive paragraphs, no tax-system, no irrelevant character, no five-parties political intrigues to determine who will attend the ball. The vivid action takes you from place to place, barely letting you catch your breath before taking it away again. There is a plot twist or a battle scene in nearly every chapter.

The characters are few and easy to follow up on. Although it could be argued that they feel hollow, that they lack background, they serve their purpose. Where Jordan shines is in the interactions between the characters, which all feel natural and flow smoothly. The harmony between the characters is heartwarming, and most of the women will make you feel serene just by their peaceful and dignified presence - the perfect counterpoise to the never-ending action. Compared to them, the men feel a little off.

All in all, WoT is a great read for brainlets who don't feel like remembering names from 7 books ago, or people who just want a wild ride.

For me this is the best novel of all time, not only it started the genre but also completely changed the way that a story could be told.


Read past the first book next time, faggot

Just reread LOTR

I like just about everything but the politics and 90% of the female characters. unfortunately those two make up about 50% of the series. it gets especially bad in the middle third or thereabouts. still love the series though.

I love it

any book series that can be completed by brandon sanderson is trash.

The female characters are the only notable thing about the series.

Always heard about the filler, the lack of character development and the over-indulgence on questionable motivations really puts me off from reading the books, but if I see one cheap enough and think to myself, on a good day, I'd like to just fill up a shelf with some pulp-core, then I'd buy it and read it. Don't get me wrong, I'm open to reading it but I'm very hesitant.

Notably shit.

I've read an article on the internet lauding this a literature with a capital L.

The villains are simply too cartoony.

If you didn't read it while you were in high school and had literally nothing better to do with your life, you won't get anything out of it. Grown men shouldn't bother with WoT

Still counts.

>Wild ride,
> Middle books of WoT

Pick one.

I was really into it, but when whole chapters went on about what women where wearing and shit like that it got boring real quick.

Even tho Perrin is my homeboy

Honestly I tried it the audiobook version, but it was dull and plodding. I might give it another try but I'm not expecting much.

When I asked about it here people recommended The First Law which was fucking good.

>i'm drunk and in trouble
that's supposed to be mat, right? because that's wrong
mat doesn't get in trouble, he rescues ungrateful aes sedai from trouble and then they get mad at him because they're strong independent women who don't need no men

The best part is when Moiraine steps over the city walls. Overall a deeply mediocre book, but strangely better than a lot of the stuff that it's recently inspired. I tried to read one of its clones, The Shadow of What Was Lost, and Jesus, I never thought I'd miss the Wheel of Time

I read the Eye of the World when I was like 17. It was decent but it wasn't great and I didn't really care to get into the second book.
The reputation the series gets around the middle doesn't help either.

Still, not complete shit.

Why do all the women fold their arms under their breasts in those novels???

So he can talk about...breasts.