Favorite works from Stephen King,my favorite it´s IT

Favorite works from Stephen King,my favorite it´s IT.

Shining. It was the book which got me into reading way back. Its not high-tier literature so Veeky Forums elitists will bash King any opportunity they get but the book reeled me straight in and didn't let go.


I refuse to read Stephen King simply on principle alone

Why did he include an underage gangbang?


Different Seasons/The Body.

he's a cunt

why did he make the house explode instead of having a proper ending

why DID he include an underage gangbang

Why did he include an underage gangbang?

The original version of The Gunslinger
Eyes of the Dragon
The Body
The Bachman Books
Night Shift

... it what?

It's a clown

As someone who lived in the bumfuck middle of nowhere in Maine as a kid, and at that time happened to have an autistic fixation with the book "Dracula"... I'd have to say 'Salem's Lot is my personal favorite out of Stephen King's works, by far. The man just really knows how to capture the dark beauty and all-around terribleness of scenic New England, that's really stuck with me.

>The original version of The Gunslinger

The version first published. King revised it later to better fit the rest of the series.

Different seasons

Personally I have only read a couple. Of the ones I have read, I really liked The Running Man. I read it because of the Schwarzenegger movie, and so the actual book seemed all the deeper in comparison. I guess because I haven't read a ton of the horror fiction from the era the bleakness of the story was compelling. I suspect if I read much more King the bleakness would get cloying like any emotion in such purity.

Given I haven't read the book, it just has come up in a couple reviews of the movie... it sounds like it was playing on the classic solution to a virgin sacrifice. "Wait, it preys on virgins? What if we stopped being virgins?" On the other hand, why the everliving fuck King made it a plot point I would file under drugs. Lots and lots of drugs.

I haven't read much King. The Long Walk was enjoyable even though the premise makes no sense

It's in there because it's the ultimate display of human compassion and love, throughout the book they're fighting It by being connected to one another

I've been looking for an eerie scifi or horror type book that takes place in some creepy small town in New England or the Pacific Northwest, Something with a Twin Peaks/Wayward Pines/Alan Wake/Life is Strange type vibe, maybe I should pick this book up next. it sounds great

it follows

Pet Sematary is his scariest. My favourite I've read by him has to be Misery tho.

Was speed-reading that motherfucker until I got to the ritual of Chüd, and maybe it's because I finally got a new e-reader and have dropped the phone reading (I was only doing it because I donated my Kindle), or maybe it's King himself, but this last portion of the book is a giant wtf, and I'm not reading it every day now.

I'm only in it for the gangbang anyway.

Shitty book, worse ending. Reading Tolstoy after this is like being free from bondage.

The Long Walk, 'Salem's Lot, Jerusalem's Lot, My Pretty Pony.

This is my favorite too, also the short story from Night Shift happens to be his best short story as well.

>My favourite I've read by him has to be Misery tho.
This is a good contender though, it is concise unlike most of his books