About to start reading this. What am I in for?

About to start reading this. What am I in for?

very spooky discussions about real estate

that sums up the book the second half of the book

It's the perfect time of the year to read this and it's a really comfy book, spooky book.


dumbledore dies at the end

first half: Englishmen travels to Romania where he meets Count Dracula -very good
second half: Dracula buys property in England; descriptions of the behaviour of a insect-eater; women start to get fever. In the end: Dracula is killed before killing an American guy.

Is Frankenstein worth reading too? Is there any other classic monster lit like movies?

Frankenstein is solid, probably the best out of the old school horror shit.

Not really, it's very foolish.
Good "horror" story: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

It's quite unlike Dracula, mostly because it predates it by 80 years. Check out the Sherlock Holmes novels, M.R. James, Sheridan Le Fanu, etc. They're all solid for the most part and many follow the 'Moster of The Week' format.

You can expect a very well written story filled with subtle and not so subtle Christian themes. I like to think of the book as a commentary on the corrosive nature of sin because that theme is so prominent. One example is the dichotomy between Mina and Lucy, one represents the ideal women who is pure and good of heart and stays that way while the other, who is also a good person but flirts. Lucy is a very sexual and flirtatious character throughout the story and at the beginning its innocent or benign but that sin grows until shes flirting with the devil himself represented by Dracula. In the beginning she dreams of having kids and towards the end shes eating them.

I remember there being more examples like this but I can't remember them off the top of my head. I've been wanting to reread it so I can develop the analysis properly.

what do you recommend after Dracula

The Vampyre

fuck you cunt

Slow start, but push through.
Fuck Dracula for killing innocent Lucy, and getting bestboy Texan killed.

anything that's not vampire related but his held in the same regard as dracula?

Silence of the Lambs. Lector is essentially Dracs.

A great first couple of chapters, then an endless stream of letters about who cares

It's good. I liked how the monster wasn't a brain-damaged mongoloid like in many of the films.

>they read for the plot

>he reads for the pseud-cred

Carmilla is much more entertaining than the Vampyre imo