I asked for books that are beautifully written in Spanish and yall didn't reply to me

I asked for books that are beautifully written in Spanish and yall didn't reply to me.

Sorry, user, but Veeky Forums is populated by uncultured, monolingual English-fags.

I doubt you're going to find what you're looking for here.


idk, fuckin, 100 Years of Solitude probably...

Vicente Soto, La Zancada


Give me more recommendations

Put them in the bag

The Borges. Read him.

Mi diario desu

anything by cortazar, personally recommend ultimo round and todos los fuegos el fuego.
Borges is very good, historia universal de la infamia is my all time favorite.
Saramago is great too, cain and las intermitencias de la muerte
garcia marquez is nice but before jumping to the big ones like amor en los tiempos del colera o 100 años de soledad, try some of the shorter ones like el coronel no tiene quien le escriba
and to finish sabato is worth reading, i dont like the novels but the essays are amazing

Saramago is portuguese, bro

Also since you asked for beautifully written books, I'll reccommend anything by Valle-Inclán, the big name of modernism in Spain and a really interesting character. Fun fact: He lost an arm due to a literary discussion in a cafe



i stand corrected, sorry user

Pedro Paramo by Juan Rulfo

Roberto Bolano

Am I mistaken for considering French and German the most important modern continental European languages for literature?

I feel that the amount of good French and German literature vastly outweighs the amount of good literature written in other European languages.

Roberto Bologna

This, also La invención de Morel

Donkey hote

name a single good german book, if you can.


I love Roberto Arlt, his writting style is pretty rustic and unconventional but its perfect for the gritty world he depicts.

Pedro Paramo by Juan Rulfo ia a must.

Marco Denevi is also good.

Everything by Cortazar, Final del Juego is normaly the entry level book.

La vida es sueño, calderon de la barca

Don Quixote dude

Don Quijote. It was a fun read and it’s spanish is way closer to modern spanish than say Shakespear is to today’s english. Overall very entertaining and it has literary pedigree if you like that.
100 Years of solitude is pretty good. I am reading an English translation of The brothers karamazov and it reminded a lot of 100 years of solitude and garcia Marque’s prose in general.
Anything by borges is good.

I don't speak Spanish but I've heard that 'I'm Not Scared' goes from 7/10 to 9.5/10 when you read it in its original language