Books where the characters are suffering from an addiction, preferably a sexual one?

books where the characters are suffering from an addiction, preferably a sexual one?

in Boy by James Hanley, the main character is forced into fucking a prostitute once he gets to Egypt. Then he becomes obsessed with trying to fuck prostitutes.

Also Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Stevie-boy would fuck hookers all the time, feel bad, confess, then go right back to fuckin em.

Not sexual, but The Lost Weekend is a great depiction of someone addicted to alcohol.


De Quincey.

Do books about alcoholism get better when you drink while reading them?

Probably someting by The Supreme Edgelord

Your mom's diary

The Gambler.

This desu.

Big Sur by Kerouac

lol at the sex/gambling addiction meme are there any novels about opiate addiction?

Confessions of an English Opium Eater

Thomas de Quincy

Atomised by houellebecq

Chuck Palahniuk's Choke

>hurr psychological dependency isn't real

Infinite Jest is all about addiction, in every form and colour. From drugs, from alcohol, from being appreciated by others, from sex, from anxiety, from entertainment, obsessive compulsive disorders, suicidal tendencies, etc.
And it's not just a meme fyi

oppa GANGnam style!

>Confessions of an English Opium Eater
It's like comparing verbal micro-aggression to assault and battery, one has demonstrable repercussion

>one has demonstrable repercussion
Both have demonstrable repercussions.

Selby, The Demon.

There's nothing supernatural in the book. The protag goes through a series of addictions, starting with sex addiction.

Good book.

Are there any books about pornography addiction?


No because it would be boring + sad. Maybe the story of your life tho

Relax and stop being such a puritan, goy.

Hollebeque might be the closest you can get

under the volcano by malcolm is an amazing novel about alcoholism

very modernist and stream of consciousness and takes place in one day, think about ulysses except written by an alcoholic


Serious or not