If you do this, I hope die of cancer

If you do this, I hope die of cancer.

>Buy used book
>First chapter is full of highlights, underlines, or other retarded notes
>Person completely gives up afterwards and there aren't any marks for the whole rest of the book

They never go through with it all the way, only enough to ruin the books.

What if i do it in a paper?


You just know some absolute brainlet thought this would help with their book report

It's my book m8.

Yeah, she should have used pink.

>First chapter is full of highlights, underlines, or other retarded notes
This, I have never read a genuinely insightful or intelligent note, it's always some dumb shit.

>he doesn't annotate books in other books, so that people reading his used copies will be confused as fuck

I have never understood why these people can't just write out the quotes they like in a notebook or on a piece of paper. It makes you think about what they're saying too, since you would have to ruminate on their words - just as they were when writing them. It's much easier to point out inconsistencies this way.

Are you assuming my gender?

epic pwgne of sJw

Because then you have to keep track of the notebook/paper as well as the book the quotes are from?
Personally if there's a quote I really like, I just mark it with one of those small sticky notes.

>They can't open both at once bc my dumb prole brain can't handle going back n forth1
I bet you're also one of those fags who likes IJ for the fact you "simulate" tennis by going back and forth to the footnotes and text

I honestly don't know what you're trying to say or if you replied to the wrong comment by accident.

C'mon. I believe in you, senpai.

If you're writing a book report, you have to put quotes into your own words. I have no idea why you need to summarise the entire book, just get the main points - it's not hard to do that whilst keeping track of both book and notebook/paper.

After reading Barthes, I became woke to the fact that the text exists for the sake of the reader, and the death of the author is the birth of the reader. My shame towards annotating and highlighting was purged from my being, and now I never read anything without my trusty highlighter.

>If you're writing a book report,
I'm not writing a book report.
>I have no idea why you need to summarise the entire book
I don't.
>it's not hard to do that whilst keeping track of both book and notebook/paper.
Maybe you're not the sort of person who has a lot of books and notebooks. But for people who do, keeping an extra notebook for every book you want to remember quotes from is annoying. I'd much rather just keep track of them within the book itself (hence why I said I use sticky notes).

Don't worry about what other people are doing.

user BTFO by busy reader

Why are you keeping track of quotes if you're reading for leisure? I'm talking from the pov of doing an assignment.

Because sometimes certain quotes really resonate and I like to go back and be reminded of them occasionally?

I write all my notes down in these expensive as fuck hardcover notebooks. This way I know I only write down shit that actually matters and is worth falling back to whenever I must.

This desu. Everyone who is worth their salt will only write in their Moleskine CLASSIC NOTEBOOK - BLACK ($15) and make sure they rule all their pages via hand, whilst hand-drawing tables for the front page where they keep track of which notes were taken when. There will be an index on the back page for all footnotes that may be taken or extra sources added for your notes.

Damn, this guy can't believe remembering quotes can be pleasurable.

Not really. I retain it, pseud.


>buying used books
Reading is the rich man's pursuit, go tend a field or something, idiot

Not since the Industrial Revolution. Like it or not, lots of literature was made for the masses e.g. all novels.

Look at this. At least this one I can erase, but the dude literally underlined the whole book. Fucking faggot

picka mleko

I just bracket and make small notes on the side of the page so I can flip to a specific section. Rarely highlight.

>not ripping off each page as you finish it

man w tf

People highlight or underline for different reasons you may or may not understand.

You're the one who bought a used book full of markings so why complain?

what an angry boy

>not eating each page after reading it to fully absorb its contents

>this except the notes are deeply philosophical and unlock an ancient dormant knowledge within you that compells you to find the maker of the notes. at the end of the journey you write a 900+ page epic on the troubles of your quest


I wonder why they do that.
If they mark the whole book, wouldn't be better to just reread it?

don't worry OP, I already hope that I die of cancer already

99% of the time the words highlighted or underlined are basic as hell character motivations or plot points that you could find on sparknotes; 99% of the time the note is just an exclamation or question mark, or something really not insightful, like "sexism?"

I mark the shit out of my philosophy books but that's because reading philosophy is supposed to be a dialogue

If you do that to fiction I hate you though

>I mark the shit out of my philosophy books

As a non-native this can be a good way to learn and remember words/idioms. But yeah, I agree the book is ruined afterwards. I am on the fence right now because I want to do this, but don't want to ruin my books. And pencil is too difficult to notice...

I thought I was the only one doing this btw, for a sec I thought it was my book

I have read an annotated history of the french revolution that had some snide shitpostesque comments in it. That was fun.

I mark things on my history books. A name, tradition, whatever I want to learn more about, I mark so I can easily keep track of it and look it up later.

If you sell your books after you read them, kys. Get a library card or something.


you are liek unto babby. watch this:

You have more underlined sentences than plain. What’s the point?

I had a book where someone just wrote the word Discard over and over again in all the margins.

I’ve got an old book on Middle English poetry where one of the previous owners has cut into the glossary for easy referencing.

That actually seems rather nice.

What if I told you that underlining everything is the same as underlying nothing?

>abbreviate every proper noun necessitating a 100 page glossary, necessitating invention of physical hax by the reader in order even to understand wtf he is reading
How many pages is the actual text? lol

Text is about 355pp and the glossary is 135pp; the works are from 1298 to 1393, so it’s quite necessary.

Fucking pleb

>buying used books

anyone ever heard of pencils?

>implying that to try and erase on all books is a good idea
I have plenty of old books, or simply shitty ones, that would simply TEAR if I tried to erase notes on it.

what translation of C&P is this

Constance Garnett's

i ain't the one who underlined, just the poor sap who has to put up with it

I did this when I was a student for books I would have to cite. Makes essays EZ mode. Now, I just use these...they come in 3x5 and 4x6

You think that highlighting is bad? You are like weak starbucks girl; watch this...

I dog-ear pages. Not because I need to but because it makes me feel powerful.

when you write an essay you might need examples of 'sexism' from the book, so you simply write what you need, then when you flip through it later to reference you can do it more easily.

putting a couple word notes in the margins won't make sense to the person reading it next especially when a comparative essay is being written