What should I read if I want to increase my intelligence

What should I read if I want to increase my intelligence

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Start with this Hitchens article on Mensa.


Start with the Geeks

Fuck! I mean the Greeks! How do you edit a post?!



Start smoking, cigarettes increase your IQ.

Rick and Morty

You cannot increase your intelligence, for your intellectual limit is given to you by your parents and your circumstances.

Focus on becoming wise. Wisdom is something you can actually cultivate.

Also, read Moby Dick.

>he doesn't know how to increase his intelligence

>he actually thinks intelligence is static and untrainable


>tfw it's been 6 months since I dropped cigs already and this post still managed to work up a craving
It doesn't get easier does it lads?

They increase your testosterone too

g factor is fixed but I'm pretty sure most of the rest of a whole bunch of factors that define intelligence are more malleable. It seems like people are born into a general range based on biology, but actual limits are very wide ranging and almost nobody ever reaches them since that would require a lifetime of effort.

A limit would mean that your intelligence may be increased, and yet not exceed some maximum level. Your intelligence is bounded above. You cannot move past this bound just like you cannot lift a weight that is too heavy because you are physically confined to a small space inside of your head.

Increase, in the sense that you mean, is impossible without actually changing the hardware in your brain.

can't I just purchase new hardware?

I forgot what kind of ponce he was. He reads like a lazy, overweight cat you want to kick because it's always in the way, too smug for its own good.

following the lifting analogy, you can go from x to 2x or even 4x times the initial amount you could lift originally. hence you can, following correct intelligence conditioning, reach atleast a duplication of your IQ; obviously this is ludicrous, but if "the brain is a muscle" then atleast i can imagine a 1.2 increase? It would then, similarly to muscles, go back to 1x after enough inactivity.

Mensa is the funniest scam I've ever heard of.
Imagine people who are told they're smart paying money so that they belong to the "i am smart" club, all while thinking they're doing it to show everyone how smart they are.

I'm in the Dutch Mensa, the only two things worth mentioning ate there is an emailing list for trading (selling old furniture, junk)/requesting free legal advice and monthly drinks. All the people have this "I'm smart but unsuccessful because of others" attitude. I don't think I'll renew my membership.

I got discovered as hoogbegaafd but never confirmed. Would've been better if I never knew, it gives you a lot of food for excuses.

if by intelligence you mean scores in such tests just study the questions in these kinds of tests, lol

otherwise, study logic/math, history of your country and brief history of civilization and philosophy, learn new languages, learn basic economics, read geopolitical news from diffrent sources/medias, learn a practical skill (aka programming, some sort of craft or whatever)

What do you want to do with your intelligence?
Do that instead.

also, actually learn english, most of us don't know it particularly well

>also, actually learn english, most of us don't know it particularly well
Learn linguistics instead and go full deviant
That is, if you want to be creative

lol retard

My uncle joined MENSA in his 20s and said it was retarded


this is such a meaningless aspiration. there are plenty of hyper-intellectual people who never end up doing shit with what they have. why do you want to be more intelligent? what would that even look like? geniuses that have come to fame, those who i'm assuming you intend to model yourself after, aren't noted for their intelligence alone. they also happen to be fervorously passionate about particular things. i think it would be much more fruitful for you to identify something that you are curious and passionate enough about to spend extended hours studying and thinking about it so that you might possibly make a significant contribution to the field somewhere down the road

there's no way this isn't bait

This thread.
Then read The Black Fedora by Guy N. Smith.

start with plato. end with plato.

This would be a good start for you

How would I go about reading "basic economics"?

also I know some of you are memers but if anyone actually is smart enough for MENSA... high iq discord: mK4ztRN

>look how much better I am than them
This is just a guy jerking himself off furiously in text.

That being said, Mensa is for insecure douches.