What's the point of reading when i know i'm never going to have sex?

what's the point of reading when i know i'm never going to have sex?
books for this feel?

>303702 [Reply]▶
>what's the point of reading when i know i'm neve

Is having a sex a requirement of reading the rewards of a well-read mind?

>sex is le magical thing you have to experience to have a full life
>romance is the meaning of life

Can we stop having this meme et al.?

You've got it all wrong. There's no point to reading when you HAVE had sex. It sounds strange but when you have sex for the first time, a chemical is secreted from your brain that blocks certain receptors for literary cognition. The more sex you have, the more these receptors start to die off. This is also why normies are all brainlets

There's this amazing passage in the first hundred pages or so of Mason and Dixon where Pynchon describes an astronomical event called the flight of Venus or the transit of Venus, some such thing, and then constructs this amazing double entendre about how the whole work of astronomers is inspired by the absence of Venus.

It was great but I can't seem to find it. I won't bite your sillyposting but I definitely agree with the meme that men are often searching for a form of sex that is beyond sex and that a lack of sexual fulfillment is sometimes related to the obsessive drive that propels men into mastery of specific arts.

You don't desire sex as much as the thought ot the desire of the Other

walk plahn st.



>books for this feel?
Pessoa (Book of Disquiet)
Houellebecq (esp. early works)
Under the Volcano

Is this some Lacan-inspired nu-male think?

Sex is a drive. Generally. So is the need for companionship. So is the need for romance. Generally it sucks if you don't get them. But you might not need to. Having a long term relation is a hassle if you're not ready to compromise and change. It's also a blessing, nothing better than sleeping in the arms of a loved one after a rough day. You might prefer solace tho. There are no fucking rules, just don't turn your lack of success in romance into bitterness and hate. Eventually it happens to almost everyone unless you're an /r9k/ piece of rancid hate.

You lads should try being poor everything else stops mattering then it's great

to while the time away in a relatively pleasant manner while you wait for death, dummy, which is the same one undifferentiated end which comes to all. The others aren't actually getting ahead of you by reproducing - they, the organisms themselves die.

i stopped reading any book when i realized that being a manlet made all my literary efforts useless

Yeah why don't you just kill yourself manny

Not if you're autistic. I wish I was able to be euthanized. I dont get why people are surprised when we release our pent up animosity and go on a rampage, that amount of psycho-social sexual frustration would cause anyone to crumble.

Just because you're a manlet doesn't mean you have to be a brainlet and a booklet too.

>wants to have sex like chads do

Improve yourself and find a betagirl to marry. Then you'll have your sex, and it'll be much more meaningful than what anyone else is having

you can always read a lot to get good at writing and then write a manifesto that doesn't suck, elliot rodger's is a slog


Not him, but it's actually an accurate description of many frustrated virgins, including how I was before I lost my virginity. Many male incels don't really want sex for itself, they want to stop being virgins and get the sense of self-worth that (for them) comes with that.

Cont. And then after you have sex and get the validation stuff out of the way, then you start focusing on actually enjoying sex for its own sake.


There is bound to be a plain frumpy girl out there, sat in her web like a plump predatory spider, slightly more intelligent than you, who'll haul your ashes for a couple of years until you're completely bound to her by familial responsibility. Your decency will ensure you stay loyal until the kids are in college and the house is paid off, at which point she'll ditch you for a huge divorce settlement. All because you were so poorly read that you insisted on putting women and sex on the highest pedestal.