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Literature #103
I fail this year in the university...
Incel literature
Just finished this
What can change the nature of a man?
Thoughts on horizontal books-cases?
Cat Person
What are some unintentionally profound pictures? Bonus points if you don't post a picture of words
"She impaled herself on him"
Hello, i am max stirner
What do you read for?
Can only read a mere 70 pages per hour
What are you reading now, Veeky Forums?
Is Copleston's A History of Philosophy any good?
Guess who is sitting in the middle of London drinking coffee and feeling sad as fuck about his aimless life...
So how was your year Veeky Forums?
Why is this century so shit when it comes to literature compared to the past two?
What are the most Veeky Forums twitter accounts?
Novels are disease to storytelling
In my never ending quest to improve myself...
Why is she so revered?
Bookcase Thread
Is How to Win Friends and Influence People worth reading? my brother is taking the course and he wants me to read it
What are some of the best philosophical movies?
Handwriting rate thread
We did some drugs
Official Catholic Veeky Forums General
What book made you realize your love for literature?
/crit/ - Writing Critique General
What's the longest book you've ever read? How long did it took?
Claim your Veeky Forums harem of favorite women writers
Is this the only decent comedic novel out there? All the other ones I've read are trash
Fall in love with a intelligent literary girl at uni
Hey lit...
Age progression thread
Why don't you open a second-hand book store?
I'm in panera bread rn
What is the spectacle Veeky Forums?
Books that require physical effort
Thoughts on this book...
What does it mean to undergo ego-death and what does it tell of the person who desires it...
Should I sort my library books by thickness
Poetry Critique Thread
If you had to pick a literary fictional character to be your roomate who would you pick?
/SFFg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
My prose
Kazuo Ishiguro
What is the best book out of the 2000s?
Does this mean God is a black woman in the Harry Potter universe? That's a pretty major revelation
ITT: Dumb Things Smart People Said
Why is Ireland so fecking great?
Literature about incest?
Is it naive to believe that the main goal of a person's life ought to be to achieve happiness (in whatever sense of the...
I like it, others don't. What's your opinion Veeky Forums?
Halfway through the series. Literally for retards. Holy fuck it's so bad
Do people with beautiful girlfriends even need literature? They're already living the dream
Is philosophy a good excuse for getting fat
Have you ever emotionally hurt another person as as result of anger, jealousy etc?
Which country on earth has the most Veeky Forums population?
Explain the entire literary work of an author in one picture. Pic related is Stirner
Guys, can I PLEASE have a philosphy Youtuber that is
If Pynchon wrote a movie directed by David Lynch, would it be titled "LynchPyn"?
Top Veeky Forums for 2017
Any idea what kind of income an average self-published author make if they produce one novel per year?
To whom and what would you write in a situation like this?
Keeping a journal/diary #2
Put a book through a Markov chain text generator and post the results
Top 5 authors of each country (all time)
Right wing
Are all college English classes literally just reading, discussion and then writing essays...
So why does nobody seem to talk about this one?
Write what's on your mind
Where should I start with Susan Sontag?
Hi Veeky Forums I'm not from here but is there a book you guys recommend that's so depressing it'll push me to finally...
Be me
Be me
What work of literature reminds you most of being in a dream?
Rate my prose?
CIA library
Translator posts his 50-page master's thesis as the preface to the book
Has reading made you more cynical?
Harry Potter written by Predictive Keywords
How's the writing career coming, Veeky Forums?
So, when are we going to make this list again?
Reading fiction
Can someone explain this picture for me? I don't get it
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Reading Poetry
Genius or hack?
Is it good?
Short Stories
The _____'s Daughter
Are any of you familiar with the nation of islam's religious texts? how are they? seems like interesting stuff...
I read the cat person short story and it was just typical new Yorker short story fare where some upper middle class...
Veeky Forums goals
Post your novel ideas
Why is he so fucking fat
Can this book get any more boring
Cat Person
I'm looking for some good political books, does Veeky Forums have any recommendations?
Since we all know he is next for becoming the newest revived author
Why is there no psychoanalysis reading list? Who do I read after Freud?
Do you have any holy grails of rare editions that you have or still wish you could have?
Extension du Domaine de la lutte
Isn't this amazing? People are reading again. They're discussing fiction. They're analyzing every detail...
Lao Tzu
She isn't that bad
Post a book, get a recommendation
You also got a boner reading this, right?
So he killed himself, cause he was lonely and hated TV?
What are some Veeky Forums worthy podcasts?
Is there any writer who's like weak, beta, insecure, and bizarre to interact with, but also creates great works...
What are your favorite books with less than 1000 ratings on goodreads. The lower the better
Do you rank my shelf?
Best books/papers/articles on music pls. Tired of being a philistine
Rap Music > Poetry
Soooo uhh like the years almost up and we still haven't made our top 100 chart. Are we just skipping 2017?
Is it true that reading books turns you gay?
Foucault once wrote "Marxism exists in nineteenth-century thought as a fish exists in water; that is...
Do you agree Veeky Forums?
Whats his fucking problem
Early 20s
Did I mess up?
Good books on experiencing ego death?
I'm about half-way through the Philosopher's Stone right now and I like how Rowling is consistently imaginative and...
Karl Kraus on women
Why is /pol/ so full of brainlets...
Hart's New Testament translation
Do you agree?
Why has God been silent for 2000 years?
What did Nietzsche mean when he wrote "God is Dead?"
Do you edit Wikipedia?
I don't need literature. Just don't need it. I can entertain myself. I can form ethical value systems myself...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy and Horror and Westerns General
What is the anime of literature?
ITT: Judge each other's book titles
I'm 70 pages in P&V's translation of the Brothers Karamazov. I don't know if I should switch to a different translator...
Dumping my poetry
Worldbuilding: done
Does Veeky Forums have an artistic muse?
Love of my life anguish
How Veeky Forums is your name?
What is your career, Veeky Forums? What do you like about it? What do you not like about it?
I LITERALLY sent my novel to ALL literary agencies in America. I sent over 80 query letters
I'm legitimately afraid that he'll get #MeToo'd
Can I take him seriously about Marxism and leftist thinking...
Greentext Robert's point of view
What books does your girlfriend read
Lmao, you didn't LAUGH while reading Kafka? Oh my god,look at this guy! He doesn't GET Kafka like us...
Anybody know of any Japanese Heidegger/Kaczynski/Ellul type thinkers? Trying to persuade myself they're not bug people
Post nice looking books
Who's the greatest living writer right now?
What philosopher would have been the biggest proponent of anime girls? I'm 99% sure it would have been Hegel
What are some major plot holes with Harry Potter? Don't bother coming in here to talk about how it's a shitty book...
How can you tell if someone is a pseudo intellect ?
*blocks your path*
What's Veeky Forums currently reading also what's your thoughts in this? Huge fan if the film
What the fuck was his problem Veeky Forums ?
What is the Veeky Forums approved Bible? I remember seeing it on here ages ago and now i can't find it...
To understand all is to forgive all
ITT: Opinions only you have
My 16 year old little sister wants a bunch of "Milk and Honey" tier garbage poetry for Christmas
Aleksander Solzhenitsyn
Best literature from 0AD-1600AD
What was the best non-fiction book of 2017 and why was it "What Happened" by Hillary Rodham Clinton?
Rips off Dune and LoTR = "he completely raised the bar for the genre"
What do you think about this book?
Daily reminder that if you aren't published by the age of 25 (twenty-five) you will NEVER be patrician and your work...
I recently finished reading and analyzing "Mara" by Ioan Slavici. What does Veeky Forums think of Romanian literature...
Tfw I’m about to lose my mind due to crippling loneliness and fear of what the future holds
I’m going to puke
"When Helen Lefkowitz said I was "such a creep" at Interlochen in 1956...
What is your opinion on this mastershit?
Cat Person
I really, REALLY don't like the fact that Cat Person is still (!) trending on twitter
That feeling when your Veeky Forumsfu posts a video where she reveals that she is no longer single
The Joys of Nihilism
Redpill me on majoring in English. Are the courses interesting? How's the job market? I can't decide between History...
Who are the lit/core/ poets?
Now that math, logic, and philosophy are all super specialized...
What use is there in reading old philosophy...
I'm not sure why some people are so dogmatic in believing that there is a "human nature"...
How would you define a perfect crime
Petersons Rate Your Professor
>"literature isn't dying, you've just got to find the good stuff!"
I’ve read hundreds of books and not one has a scene where a character is eating the world’s best sandwich...
What happened to Brit lit after Orwell/Huxley?
Is it "vee." or "five."?
What did he have against “says”?
Is there anything edgier than Warhammer 40k ?
Create Some Funny Stuff You Guys
Is there a single action more pseud than hating "genre fiction"?
Shakespeare on philosophy
Start with the Greeks six months ago
Hi Veeky Forums. What are some classic truisms/myths often found in popular culture? It can be shown through literature...
Stop reading books
This is an excerpt from Lauren Southern's book
Recent purchase stack
What's the most paranoid piece of literature you've ever read?
My most insightful thoughts happen when I'm drunk, this goes against the "dumb drunk" stereotype
What are examples of Nihilist literature...
Are there many actually good black writers? I heard a discussion about this and was curious
I might have invented a new way to format books which I think would be much more efficient and a better way of reading...
Everyone wants to fuck their mom
Someone I know from college sent me a link to his blog/short stories and they're incredible
Share your favorite quotes
How do I into Journalism?
What should current literature be tackling, why, and how?
Good Reads thread: Reading challenge edition
Why isnt this book a bigger meme?
Can someone get this guy to write an article about incels
I want books about anarchy, promoting or against the notion of it
Keeping a journal/diary
I generally like Veeky Forums recommendations, but Jesus Christ, how disapointed I was with this book...
When people read a translation, youre pretty much just reading for the plot alone
Which book review sites does Veeky Forums frequent the most?
Best opening lines
Is he right?
Thoughts on this quotation of Schopenhauer? He is true
Why are penguin classics editions of literary works looked down upon?
So is this worth reading or not...
Can we get a serious (>) thread about the state of contemporary literature and what style(s) of writing do and do not...
Is there a good analysis of this book because I know I missed a majority of themes and ideas...
Ride the tiger
Fascist Literature
Wot? on your mind??
What the fuck was his problem?
Isn't socialism and the entirety of the Marxist project premised on the false notion that the working class are worth...
Writing letters
We are actually living in a time where announcing your belief in god is uncouth enough for people to view you as some...
We all love being miserable, but let's cheer up and remember the best parts of our lives
Wtf Mods?
What would be a good addition for Buddhism and Islam here?
User posts New Yorker Article
How could you
Permanently broke off from friends I've had since high school
Books on mathematics
What books should I read to help get over my social anxiety and to stop being a spineless indolent coward?
Which of science fiction's "big three" do you prefer?
Why are Americans so resistant to this man? It seems like he just wanted the best for everybody
Write whats on your mind
Half Hour Hegel
Just finished marathoning this. KINO!
Thoughts on the pope wanting to change the Lord's prayer?
Was he the greatest writer in the English language?
If a 10/10 is Joyce's Ulysses and a 0/10 is Fifty Shades of Grey, what are Dan Brown books?
Would it be weird to stop by the local high school and ask an english teacher to read some of my short stories...
What are some good books that advocate cultural marxism? I'm trying to consider different points of view?
What do you think about Blood meridian?
When I use the term "conservative" below, I mean the term as applicable until Buckley, Thatcher...
Post a picture get book recs
"stretched his legs"
Boring moments in acclaimed books
Was László Krasznahorkai molested by a paragraph as a child?
Ask a qt 5/10 grill out
Is there any canonical work about someone who achieved financial freedom and tries to pursuit something exciting and...
Have you ever imagined your future wife observing you through your own eyes while you read?
Marx, Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse
*makes all following philosophy obsolete*
Why is the european literature so much better than american? What is it about our land that does not produce artists?
Hi Veeky Forums I have never read a book outside of school and I want to change that by making literature my new hobby...
Empiricism > Rationalism
Who´s right and wrong here?
Reading chairs
Is it worth reading his manifesto?
So user, what book are YOU reading??
Hi everyone. I'm a voice recording artist based in London...
His bookshelf is a gaggle of unrelated, overrated tomes that he got off a Veeky Forums recommendation chart
Got my hands on these books for free, where do I start
Only read philosophy, hard sci-fi and religious texts
Was he a communist
I've just submitted my master's, and want to read either of these over the holidays. Which one...
How much greater were Numenoreans meant to be than normal men?
ITT: Books that use fancy words
Is literature a defunct art form?
Is it possible to not secretly think of yourself as superior to others without spiraling into depression if you do not?
Reading together
/sfFG/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Could any of you read this without looking up words every five minutes? Nabokov uses the most arcane adjectives
Top three philosophical works that have had the greatest impact on your life. Good or bad
What’s a Good Book About Being Trans?
Holy fuck
What's so bad about ideology?
It was a metaphor for God
/Dipping Sauce Literature General/
Meanwhile on bizarro Veeky Forums
What is The Great American Novel?
Leave this board and never return if any one of these apply to you:
In your best prose, describe her
Haven't read it but it sounds fucking dope man, good job
Infinite Jest
/lit Confessions thread
Has anyone else read asimov's foundation books
This is not a good book
Why should I be moral?
Pls dont kill her lit
What are the best WWII books? Preferably nonfiction
Why did the Germans dominate philosophy yet had no literature outside of Goethe?
Veeky Forums claims to be smarter than Veeky Forums, yet can't answer basic math questions
I want to create an experimental collective poetry. Post a sentece, a quote, an image or anything you want as a reply...
Hey Veeky Forums, I'm an irresponsible 20-year-old and my son has just been born
Moby dick
Which horror authors does Veeky Forums approve of?
I want to emulate Mishima's death, but I live in the states. What would the American version of his death be?
Stop being autistic
Pedo-core lit
I'm currently lying in bed on a cold Friday night...
Are Freud and Jung still worth learning even thought they're completely wrong about everything and are completely...
How is he so talented?
Be me
What are your favorite short stories?
This book is like a small read thread saving me from complete insanity
Any books about how to live and get by in today's world of degeneracy and decadence?
/crit/ - Critique thread/general
Post dick length and book you last read
Nick Land
What is your life philosophy, Veeky Forums?
Yet another awesome mainstream article from based Jewish, privately educated...
Your legal name
Post your novel ideas
Create some of the most profound writing of the 20th century
Any good anti-work/work refusal works?
Is it moral to steal from a university library if you know that you're the only person who will ever care about that...
So I went around in a book store yesterday and I found it very weird...
Is there a Guide to Starting with Psychology?
Why aren't writing teams on novels more common?
Prayers are literature
Started with the russians
Do you believe it's possible to write any character sympathetically, Veeky Forums? A rapist? A child molester...
This book saved my life
So if Harris, Peterson, Zizek are hacks and pseuds, who are the real intellectuals we should pay attention to...
This is your brain on French philosophy
Anyone have a philosophical issue that they've ever had an obsession with?
ITT: "villains" who did literally nothing wrong
What does Veeky Forums think?
The future of art lies in virtual reality...
What are some books where a fucking retard gets what he deserves?
Woman I love reveals something that's now eating me up inside
Has he ever read a book or news/magazine article that isn't directly about him?
Epic poetry
ITT: Post a music album, get a recommendation what to read while listening to it
So how do I get over my wasted youth, lack of female attention ever, no social experiences ever since I was 18...
Shelf Rate thread
Literature is simply another coping mechanism for children who’ve been mindfucked by culturapists...
How is the odyssey translation by emily wilson? is it good or is it shit?
This is the best book of the 20th century. McElroy here is in free voice...
Hey Veeky Forums
Why can't we make this the official spelling for
Psychology and Sociology
Most people in a prominently and historically judeo-christian society think that religious morals are good
"I'm an intellectual."
Give it to me STRAIGHT
Daily reminder that English was Joseph Conrad's third language
Anyone go here? I'm not bragging, this is my last hope. I'm desperate for any literary friends...
Well that shut him up
Does this thing have any redeeming literary value...
Tradcon General
What would Ulysses be like if James Joyce was black?
I'm working on a project that iterates through all threads on Veeky Forums and counts up the proper nouns (names...
How are we supposed to keep going in a world where unspeakable evils are committed against innocents?
If I were to learn a second language just for poetry what would it be?
Describe the world and reality in which you reside
Noel Gallagher on books
Most Read?
Did he actually exist?
Please recommend me some 'nothin personell' tier philosophers
Recommend me a book that is not more than 120 pages long. Preferably under 100 pages...
Why does Veeky Forums hate him?
Is this film about a family of Khazar gypsies?
Hey, Veeky Forums, opinions on this book? Heard a helluva lot about it, and it seems good...
These are the best books of 2017 according to Goodreads users
What are some books that deal with insecurity regarding racial identity?
Well Veeky Forums here we are
What's some good anti-nationalist lit?
What is Zizeks actual problem with capitalism? I watched many videos and still don’t get it
Finish a ~10,000 word short story draft
ITT: Classics that you think are bad
*refuses nobel prize*
Is this a good translation?
Infinite Test of Patience
Are transgender people examples of Bodies without Organs?
This dude is just going hard against our man pynchon, what the hell
What's the best way to into Schoppy after Hegel...
How to read pynchon?
Mfw Veeky Forums is a cesspool of pseuds
I am a brainlet tier phylosophy reader
Educational literature
Why are so many people unable to follow the underlying cohesion of Nietzsche's philosophy...
Is this what the average girl’s taste in books is like?
What are some good books about persuasion?
This triggers Veeky Forums
Closing of the American Mind
A fantasy book isn't good unless it has a map. What's the best fantasy map?
College Veeky Forums stories
Why do girls prefer audio books so much? Any time I tell my wife to read something she listens to it instead...
/SFfG/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Why does Veeky Forums hate stoicism? Is it because reddit loves it?
How do you go about reading Veeky Forums?
Is there a book guide for Psychology? Where should I start? What sequential order do you recommend?
This is how I pictured Lolita while reading the book. How about you lads?
Is Reading Sexy?
Why are you plebs not discussing this:
Shylock did literally nothing wrong
The tiger is out
"To be in love is not the same as loving. You can be in love with a woman and still hate her."
Leontiev, Dostoevsky, Gogol, Khomiakov, Solzhenitsyn
Epiphenomenalism makes me feel uncomfortable
What are your favourite works of Irish literature not written by Joyce, Beckett or O’Brien?
ITT: Unfilmable book series
"History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awaken."
Poetry Critique
In the beginning was the will
Will any writer from 21st century be canon?
What is the maxim you live by
1-What writer do you consider the greatest of all time?
Read, Expected, Got
Boston Veeky Forums Meetup Group
Notice how every other thread is uninteresting and pointless...
/anti-natalists/ assemble! David Benatar was just on Sam Harris's podcast examining the question "Is life actually...
Is this /fit - The book?
I want to change my lifestyle and leave hedonism behind. I feel my existence is meaningless and empty...
Post perfect Winter-core
Litrture on different states of consciousness
Stop reading the Greeks
Hey Veeky Forums, I want to talk about the inevitable fate of the far-right movement to fall into postmodern philosophy
What book should I get my 13 year old sister to turn her into a patrician...
Otherwise lonely, friendless, aspergic protagonist suddenly and without much effort manages to find himself a loyal...
The knight of the "sorrowful face"
What I expected
Let's suppose you were to be stranded on a desert island and you could only take five books with you...
What's your favorite character of all time?
The World Goes On
So, who is it?
What would Evola say about the current iq obsession of the right?
A challenger approaches
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Tell me, Veeky Forums. What makes DFW the meme that he is on this board? What does he mean to you? Be genuine
Post sonnets that you consider to be the best ever written in English
How do I make my writing more beautiful, and less basic?
Good literature can not be created from the first world...
Putting together a reading list for traditionalists and classical conservatives. If you care to contribute...
Where did everything go so wrong?
Who was the best existentialist?
Just so everyone knows this is what he really lookslike
Give me a list of books that a 26 year old virgin should read
Its a Veeky Forums gets called out for the pseuds they are episode
Author with your favorite writing style?
Why is she so perfect Veeky Forums?
Who's the most degenerate writer?
Anyone got their hands on the new Expanse book yet? I'm debating buying it or waiting for a less legal version
Fountain Pen Thread
How does it feel to know that people like this not only exist, but also post on the same site as you?
Joan of Arc was not stuck at the cross-roads, either by rejecting all the paths like Tolstoy...
What is Veeky Forums's stance on this image?
I am tired of being an ignorant fool
Is philosophy just logic with fancy words?
Hey bucko /pol/ now hates Jordan Peterson so you can stop posting him 24-7 okay...
Chart thread
Published writer here. My main file got corrupted somehow and lost a HUGE ass chuck of my 170k word novel
Share your most contrarian literary opinions
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Only a god can save us
He doesn't stop bitching about postmodernism
I have a theory which places Pessoa on one extreme of a spectrum on which Hitler occupied the opposite extreme...
Recommend a good book to get in to greek mithology. I prefer a book that summarises all legends
I bought "alchemy and mysticism" by Alexander Roob, is it a good book for beginners Veeky Forums...
How many times do I need to read this to fully understand it?
Is Veeky Forums an appropriate board to discuss mythology? If so, what's your favorite god/god archetype...
This fucking book
Is he the Oscar Wilde of our generation?
Is Romania's most famous literary work For My Legionaries?
Please stop being afraid of contemporary poetry, guys
Lurk lit
SHE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is a "Reddit" book?
Is there a Veeky Forums Discord?
/HPG/ - Harry Potter General
Do you think we'll be able to preserve the Iliad for another 3000 years?
What Bob Dylan song has the best lyrics?
The male is completely egocentric, trapped inside himself, incapable of empathizing or identifying with others, or love...
Valerie Solanas
Where do I go to discuss books free from pretentious ideas and judged on the basis of entertainment but it's not YA...
William S.Burroughs
I wonder what their love life is like
The Romans
HAPPENING leaked excerpt from new novel from P
What is beauty? Why is it important?
Did you like it?
Most important historical works on the jewish question:
Define 2 + 2
Refute this man
Guys, please stop mistaking "its" and "it's" for one another...
I need good sailing novels Veeky Forums still can't afford my boat and stuck on land. I need some adventure...
Synthwave book
College/university students: do you have free time for "pleasure" reading (not textbooks or required reading) and if so...
Do books like Art of Seduction actually work or are they just written by clever people exploiting plebs for their money?
Post handwriting
Is this actually as good as Veeky Forums says it is? or is it just another infinite jest type meme
Fight club
Your top 3 books of all time, simple as that
What are some good erotic novels?
What's the best book by Taleb?
What is that which is spatiotemporal?
What drugs does Veeky Forums do?
Deleuze general
How is the Book Group you partake in?
Lit copypasta
No one here actually reads just look at the threads about specific works they're 404d in 3 hours while memes and...
How do you understand actually literature?
Post a pic, get recommendations
I met god she's black
Do you think that college courses in literature really helped you further your understanding of literature...
What are some long, immersive books to get lost in? Preferably fiction...
The last man on earth is sitting in his room. He hears a knock at the door
Why are women so vastly more well-read and better educated than men nowadays...
Newbie here, What is the best translation of The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky?
Pic related
What's his endgame?
"user! This book you gave me is rated PG-13, maybe R!"
What songwriters actually write lyrics good enough to trade blows with actual poets?
Is it true that reading and thinking make you miserable? I'm still young (still technically a teenager)...
Cognitive Science major
Just finished this book, and I'm completely blown away. I've never seen anything else like it...
Did yall ban bookshelf threads or something? Normally I just lurk here, maybe check in once or twice a month...
Is he right, though?
ITT: Post the most excruciating, turgid, tumescent, cringe-worthy, etc. prose that you've ever read
I want to get my sjw sister a book for christmas and thought Woolf would be my best bet since she's apparently a...
It seems like horror authors usually identify what they think is horrific about life in the time-period they live in...
Why doesn't Rowling write another series set in the same universe...
Stop eating processed food
A gently feminist translation of homer's odyssey
Tfw you are so mad about not understanding po-mo that you write a book about it
When we read, another person thinks for us
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Thoughts on pic related?
Best books for /pol/acks? Looking for ultra masculine and traditional shit
Why are Ukrainian authors so much worse than Russian ones?
Is mind-body-dualism generally accepted at this point?
The Big Five
Are miserable incels the best writers and philosophers?
What would be the synthesis of Capitalism and Communism
Little known fact as writing prompt:
Bad Words
Did this man change Veeky Forums forever?
In a debate who will be the first to make a coherent sentence?
Books to help cope with this feel?
Individualist philosophers
What does Veeky Forums think of stoicism?
The man without qualities quote
Veeky Forums SECRET SANTA 2017
My everythingstential crisis is particularly intense this morning
ITT: Question for the not english natives
Been "Reading" the bible for three months now, and I'm only at Samuel
Infinite digest?
I want to fucking die. help
Is French theory just a self-referential pile of pretentious drivel...
Dear Christians...
Historically, men translated the Odyssey. Here’s what happened when a woman took the job
How do I write like irish people?
Don't you think it's time to update the big four, Veeky Forums?
How many of you read Plato and other Greeks in Greek? How many of you read Roman authors in Latin?
Henrik Ibsen
I am the world's greatest philosopher in all of human history. Ask me anything, only the pure will be answered...
The richest man on earth fell for the meme
Is a renewed onto-theology possible after the death of onto-theology?
Is this the man with the most comfy writing ever?
Did he solve the mind-body problem?
Allen Ginsberg was a member of NAMbLA
Far-Right Intellectuals
Momento mori
What's his end game?
Why action is not well accepted in books? Literature is really not fitted for action?
Essential philosophy
Best Boomer-core?
Female characters other than the protagonist's love interest
Stop listening to jazz
Just finished reading this
David Bentley Hart on the argument from evil
Confess Veeky Forums!
Putting together a reading list for traditionalists and classical conservatives if you care to contribute
What are the best pieces of literature you read in high school and/or got the most out of? The worst?
Listening to audiobook
Nimdok and Gorrister carried Ellen for a while, their hands locked to their own and each other's
If you see your name, you read the book
IS there no way out, Veeky Forums? How legit is he?
What happened to the old carli thread?
Daily "Is Murakami a hack" thread
ITT: Novels about sailing and the sea
What do you write about, Veeky Forums?
ITT: Post a picture and get a book recommendation
How do we feel about this book?
Why do we bother reading works of fiction although they are classics...
Should pseudoscience like pic related be allowed to be published?
Did ancient writers deal in sarcasm?
Green or Fitzgerald?
Wittgenstein reading group
Thoughts on this presumptuous jerk ?
That she did what she wished...
What's post-postmodernism, Veeky Forums?
The Greatest Intellectual of Our Time
Are metaphysics and ontology just a meme...
The arguments at defense of Christian theology:
What's the best description of a woman you have ever read?
Anyone starting to develop their own philosophy on things? What are you interested in?
Sits down next to you at a bar
So how's your book going?
I want to learn Finnish, because Finland seems like a comfy country. Is there any good literature in Finnish ?
What are some books that emulate the feeling of depression?
Does anyone else think there is something extremely pornographic about these book haul things...
Philosophy Tube
The best argument against Christianity is simply actually sitting down and reading this book
Has anyone here read nick land
What would Adorno think of kpop?
Tfw you realize he was right all along
Tfw he's not going to make it to 2019
Just finished Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe
Anyone want to throw down and rent an studio in Tokyo...
What did he mean by this?
What did he have to say?
Got this for my birthday. What am I in for?
(80s/90s) DFW: TV-obsessed, hyperactive culture, low-browing of culture and mocking of this culture...
If Orwell was a hardcore socialist, why did he feel the need to write books really damaging communism...
Why didn't you tell me reading turns into collecting?
Do you know multiple languages?
What should i learn? Latin or Greek (or any other literary language you recommend)...
What was the first book you read on your e-ink device?
Why didn't he just go full artist?
ITT: we write rupi kaur poems
Putting together a reading chart for classical conservatives (traditionalists). Here is what I got so far...
Is Dan Schneider a good critic? (Not the child diddler)
Since I am a kind of personalist literary critic and also am very fond of Ms. Morrison, I begin with an anecdote...
Favorite book
Tfw used to be an avid reader
Ernst Jünger's Storm of Steel
Is Veeky Forums liberal again yet?
I've heard a lot about Scientology being a cult and being pretty bad. But just because the actions of a group is bad...
Asking Questions about Biblical Quotes
Who has read this
The most wholesome lecturer on youtube
2017, cultural decline, the hope of repentance
Post your novel ideas
(5 MARKS) What is the difference between epistemology and ontology? Use an example to demonstrate your understanding
How's the writing career going, Veeky Forums?
Karl Ove Knausgaard's My Struggle
Stop procrastinating
Crooked Hillary
African Philosophy?
People said it was good
Thoughts on marcus aurelius?
Good books about the history of modern literature?
This book has changed me in so many ways. If there is one book everyone should read it's this one
I'm not satisfied with the suggestion that Philosophy is just masturbatory nonsense...
My twelve year old son has become obsessed with RA Salvatore as an author because, in his words...
Name my literati clique
Boston Veeky Forums Meetup Group
What's the purpose of "achieving" external validation for your art...
Any good suggestions on post-apocalyptic literature ?
What's going on with Robert Webb?
Any reads for this sentiment?
ITT: soyboy repellant literature
Informal education survey
How Veeky Forums is your masturbation?
How did you get over her, Veeky Forums
I'd like to get a book for my little sister. She's 9 and has already red classics as Heidi...
/clas/ - Classical Greek and Roman Literature Thread
Best endings to books that are not the Dead, preferably poetic and meaningful
God-tier poetry thread
Is the Oxford comma a meme?Should "good" writers use it?
Literally who?
Is this any good/interesting?
What is the lil peep of literature?
Is whitman really as bad as he's made out to be or is this just reactionary memeing?
What's your favorite book(s)?
Which House is the Most Patrician?
Sits down next to you at a bar
Roll to Read a novella this weekend
Why did Socrates do it?
Why are the best writers Catholic?
Recommend me books by reclusive autists, Veeky Forums
*ends philosophy for good*
Good Novels for Masculinity and Self-Improvement?
Losers love Marx
What is the best book you have ever read that you believed very few other people have read
Trying to start writing free verse. How do I get critiques/where's a good starting place?
Anyone read this? Is it as trash as it sounds?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Is autism a sin?
What's with the stereotype of "God of the Old Testament is evil"...
Women can't wri-
Be me
Thoughts on 'anti-book clubs'?
New US editions of the first Harry Potter book are still called "The Sorcerer's Stone"
Chinua Achebe
Do the ends ever justify the means?
I don't get it. It's just meaningless rambling without any real plot or characters...
Dude break the commandments if God tells you to
Gnosticism vs hermetism vs neoplatonism
He doesn't use a fidget cube while reading to Increase concentration and reduce the risk of his off hand reaching for...
Thinks he lives the literary lifestyle
This is the only thing we want in life. What's the point of reading?
Do you agree that everything said here is true?
Name a better book written by a woman
Is she correct Veeky Forums? Is the culmination of all literary works available simply not enough to "help" everyone?
Nick Land
Who is the opposite of Nietzsche?
Hey Veeky Forums, what's the greatest effect a book has ever had on you...
I do think better of womankind than to suppose they care whether Mister John Keats five feet high likes them or not
Pessoa is the greatest of the Modernists. Eliot and Joyce are disappointed romantics...
If everything that gets published and super famous these days is garbage...
Post the books that have changed you the most
There is a special reason why you, the future leaders of the United States Army...
Anatomy of melancholy
Write what's on your mind
Completely lost interest in becoming a well-known contemporary writer
ITT: Book collections worth having
Whats the best version of the Bible to read?
What does Veeky Forums think of Zadie Smith? Just read "Martha, Martha" and it sucked
So why do you insist on continue to exist?
Kill me
Read "comedy"
/QTDDOT/ - Questions that Don't Deserve their Own Thread
How & where do i find a cute Veeky Forums boyfriend?? how do i get a boyfriend who reads?? where are the readers??...
Is it possible to write a character smarter than you?
Why do you deny the Jewish influence in the publishing industry?
What kind of looser wears a bandana to try and look cool lmao
Will I ever read a book better than The Trial or 1984?
What are some damn good waifus in literature?
Sits down next to you at a bar
College Thread
Reading Dante's Inferno in class for the first time
How to get over the existential pain when someone you love and obsessed about has a short fling with you and then...
Hellenism is the true religion
What house does Veeky Forums think they'd be in if they got a letter to Hogwarts?
Post your nightstands
Nearly 20 years later and I still haven't read a single book as fun as this one
Critique Thread:
People at work start talking about books
Well Veeky Forums
Reminder that Tom Bombadil is a pleb filter
Do you think he's called Blindboy because of his own personal lack of foresight...
"Hello my name is Immanuel Kant"
Open up your nearest Nietzsche book in a random page and post what it says
Night by Elie Weisel
Can you guys recommend me some similar coming of age novels or novels that deal with similar themes? Thanks
What's the most intelligent quote you've ever read?
Pondering stupid charts for the aesthetic > actually reading the books
In your best writing, describe this wall
What is Veeky Forums's opinion of this book?
Never really got into reading, bought these based on recommendations
Who is your favorite poet ?
How do we “fix” the English language?
Movies that are better than the book
What is the difference between a pseud and an intellectual?
You've taken the kindlepill, right Veeky Forums...
Muh property
Is he back to being our guy?
Mfw rejected again for publishing
Anti-BKLYN literature
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games