Incel literature

What are some books about inceldom or with incel characters.


Houellebecq, start with Whatever.

Herman Hesse is also kinda good but not as relevant for incels as Houellebecq is.

All incels should be brutally murdered.

This. If you're still a virgin by the time you're 21, fucking kill yourself.

Poor bait. What reason could there possibly be to do this? It's not as though they're going to pollute the gene pool

Fug man I just woke up

I don't understand this image

>Kill 80% of the male population
Good idea

No, they should be turned into animals of their choosing. :^)

>80% if men are worthless frogposting virgins

Is this really what incels need to believe?

LMAO at this thread
Protip: stop feeling sorry for yourself it's leagues more unattractive than any sort to physical/mental issues

teenagers and slow developers that think their lives are so tough they can take more pain than anything women can. But, its kids making images on the internet, if people let them they will do it unsupervised then many of them will have odd ideas. They cant help being slow developers and i think its important to remember this, they are 14 year old minds in older bodies not the actual freaks and spazs they so want to be to make themselves different and unique rather than the sad truth that they will just always be behind the people their own age.

I've been ant-feminist for years, but that image fills me with incoherent rage anyway. gr8 b8 m8 8/8 now go masturb8

Here we have an exemplar of the species normalfaugus desirisus, who wants every one to be like him, and puts those who are not in neat conceptual boxes that can be patronized to. If you want people to get over themselves, it would help to not be such a smug douche yourself

You're the one who needs to believe that 80% of other men are as unloved and pathetic as you

Incels are unbelievably smug. They are tumblr the male version of the tumbr girl who thinks that the other gender is nothing but shit and nobody can understand their pain. It's pretty hard to treat such smug assholes with anything other than smug disdain.

Do you actually think it's clever to post like a fake tour guide and add -ius to everything as fake latin

Im a 22yo virgin, my problem is (diagnosed) social phobia. I’m scared to even ask for directions, so flirting with girls is out of option.

I don’t share the incel victim mentality, as girls have shown interest in me sometimes.

It still hurts when I realize how much others get out of their relationships.

Therapy and exposure, you can have it workable in a few months.
t. Someone who went through it.

>It still hurts when I realize how much others get out of their relationships.
Relationships don't make you happy. If you are happy while single you can be happy in a relationship though relationships can actually make it more difficult to be happy since your happiness is tied to another person which removes control. If you are unhappy single you will be unhappy in a relationship. Also a bad relationship (which is inevitable if you are sad) is worse than being single.

The raped female is a weak little fox who dies from only one arrow. The incel is a big strong fox who suffers much more but doesn't lay down and die like the raped female.

>Relationships don't make you happy.
Biggest lie every said and design to keep people miserable.
>lol bruh don't try and get companionship before you become perfectly happy as a loner
it doesn't work like that. You need a basis of frequent human contacts to not be miserable.


OP, read The Underground Man

>I'm anti-feminist for years
Can you name three prominent works of feminism without googling? I'm not trying to demean you, but I'm curious as to whether anti-feminists actually address the arguments and debunk them.

nah, they just assume all reasonable women are like those Claremont college activists

Gender Trouble, The Second Sex, SCUM Manifesto (satire or not, it's feminist)

Slit your wrists you pathetic, lying faggot.

scum isn't prominent though
it is literally only famous because she tried to kill Warhol

I am a 23 year old kissless virgin. I've started going to church and I am becoming a Christian, so i don't really care anymore.

It's a famous piece of inconoclasm but whatever, take A Vindication of the Rights of Women, everyone already read it in high school

>these are the losers who populate /catholic/ generals

>Biggest lie every said and design to keep people miserable.

Then why does so much media revolves around the idea that pussy is the be-all-and-end-all for men? If it's such a self-evident truth, why constantly drill it into mens' heads?

>You need a basis of frequent human contacts to not be miserable.

Even if true, a spouse is not necessary for this.

80% of men don't live a romantic life.

he's a prod, as are you since you don't know what a shibboleth is.

This is true and anyone who disagrees watches too much television

t. Upper classman living on a fraternity row

Bait taking redditors exposed. Go back there


i am 22 years old, 180cm height, 63kg weight, blue eyes, 108 iq, 4500$ of savings and i am still virgin

Fucking what? I presume you're only talking about surface-level Hesse here, the works that you see posted on Veeky Forums

Time to kill yourself, disgusting ugly autistic creep

They pollute the internet with their bullshit.
not being in a relationship =/= virgin or even not having sex anyway

Can you give some tips and tricks please? I would imagine that exposure therapy involves asking 100 people what time it is but because it's fake I have a problem doing that, have little problem talking when there is a purpose. Still a fucking brick romantically.

but i still have so much left to read

Daily reminder that valuing sex as the telos of all life means that you're a brainlet, whether you get laid or not

Steppenwolf and Siddhartha are not about incel but about (somewhat lonely)men looking for meaning in life, inceldom could be reduced to this if you have the discipline.

>engaging intellectually with women or cucks

>Veeky Forums makes these threads to bait out people they feel superior to so they can make them feel bad about themselves and promote hookup culture and amoral socio-sexual relations while also undermining the value and the rhetoric that supports healthy monogamous male-female relations, all of this relates back to marxists primarily being middle status and lower-upper status white atheists who live off of grants, financial aid, loans and their parents good graces and have ensconced themselves in either self-hating lower socio-economic enclaves or higher level social networks where a lack of willingness or success to/in getting laid is associated with worthlessness politically and socially. the people who fall into this group tend to utilize relationships as vehicles for resource extraction and to create social weapons to bash others over the head with and as entertainment devices where the suffering of out-group members or lower status group memembers is the primary fuel and glue for the in-group. They show little sympathy and no empathy towards incels and lower status males, specifically white and asian males, out of jealousy, envy, hatred and a lack of proper sensitivity to suffering which is not advertised to them as worthy from a young age
>a gay person for instance who has trouble with their identity but gets laid and has wealth and friends will receive endless support on this and other leftist boards
>similarly women are showered with attention and praise in these circles, often given primacy over more adept male members due to their being promiscuous and likely permissive of aggressive sexual advances from higher status members and the general association of female membership with high status which stems from a repressed bio-evolutionary consciousness they deny in theory but exercise often more practically than right wingers and liberals
>to them the incel represents the priviledge white male who has failed to claim the priviledge they expect him to wield
>his lack of status is an insult to those who want him as a larger enemy threat and renders him even more pathetic than his successful counterparts
>all the while a bait-and-switch tactic is played where oppression=morality and purity but also is a method of metering sympathy and organizing resources around tiered systems of attractiveness, intellect and sociality. the more attractive, social and intelligent the oppressed or approved group is, the more license they have to emulate the oppressor group in behavior. For instance a Jewish podcast host or a blonde, blue eyed, but nerdy, tall whyte leftist grad student who has a large friend group have more license to behave like an oppressor than a fat man, a balding man, a short asian man, a poor loner trucker man, a black nerd or a woman who prefers to be conservative and struggles to attain social status for herself because of this

Almost 26 and still a virgin. It actually gets worse with age, not better. You feel more and more alienated by the year.

>Can you name three prominent works of feminism without googling?

Can the average feminist?

>the Left is vehemently opposed to discussion of breeding opportunity inequalities because doing so brings up two important issues: is sex a right? and is biology more important than socio-economics?
>similiarly the issues of progeny is brought up, as naturally one wonders, "why indeed, are there so many men disappointed they are not in stable monogamous relationships"
>also in a similar vein there is the issue of whether or not the attractiveness of men and woman is in fact a social resource which transcends or predates economic inequality and if so whether or not the relative attractiveness and socio-sexual prowess of these two distinct groups has anything to say about their equality or further still whether their attractiveness is equal in utility, value or morality
>finally the left is strongly opposed to monogamy as Karl Marx and other Marxists have repeatedly stated that they wish to make women in common, wives in common, public sexual harems for all men, but particularly the most productive, handsome and charismatic men. There is little if any mention of husbands in common and of course there is a neglect to mention whether the lower socio-sexual status males would actually have access to women more frequently either via wives-in-common or husbands-in-common as there is no guarantee that women would consent (if this be an issue, many leftists deny the idea of personhood or agency over one's body, once there are no abortion activists or anti-drug activists in the room) to associating with them socially or sexually either through the wives in common or would pick them as partners through husband's in common
>another point though much smaller is whether or not these men would be asked to even sacrifice themselves socio-sexually for the cohesion of the greater whole
>if so, then the issue of agency, and the value of one's own life is brought up once more and thus of course leads back to issues of private property and whether its justifiable to allow others to do with as they please, one's own production and the fruits of that production
>all these issues come from analysis of unequal distribution of sexual partners, especially among liberals and the left where sexual promiscuity and social gaming are much more prominent than in their analogue right wing communities; I neglect to mention fraternities as a facet of conservative or right wing communities as analyzing their socio-sexual hierarchies and relations is its own topic of discussion and would itself require a deep analysis and probably more lengthy as the inhabitants of this board are primarily left leaning or not in any way involved with the athletics-fraternity-business circles that make up the conservative and right wing elites of the socio-sexual environment in the West


Veeky Forums is not left leaning

then just consider it to be a message to the marxists, liberals and social democrats of the board and any socially liberal right wingers as well. I don't really have a desire to discuss right wing socio-sexual relations right now as they're distinct from right wing socio-sexual relations. The two groups are genetically distinct and have different mating strategies and socializing structures. Just go on twitter, its blatantly obvious. But a lot of this still could apply as I said. Hopefully you aren't trying to shut down what I said and bury it by bringing up trivialities of that nature user

Bell Hooks, Marilyn Frye, Mary Wollstonecraft, Gloria Steinem,


It's probably the most left leaning of any boards.

Honestly you should probably just an hero. If you're 22 and can't even ask for directions there's no hope for you, romantically or otherwise.

Honestly, I miss when it was. I prefer the company of leftists. There's no better way to hone your rhetoric or enhance your understanding than through the Darwinian process of argumentation.

Stop, seriously, this isn't even funny and it's obvious from your diligence ITT that you're just projecting your own feelings of insecurity onto others. This is just sad


nah, sex isn't that important to be honest

>stop making me read things I don't like!

>tfw 22 year old virgin with engineering degree, research job and hopes for a P.hd
I got so far to lose it all...

Who needs books about incels, when we have /pol?

I couldn't give a shit about sex outside of a relationship. What the fuck would be the point?

Y-yeah haha, they're not pu$$y slayers like you and me haha

my twisted world by Elliot Rodgers

not memeing, i am currently reading it. it is hard to understand him for me

t. grown up in eastern Europe in a bad neighborhood

making out counts as sex right? the mouth is a secondary sex organ. If so then fuck you incels I got mine.

I wasn't trying to be funny. He asked an honest question, I gave an honest answer. Stop assuming that stating an uncomfortable truth must equate to 'projecting,' shitheel.

>108 iq
behead him

Nice innocuous politically correct insult.

I want to hear your opinions on fraternities, user.

Touche, I guess.

Are these threads even real? Every time I see one, I feel like the Ghost of Birthdays Yet to Come is punishing me by showing me that I will become an incel rodent if I don't get more social. I have to say, it's working. I haven't gotten laid yet, but I'm already talking to more people. I don't want to be one of you for the rest of my life.

>Read the Underground Man
come on man atleast get the title right.


Pretty sure i'm asexual/aromantic, surely I would feel frustrated, and want to persue it? I couldn't give a shit about it.

Are you near 30? Please don't turn into a beta bux.

What if I'm virgin by choice?

so what? I am more intelligent than 70% population yet they managed to get laid and i dont

I can tell you for a fact that these threads are real.
Check out you really want to see just how bad it is.

What "proof" could there possible be to show that two individuals are equal?

>implying that fundamental normative presuppositions are argumentatively tractable

Disgusting. Beyond beta: the omega man.

Ah, the classic go-back-to-wherever-I-don't-like treatment. What a fine and full statement, never not en vogue.

Bell hooks is incapable of thought

I like some of her critiques of Beyoncé:
Contrary to misguided notions of gender equality, women do not and will not seize power and create self-love and self-esteem through violent acts. Female violence is no more liberatory than male violence. And when violence is made to look sexy and eroticized, as in the Lemonade sexy-dress street scene, it does not serve to undercut the prevailing cultural sentiment that it is acceptable to use violence to reinforce domination, especially in relations between men and women. Violence does not create positive change.

>mfw 26 year old virgin.

I don't like it when people make fun of me because of my virginity. I hate this fucking society, I want to die.

Me on the right

Me on the left

>i am 22 years old
So you're late in the game.
>180cm height
Manlet cut-off, can get away with it though.
>63kg weight
Underweight as fuck, are you in a concentration camp? lift weights you bitch.
>blue eyes
Means nothing if you're a skelly ugly fucker.
>108 iq
So, avg? do you understand iq? obviously not since you have an 108iq lol.
>4500$ of savings
So you're poor but you think you're rich? lmao.

>inb4 pretending

>Tfw 21 and only $12,000 CAD in savings

Second hand embarrassed that got thought 4500 was a decen number


you guys cannot even fathom the pain of being volcel

To some extent, the detective Ushikawa in 1Q84. He's not a virgin, and he might go to whores sometimes, but emotionally he's like an incel in that he has no real bonds to anyone.

i am from third world country, i said it in dollars for you brainlets to understand

Oh shit I didn't realize you were a CEO, my mistake friend

Just got to the part where he threw coffee at those thots. The day of vengeance is coming.

Sex is overrated. I'm glad I've had it to experienced an essential part of the human experience. It feels good for a fleeting moment but when it's done I always feel like shit and get the irresistible urge to abandon whatever women I'm with.

Fuck I didn't proofread I am ashamed. Please shit on me.