Whats his fucking problem

Whats his fucking problem

Nothing, he's right. Human language developed as the result of a single mutation in a single person, who got hit by a ray of sunlight like a superhero comic.

He holds the U.S. and Israel to the standards they hold other nations to. This makes them sad.

He realized way too late in his career he should have been a real philosopher instead of a dorky linguist.

He's not a patriot.

I'm a laughing noam and you can't catch me

He is to linguistics what Dawkins is to biology.

Great in that field, should shut the fuck up about everything else

>Dawkins is great at biology
>Chomsky is wrong
I mean, you can context his anarchism, fair enough, but his views on the US / Israel aren't controversial, they're common sense outside of the american media. Like, no one else is called anti-semite for not being a zionist in civilized countries.

is he cia?

He's always been too one sided. He criticizes American foreign policy as if it happens in a vacuum and makes no reference to the far worse powers that US operations are organized to counter.

he is wearing a weird hat

well he has put in his two cents on brazilian politics when he clearly doesn't know shit about it

While this is true, you need to hold your own country to a higher standard if you want it to improve.

>Whats his fucking problem
voice projection

rt he's the motherfucking goat. people watch a few short out of context meme clips and think they understand him smdh.

>He is to linguistics what Dawkins is to biology.

Please go back.

He believes in equal rights and therefore thinks superior nations like the US or Israel should be held to the same standards as baboon nations like Brazil, which is the shithole I happen to live in.

God, how I would love some gringo intervention!


getting BTFO by Foucault is his problem.

He's a brainlet

he thinks are all civilian deaths are equally bad basically.
Unless they're committed by Cambodian communists in which case they never happened.

>somehow defeat totalitarian gov'ts and genocidal terrorist groups without hurting anyone

>defeat totalitarian gov'ts and genocidal terrorist groups
That really hasn't happened in like 60 years user despite the most military spending in the world by a huge margin, might be about time to accept that isn't really the main objective anymore

He's a jew who blames American imperialism for everything while leaving out the jewish involvement in it.

>I've never heard of NATO, the Soviet Union, the Cold War, or Islamism
>the post