Petersons Rate Your Professor

Look, he's never gotten a negative review. Or anything below a 5 star rating. He must be a really good teacher. Has Veeky Forums ever had a teacher that changed their life?

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I hope after that picture he took off that hat and kissed him. Just on the forehead. A true display of fatherly love

I'll bet you both of those fucking imbeciles think that's a Voltaire quote

Only for the worse after 14.

I've had some encouraging teachers but none that inspired a sea change.

What does it matter?

I'm really surprised the leftists and trannies of the world didn't attack his page in their smear campaign. I guess they really are just that dumb.

You like sowing confusion?

>I guess they really are just that dumb
why, is that something you would have done?

Ah fuck I think one of those goobers in the background is my frat
Yikes, UofT chapter not holding up to standard

nah that was at mcmaster

Clean your ass and god is real because things exist. Sort yourself bloody OOT, EH!

this is almost as bad as one of those 'this girl is a slut, show her we are legion!' threads on b

>I'm really surprised the leftists and trannies of the world didn't attack his page in their smear campaign. I guess they really are just that dumb.

>some trolls on /pol/ post extreme examples of far left idiocy, most of which is made up, so my view of the left is so beyond skewed that even 'delusional' cannot be used to describe how bad I've let myself get

as much as I hate pol and their intellectual laziness, their description of the left is accurate as far as most humanities departments in the Anglosphere go. Which is why a minority of prominent leftists have started to argue for heterodoxy withing the academy. /pol/'s view might be hyperbolic at times, but it's not made up.

I don't see how what you said is supposed to contradict what I said. It's a minority of the extreme left that they get upset over, and then they use that to demand that all or nearly all liberals fall into this category.

That fucking cringe quote from a guy who literally ran and hid in Switzerland when things got a little dangerous.

There's no hope for restoring that term to its original definition. Can a pre Reaganite Conservative Whig not be 'liberal' at the same time? Liberalism is not exclusively left-wing.

I'd hardly call modern liberals left wing. Hillary and friends are pretty much center-right outside of muh gender/race issues

Thank Christ

I'd say a few of my profs shaped my outlook in significant ways.

>gender/race issues
When it comes down to it, that's all the reactionary see as worth fighting for. All other issues, in their mind, stems from the white man loosing ground.

Jordan denies any type of progress outside the self with the excuses "how would we measure such a thing?" or by echoing Zizeks argument of "what comes after revolution is always worse."Classic reactionary tactic. Don't look for anything to change besides different groups people butting heads over dumb shit. And clean you room Vicki.

>Unless your a woman on twitter, then I'll bombard you with rape threats.
Jordy is just that irrelevant in the real world.

/pol/tards keep calling everyone soy boys yet i can't tell if this is a man with low test or a butch lesbo

The "real world"?

He's like a less appealing/successful Dawkins.
With that in mind, can we really blame him for milking brainlets?

He isn't anything like Dawkins

>why, is that something you would have done?
No, but it's exactly the type of thing they would and did do, just in different and less effective circles. People have literally put up posters on campuses warning against Peterson and tying him to Neo Nazis. They aren't above slander, they're just not very competent.

I disagree.
He's riding the coattails of teenage forays into established narratives, repeating criticisms that have already been said and dealt with in far more intelligent and thorough methods.

In this sense he is just like Dawkins, spooning a warm diarrhea of personality and rebellion into the mouths of idiots too lazy to think or read for themselves.


good post

He's being a father like figure to thousands of young men that lack any strong role model.
He levels criticism that is still valid, even if it has been repeated innumerous times across different conduits. I don't know who you think did it any more intelligent and throughly, but Peterson does a good job when he's allowed to speak, even if he does become a little scatterbrained here and there.
>spooning a warm diarrhea of personality and rebellion into the mouths of idiots too lazy to think or read for themselves.
what "rebellion" is he advocating for? He gives advice like "take responsibility" and have clear goals in life. He then outlines simple ways you can do this. He helps lost youths, user
Why is reading the words of an author alright, but hearing them from the mouth Peterson is somehow lazy? Watch his bible lectures, and tell me those are intended for lazy idiots.
Oh, you were just trying to goad me


Well then I'd say their acting out their own powerlessness within the competency heirarchy that shapes their life and gives it meaning. The bloody neo marxist scum lords responsible for brainwashing them didn't help any either. This is what happens, you see, wh- wh- when these types don't get what they want. It's like dealing with a child, but worse than a child because even infants have been shown by studies carried out by Sokolov and Gemin in the late 70s, even they are capable of detecting competence within their care givers at a very early age, and extraordinarily early age, and in doing so babies have become some of the greatest proof we have today the necessity of competence hierarchies--because of the biological and neuropsychological substructure dominant within the development of the hippocampus at this very crucial, perhaps the most crucial period in the development of the bilogical self--in any society that isn't gonna crash on the damn bloody rocks of neo marxist ideology in its many transmutations that have infected the academy. I have a story I can tell you in 10-12 min that would show you just at what level of our psych membranes the necessecary infallibility of competence hierarchies is embedded, if you'd like.

I imagine something like this happened...
>hey guys lets spam negative reviews on this old white male BIGOT, we can stop people from taking his class and learning his hate
>visit ratemyprofessor
>all of the reviews for Peterson are glowing positive
>oh my god, this website is part of the patriarchy, back, BACK
>guys we need to protest against

Is this really his greatest appeal? Being daddy to thousands?

Probably not.
Even if it is, is that so bad?

>He's being a father like figure to thousands of young men that lack any strong role model.
The same could be said of clueless cult leader and overall ignoramus Stephan Molyneux. Idolizing a "politically incorrect" university professor who spoonfeeds you conspiracy theories and basic self-help shit that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside is not the same thing as having a father figure. You're better off finding a father figure in real life, you know, someone you can actually interact with, someone you can build a relationship of mutual respect with and all that.
>He levels criticism that is still valid
Basic anti-SJW shit mixed in with a devastatingly poor understanding of post-modernism and literal conspiracy theories in the form of his belief in "cultural marxism" is not something I would call "valid criticism", sorry.

I'm sure he's doing fine in his actual field of expertise, but his self-help shit and the way people talk about it make him sound like a proto-cult leader and his political critique is downright embarrassing. He should stay in his lane, as a public intellectual he has nothing of value to say.

>The same could be said of clueless cult leader and overall ignoramus Stephan Molyneux
So? That says nothing of Peterson
> Idolizing a "politically incorrect" university professor who spoonfeeds you conspiracy theories and basic self-help shit that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside is not the same thing as having a father figure.
I refuse to believe you have ever spend any considerable amount of time actually listening to Peterson. He is far from warm and fuzzy. He tells you that life is inherently pretty shit, and you have to make the best of it. Why is teaching basic self-help a flaw?
>Basic anti-SJW shit mixed in with a devastatingly poor understanding of post-modernism and literal conspiracy theories in the form of his belief in "cultural marxism" is not something I would call "valid criticism", sorry.
I agree. He can get caught up in his "bloody neo-marxist" but the actual problems that he shines a light on are quite real. I'm not all the informed on post-modernism, however, and I'm always wary whenever it's brought up.
>He should stay in his lane, as a public intellectual he has nothing of value to say.
His stance against left-wing bullying is of great value. His outspoken disposition towards censorship is valuable. He informs people of things they wouldn't have known of, like bill C 16, and the statement of principles introduced to the law society.

I am almost certain that your resentment towards him stems from his fan base, who can be quite fucking annoying with their memes. Else, I don't really know where to put you

>I refuse to believe you have ever spend any considerable amount of time actually listening to Peterson.
you just described 99% of the people here who "critique" him

I get too annoyed at his endless rambling and his piecing together of anything he can grasp at until it finally unravels into nothing. I went into his videos knowing he was selling something, and that was a big turn off right there. But if you didn't have that and liked what he was selling, I could see how you'd stick with him long enough to the point where you had to defend him. .

Isn't that guy a meme?

I had a teacher this semester who I fell in love with and who was the reason i'm planning to switch from a STEM major to a literature major. Wish me luck

All the teachers that I really liked and learned a lot from were total outcasts in the university, and usually got really bad student feedback, you know because they would actually challange students, not accept shitty excuses, demand they they contribute independent thought and all that bullshit that gay leftists communist weirdos that make up 95% of professors don't do.

That's a horrible rationale. Also, it's "whom I fell in love with, and who was..."

You chose STEM for a reason, don't trick yourself out of doing what you love for the sake of impressing a woman/man

I didn't choose STEM because I liked it. I chose it for the money. I should've been clearer in what I said: I decided on literature because she helped me learn to love it, not merely because I wanted to impress her.
And thanks for the correction. I really do need to improve how I write as I am just getting started. These minor grammar errors will be hard to overcome.

>This was the start of my disillusionment with philosophy. Searle is self-absorbed and not an original/creative thinker. I was really excited about this class (judging by the title), but he let me down.

>endless rambling and his piecing together of anything he can grasp at until it finally unravels into nothing
I don't need JP for that, I can do it myself.

>Also, it's "whom I fell in love with
The absolute state of /litty/ right now

Many or most of his 'critics' are paid shills who are paid (by Shareblue, inter alia) to disrupt and break apart and sew division into every aspect of the /pol/ community.

absolutely, I get a dollar every time I post something critical of JBP but secretly I want him to hug me and call me "son" and tell me to go clean my room

Should have been obvious since he was btfo by Derrida

Provide some citations. Without them, it just reads like a crazy conspiracy

>the guy who offers all his lectures from both Harvard and University of Toronto for free online is selling something
It seems like you're the one who is trying to sell something, user. Lmao, too bad anyone with half a brain isn't buying.

That's grammatically correct, the clause could be rephrased "with whom I fell in love," therefore the relative pronoun is an object, therefore "whom" is used. Or are you upset that I'm being pedantic? If I'm wrong, please let me know. I always like to have my knowledge expanded

hurr durr

google it if you're that interested.

>google it if you're that interested.
No, that wasn't my point. My point is that you're going to be disregarded if you don't provide citations to begin with. I'm trying to aid you
This is what happens when a Veeky Forumsard tries to debate common sense dumbfuck pothead Joe Rogan. Now imagine what would happen if any of you tards tried to debate Peterson. You'd be destroyed you postmodern tards.

Most people of pol are left winger actually.

I think that for a lot of young men, specially those with a proclivity for right wing politics, Peterson fills an intellectual gap in their humanities education. I get the impression most of these young men didn't have much of an exposure to the classics, philosophy and psychology in general, so to see someone articulate themselves in a way that goes beyond the entry level scientism preached by the some mainstream media must be mind boggling.

If you look around you'll find pictures and posts these kekstani types posting excitedly about reading The Gulag Archipelago or some of the Jungian literature Peterson keeps recommending, as if they have found some hidden treasure. This goes to show they are somewhat starved of information that goes outside the scope of STEM.

I get the impression those on the left tend to have these experiences a bit earlier as left-wing cultural and economical criticism is much more widespread among those who work in high school education, though I'm not in the anglosphere so I'm not sure.

The distaste I see for Peterson seems to be mostly directed at his followers. He himself seems to be a standard Jungian psychologist, he doesn't really say anything new and his opposition to left-wing identitarian politics is not much different of what we've been seeing since the 90's, he just has more of a platform with internet.

>because you teach at a prestigious university you cant be misleading the students there
funny, because that's the charged put against every nameless professor that isn't this one man

i'm not selling anything but a reasonable dose of rational skepticism of anything that is plastered all over the internet and packaged as THE WAY. i just expect people who see themselves as intellectually curious to do the same.

>because you teach at a prestigious university you cant be misleading the students there
No-one said that, except for you and your strawman of course! Keep knocking them strawmen down, I'm sure it won't be intellectually bankrupt eventually.

>over the internet and packaged as THE WAY
But Peterson doesn't even teach this.
You have completely misjudged Peterson from the beginning. And of course he was "selling" something. Everyone who has ever lend a voice is trying to "sell" something. Everyone who educates is "selling" something

Leftwingfags have a corresponding STEM-gap.

It fits pretty well. Rightwingers don't want to acknowledge that which is not 'objective' because they're afraid of chaos, leftwingers don't want to engage with facts which might shatter their dreams of a better world because they're afraid of order.

it was implied in your post and if it wasn't then your post has no content or meaning outside of your recrimination that im the one selling something.

I'm interested. And I know this is asking a lot, but what would you say it is he is "selling" that has such appeal or significance today? Why do his lectures resonate with people? I'm genuinely interested.

Lmao, it's amazing that you can actually be the dumbest person in the room when Joe Rogan is in there with you.

>but what would you say it is he is "selling" that has such appeal or significance today? Why do his lectures resonate with people? I'm genuinely interested.
I'm not really sure
I find him appealing because he offers a very simple and straightforward to get yourself out of the muck. He doesn't cover his help in fuzzy bullshit, and tells you straight up that you're going to suffer.

He seems very earnest, and is clearly talking from experience when he says "sort yourself out". He also doesn't claim that he himself is finished with being sorted out. His stance on censorship is also appealing, of course

Right also doesn't like the humanities because all the liberal democratic ideas that our society rests on are born from them.

The left dosen't make it a point to hate STEM or objectivity (although postmodernism does push against it). They recognize science and technology as the engines of progress (and here's the point of diversion) for all. They don't think it should be used as a tool to turn back the clock and impose obstacles or undue (or qualify) what the humanities have given us.

>it was implied in your post and if it wasn't then your post has no content or meaning outside of your recrimination that im the one selling something.
You're clearly selling the idea that he is selling something, which is absurd since he offers all his lectures (hence both universities) for free. But you post it anyway, despite it being absurd, because you have an agenda. Hence, selling something. Should I say it slower?

what makes you say that?

I just think he's misguided, not malignant in his words

I've been in plenty of english lit, sociology, politics and practical philosophy courses, and the attitude is for the most part blatantly anti-science. Just you try bringing up evolutionary biology or developmental psychology when they're talking about societal structures and power dynamics involved in our views on poverty, gender, and so on. No one wants to hear about it.

Those are all good reasons to look to him guidance or stability, and I find nothing in your post I'd disagree with. And I do know the struggle of trying to find someone worth listening to, or something worth believing in. I just take issue with the way he presents certain topics, and I have to question what exactly is the motive behind his whole message? No one can disagree with becoming a better person, or that we live in a world of shit. I'm just not sure is answer is the answer, considering the very real and unrelenting problems we face.

I guess I was mistaken by your first post. I think Jordan would agree that he does have something to sell, not that it is whatever you think it is I mean by that. This user gets it. You don't post all your lectures online, make more videos covering contemporary issues, tour podcasts and online shows if you don't have a message, if you don't hope to affect minds, if you don't hope to steer the direction of events and perceptions of them.


They support socialism, nazi party, etc.

Theres many Trump (or should say DRUFM?hahaa ) too in the other hand.

>nazi party is socialism because it's in the name, blurp, blurp
How's middle school?

I should just put the word "nazi". But with socialism i refered to others political ideas, of ciourse. And, yeah, "National Socialism", i think is pretty obvious.
I'm not in middle school.

its because "whom" is a dead word and Veeky Forums is a fucking online imageboard, aka the most casual environment in the world.