>favorite book
>net worth
>number of girls you've had sex with
Now, don't actually post it - nobody cares about your LARP. Just realize you were about to lie to anons to impress them. Stop lying to yourself
>favorite book
>net worth
>number of girls you've had sex with
Now, don't actually post it - nobody cares about your LARP. Just realize you were about to lie to anons to impress them. Stop lying to yourself
Other urls found in this thread:
>Paradise Lost
>idk stdudent
speak for yourself op
>bought ENG at 9000 sats
>Finnegan's Wake
>$39 million trust fund
>lost count after 100 lol
The Selfish Gene
dude I dunno probably some kit kats
>homage to catalonia
>kissless virgin
The Stranger
>L'écume des Jours
That's because you are a girl.
The stranger of Albert Camus
Im a student idk
Savage Detectives
£20k inheritance knocking about
The Shadow Over Innsmouth
Maybe $3000
Nah, I'm a neckbeard with shit teeth. Still bretty happy
Why would I lie about the two worst measures of human worth?
The Ego and Its Own
>Brothers Karamazov
>over 9000
>it's not gay if you dress like a girl
Came here to post this
>crime and punishment
The Cossacks
>The Street of Crocodiles
The Aeneid
poor student
0(unless you count gays)
>mentally incontinent borderline child with edgy pleb taste has had the most sex
Color me surprised
>gravitys rainbow
The Death of Virgil
>Of Mice and Men
>somewhere between 30000-35000
butchers crossing
about 50 thousand thanks to the stocks.
2 hookers
>in debt
>difference and repetition
>Our Lady of the Flowers
>around 1500 (?) I must qualify that by saying I have a kid so all my money goes to my family's upkeep but also I am terrible with money and spent my 20's addicted to heroin
>at least 15
>either/or probably, because it's my go to when travelling
>stopped counting and being a whore in my own respect after about 20 women
Moby Dick
23 free (if you count whores 100+)
>>favorite book
The Iliad
>>net worth
I guess $50000 since that's all I have in savings and I don't own any property
>>number of girls you've had sex with
I've only had sex with 1 girl, but I slept in the same bed as 3 others and had the opportunity to have sex with them. I turned them down because I was going through a retarded Christian "can't have sex before marriage" phase at the time. Now I struggle to get pussy
>No Longer Human
Not lying, not impressing anyone, so you're doubly wrong.
>addicted to heroin
im sorry to hear that. really bums me out to hear stuff like this. i hope you are well adjusted now and better without it.
How can one be "mentally incontinent"?
>A Picture of Dorian Gray
>4 dollars
>Journey to the End of the Night
Fuck you, inferior worm
>Anatomy of Melancholy
>783 million
>3.5 billion including your mom
p.s le wake up irish man is just a meme. it doesn't actually mean anything and is just a big joke on pseuds.
>The Silmarillion
>19k euros
40k USD (90k salary)
Patrician taste desu
Anna Karenina
In denbt
>A Farewell to Arms
>Mysteries by Hamsun
>shit-tier, if I sold all my things it'd probably be around 5000 USD
>stuff matters
>a picture of Dorian gray
He said how many women you've fucked, I don't care about the 23 dicks you've taken
how the fuck do you calculate your net worth
Some of us on this earth are actually attractive
Sorry that your not
Cash+assets-debt=net worth.
This is my understanding, but I'm not good with money.
>Crime and Punishment
>0, but hoping to change that very soon
seems logical
>about $1200
>Just realize you were about to lie to anons to impress them.
Get out of my mind!
>Critique of Pure Reason
>~$3000 (i'm a student)
>the savage detectives
>five (but boys, actually)
whats ur problem dude
Cheks out
>Around 10k or so
>Moby Dick
>Like $20 or something
>J R
>1 (with my girlfriend since 18)
2001: A Space Oddessy
29 yo
27 girls
The Illiad
3, if you include hookers then 27
Sorry, madman on the loose.
>The Sun Also Rises
>in debt because of school, ~3000 in my bank account
>0. I try to be a good Christian and not have sex with my girlfriend but she still gives me blowjobs. I’m a lustful sinner.
Don't ever @ me again
so, i need ask
why are you guys so fucking virgins?
i mean, jesus christ
Why can't you speak English?
it is more hard than fuck girls
>Fear and Trembling
>like negative 20,000 and counting
also senpai
found this book nauseatingly boring I think I'm a huge faggot
> pic related, specifically this 1981 printing from a larger collection of great Kawabata translations
> 26
> ~133k liquid, ~20k possessions
> 0
Nice taste mates.
>Grapes of Wrath
>0 fucking dollars
>1 and a couple of blow jobs from other girls (I have to mention this blow job part because I am insecure about my 1 intercourse partner)
>Gravity's Rainbow
>probably five or six, my dude
>Probably The Road
goals desu
>Merleau-ponty: phenomenology of perception
>25000 of savings from my family for my education
>Philosophical Investigations
>The Course of the Heart by MJ Harrison and Alice Fell by Emma Tennant
>hahaha debt and no savings and no assets
>8 (but did I enjoy any of it haha or was it gross and weird haha kinda make me feel anxious lol haha greath thread guys)
Man I love that book read it every year
I'm "good looking" but personality and awkwardness kills it
>The Idiot
>Zero. I've dated 4 girls, was making out almost naked with 2 of them but was always afraid of moving further and never felt like being in a relationship for more than 2 weeks.
i dont have a favorite book
ive had sex with one guy
And now i'm balding, sick af and about to kms so i guess i'm staying virgin forever
The idiot
0 (unless you include boys)
>Breakfast of Champions
>5 million (startup equity bux, can't actually spend any of it)
>50 something (college in Austin is ez mode for casual hookups)
>Plato's Republic
>net worth: somewhere off the coast of the Balkan Islands
what was the last question
>voluntary celibate as I'm in the monastery
>Finnegan's Wake
haven't seen this bait in a while
>my self-published novel
>investments tied up in multiple countries. maybe $25,000 liquid on a day's notice but more than that in assets
>who tf counts but maybe 15-20
if it's 0 it's not hard to count
look up stats on sexual partner averages. vast majority of people have sex with less than five people in their life.
you'll be alright, user. just remember, the hole is lower than you would think from all your time watching porn.
>cien años de soledad
>if you include hookers
We don't.
fitting book