Shakespeare on philosophy

Why did he hate philosophy? I'm sure he had the IQ to understand it but what about philosophy did Shakespeare dislike about? Keep in mind Shakespeare lived before some philosophers.

Wow he obvs didn't read Kant what a brainlet

Considering Plato's opinion of theater and poetry it's not very surprising.

Literature is the eternal affirmation of the spirit of man. Philosophy is widdly words and diddly dums

Hazlitt said that Shakespeare was as good a philosopher as he was a poet.

His great gift was as a dramatist, but within that form he certainly wrestled with philosophical issues, of free will in Macbeth for example.

This is a pretty good book, a little tryhard or maybe forced at times but with some real insights and worth a look-see:

Shakespeare's Philosophy: Discovering the Meaning Behind the Plays by Colin McGinn

Gotta remember how dismal philosophy was back then (basically why Kant wrote 700+ pages trying to btfo it). Moreover, you gotta account for how much godawful theological mystic masturbation was circulating masquerading as "philosophy." Obviously a good ole hedonist like Bill would loathe that tripe.

What is it with anglos' obsession with IQ?

Analytical clowns, drop the retard juice ------rationalism taken to the niggerest extreme-----

What do you mean, "Why did he hate philosophy?" How extensively have you read Shakespeare? How do you define philosophy? Shakespeare was obviously influenced by Chaucer and both of them were very familiar with Seneca, and it shows. Lump Montaigne in there (who influenced Shakespeare in some points and is honestly him in pure essay form) and you have a handful of brilliant fucks. You don't have to be Kant or Plato or Aristotle or follow there schools to be a philosopher. Even Schopenhauer in his essays and often in his main work discusses stoicism and limiting desires and how fleeting happiness is.

Hamlet is a philosopher. Jaques is a philosopher. Examples of embodiments of Shakespeare's true philosophy are Corin and Prospero who would rather, instead of philosophizing and books, just work or live, accordingly. Hell as early as Taming of the Shrew you have Tranio advising Lucentio: "Let us be no stoics nor stocks!" He puts Ovid above Aristotle but that does not make him not a philosopher. That just shows his philosophy. Schopenhauer quotes Aristotle: "Poetry is superior to history, and more philosophical." Anyone () claiming Shakespeare is a "hedonist" should remember these lines from Henry IV:

To sport would be as tedious as to work;
But when they seldom come, they wish'd for come,
And nothing pleaseth but rare accidents.

>quotes most hedonistic line imaginable
i see ur point

my man

isnt it said it is said in the next life philosophers become dancers or something?

iq is just a placebo for whatever will come to describe 'raw cognitive ability/talent'. until then, the word intelligence doesn't suffice because memers say things like, 'you can be athletically intelligent'

I'd say the thing to look at ain't how tiny or abstruse the philosophical tradition could seem like when Billy lived, but how far of it England was, which is why Shakespeare could be a laic, "hedonist" state servant writer (just like Racine was, if we forger his jansenist background which is debatable when it comes to the influence in his work). Spain, for example was closer to religious controversies (the conflict between "old christians" and converted ones, the Counter Reformation) and so plenty of spanish authors, both laics and clergies, were strongly influenced by the philosophical stuff from back then (erasmism in Cervantes, christian neoplatonism in Fray Luis de León; also both of them were probably from cryptojewish families).

Philosophy angers lit fags and artists in general because you have to be willing to do battle with other people and their whole shtick is avoiding conflict and bloviating into the night with only their own reflection to deal with. They’re, you all are, the biggest narcissistic softies ive ever come across. Philosophers are intellectual predators, they exist to attack other people’s thinking. The only good philosophy exists to destroy others, that’s nothing like what artists are attempting to create. Hence the ressentiment, a position weakness envies a position of strength, so the one rises and the other retreats into itself.


Because there was more in Heaven and Earth than was dreamt of in it

I came here to post this in other words.

The absolute state of reading comprehension.

Was Shakespeare the smartest person to ever live?

Who could have been more intelligent? Augustine? Plato?

Me. Wait to see my poems published

Are you using google translate?

This thread is fucking brain cancer. It just needs a chart about IQ's and race and its Veeky Forums in a nutshell

>To sport would be as tedious as to work;
>But when they seldom come, they wish'd for come,
>And nothing pleaseth but rare accidents.
What did he mean by this?

can you be less new the next time you make a post

The quote makes more sense w/ the line before it:
If all the year were playing holidays,
To sport would be as tedious as to work,
But when they seldom come, they wished for come,
And nothing pleaseth but rare accidents.

I still dont get it, im a pseud brainlet (not a psuedo brainlet, but like, a real one)

>I'm sure he had the IQ to understand it

if every day was a holiday, the pleasure that a holiday brings would quickly dissipate, as they would be as any other day. but, as a rarity, they become precious, things to look forward to.

we think we want the best all the time, ignoring how our desires and their fulfillment really function.

Every day is a holiday when I'm with you user. Merry Christmas

Yeh that was just...sad:( wtf is American doing to people, I blame Calvinism or something

>And nothing pleaseth but rare accidents.
Ok, thats what I kinda thought, thanks, but this line was really throwing me off... and the.... they wished for come part...... but....... Like really.. nothing pleaseth but rare accidents? I get it like surprises are great, and there is the excitement of unknown, and unexpected, and mysterious, and there is dreary to planning everything and always being sure and certain and orderly: and yes he is saying the too much of a good thing is bad:

But, I just dont like the word accidents, because I guess that is totally my fault for associating it with mostly negativity. And like what, hoildays would be accidents? Sports would be accidents? What is he saying would be the rare accidents? Or is that holidays metaphor for 'pleasure' to begin with

A synonym for IQ is intelligence? Why does this trigger you guys so much I don't understand honestly

Imo #true philosophy is least accessible to high IQ autists and should be understood by low IQ retards

I wish it could be Christmas everyday

so, the use of 'accidents' here ties in a couple different meanings. there is the colloquial meaning, which brings to mind not negative circumstances but the happenstance of elevated occasions, or serendipity. then there is also the literal root meaning of the term, which is basically 'event' or 'happening'.

the absolute state of Veeky Forums
what youtube star or social media faggot is bringing down all this Shakespeare hate?

ok, so essentially unplanned... yea now I think I get it and grasp it.. like 'love lifes little surprises thrown your way' or whatever that saying,

Basically the best feeling is experiencing good when you werent expecting it

Most "high IQ" people don't really care about IQ. See: Feynman

Yeah, my bad for forgetting that previous line. Thanks user.
This. At least other anons admit it, but this guy.

>Most "high IQ" people don't really care about IQ. See: Feynman
>See: One person

For an explanation, not as data

basically there is work and vidya, if you don't work and do nothing as vidya, eventually vidya will be as tedious as work would have been.


America is just so weird, as a European it feels way further from me than Iraq or China.

You mean layman philosophy. Without a good understanding of philosophy, you know nothing. It's an intellectual pursuit for a reason you know.

It something for losers to cling to - most of them are probably actually average or below average IQ but when your life is shit its good to feel like you have something over other people. A coping mechanism

>basically there is work and vidya, if you don't work and do nothing as vidya, eventually vidya will be as tedious as work would have been.
neets actually believe this
>dont worry wagie, really im working just as hard as you playing these video games all day everyday

That's a pretty strange statement to make when IQ correlates with income more strongly than an person's parent's income

thats a perfectly normal statement for an american, salute that flag you stupid stupid fuck

This is what I meant - I just can't believe Americans originated in Europe. Its just proof that race doesn't exist, theyre the polar opposite of what we are in every way

The US hasnt had any kind of working class movement or labor organisation for 50 years...its essentially a giant corporation at this point.

its pure freedom bruv, a freedom farm, freedom to be dumbchecked