ITT: Opinions only you have

Opinions of yours that aren't necessarily contrarian but very rare

>I consider Outer Dark to be on par with Blood Meridian with both being his two best novels

I think that there are female writers who have produced great literature

on the subject of mccarthy
>he's an average writer at best who hides it with an emperor's-new-clothes-tier gimmick
and all you desperate, insecure tryhards fall for it.

Banning eugenics and gene-editing is immoral.

protties should stop saying they love Jesus so much, because their actions don't show it.

>sola fide!
>cop out to sin 24/7 and not repent

like geez brothers and sisters. Feel bad once in awhile. Shame makes you better.

Ask yourself, "do my choices show that I love Jesus?"

It pains me to say that my actions everyday show clearly that I'm rejecting Him and His love... It sucks and I want to change it. So I try to change it rather than throw my hands up, yelling "faith alone" and forgetting about trying to not reject God...

Faith alone don't cut it, ugh

Get a fucking life, you weirdo

Yeah, I have eternal life in me right now; it's beautiful

Catch-22 is the only truly great Heller book and all his other works mark a steady decline in quality and humor and you can almost feel his insanity growing with every later book. I have only read Catch 22 and Something Happened. PS Are there any books that are as funny as Catch 22?
Does Heller get better after his 2-nd book?
Is it worth reading more of his works?

If he’s average, what does that make someone like Eugenides or Saunders

A Portrait and Good as Gold are pretty good, but even Heller would agree that he surpassed himself at the start. Why do you think he went insane?

I think kids are just like animals, they only belong to their fathers until they can grow up, anyway its not like i despise them, i love my pets desu

Saul Bellow writes better stream-of-consciousness than Virginia Woolf, and has much more interesting things to say.

Melville's short stories are better than his novels.

Infinite Jest is the worst thing DFW ever wrote, with the exception of his history of infinity.

Jane Austen is only okay.

Willa Cather deserves more recognition than Fitzgerald, and it's a crime her books aren't taught more.

Hemingway deserves to be forgotten — he says nothing new and his experiments with style were literary dead-ends.

Nine Stories is better than Franny and Zooey, and Franny and Zooey is better than Catcher in the Rye.

Situationism is the most interesting school of thought to emerge since the end of WW1, even though it turned out to be self-defeating.

The highest good of fiction is its ability to be enjoyed but the highest duty of fiction is to elevate the reader.

So there is no duty to be good?

It took him 8 whole years to finish catch 22 and somehow it shows that it was done in a abnormal way. Like when you write 20 pages one day and can't stop hating them for 2 months while being unable to write anything else. It only gets worse with Something Happens. Its like he was trying to squeeze the last drops of his genius but it only depleted his sanity bit by bit. Could be wrong thou.

The more that one reads, the less he understands about literature.

Not really. The kid who starts with Harry Potter because its fun and moves on to Tolkien and later on to good lit is better off that the kid who is bored reading Shakespeare in High School and who never picks up another book willingly again. Ideally books are both enjoyable and good but those two qualities are often opposed to each other at the low end and you have to work up to that point.

You. I like you.

He was kind of an obsessive, judging by all the charts he made for plotting Catch-22

Then the kid who starts off with Harry Potter because it's fun is "better off" because he, in the end, elevates himself, i.e. does the literary duty, which means that duty is good. It seems like you're using "good" in a twofold sense, to mean both skillful and enjoyable, and reorienting the meaning depending on the context.

Joseph Conrad is really, really, really good.