Alright, boys. You know the drill: college, major, favorite book, etc.
>pic related
>infinite jest
Alright, boys. You know the drill: college, major, favorite book, etc.
>pic related
>infinite jest
>English, Comparative Lit, Philosophy
Favorite book
>The Crying of Lot 49
EPIC sidewalk chalk bro haha
yeah, I definitely care about muh depression
cool slam poetry guiz I r8 it for sure
boy I sure don't feel immense regret for investing my future moneys into this >american education
dual degree in creative writing and something else for career's sake
fav book is brothers karamazov with canticle for leibowtiz in second, currently working my way through anna karenina and becoming a bit of a russaboo
>The Hobbit
Cal State Bakersfield, Math, Catholicism by George Brantl
Pic related
His Dark Materials
>pic related (graduated 12 years ago now though)
>Political Science, with concentration in Political Theory
>Remains of the Day
>austin peay state university
>business marketing and philosophy
>oblomov and the tale of genji
Hello everyone. I go to Harvard, and my favorite book is "The Value Investor" by Benjamin Graham. In my free time, I like to row up and down the Charles.
>industrial design
>”little anatomy of the phisical unconcious” by hans bellmer
>University of California Irvine
>Bend Sinister or Hopscotch
>Grad student
>La vie mode d'emploi
>Trump University
>The Art of the Deal
>Grad student, Math
>Reading: La Distinction by Pierre Bourdieu
No favorites.
>Georgia Gwinnett College lol
>Undeclared but gonna transfer and do classics
sorry, you go to school WHERE??
GGC guy here, yeah it's ass and I'd be a fool to graduate from here.
Wait you nigs go to u of o? I am also there.
>Full Sail
>Creative Writing for Entertainment
>When Chelsea Smiled
University of California Irvine is really good for the medical fields though
what, and you're studying medicine? that's one of very few fields in which your knowledge of literature literally doesn't matter
Public Policy.
Moby Dick.
what's your major
and your favorite book?
also how do you like math at UO? I don't know anyone that's doing that.
>UHA in mulhouse
>economic and financial engineering
>brothers K
>University of Pennsylvania
>Why Nations Fail