Night by Elie Weisel

Can someone help me with this book, i have to do a character map for a project but there is barely info on people.

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OP here, what is Moshe the Beadle's age?

>assumes i'm underaged
ever heard of college?

This is a book year 10's study in Australia, read it yourself.

I read this book in 8th grade.

Why are you reading this in college? Night is more a less an embellished holocaust story meant to shock children. Almost propaganda, funny how the English translation left out the rape talk of the freed Jews


A revisionist researcher tried to put together a coherent chronology of the thing, and failed. So much of it is pure chutzpah.

Weisel was a liar, as jews inherently are.

Can we agree that whilst some stuff was exaggerated it doesn't discredit the cruelty of the Nazis?

I wouldnt say the NAZIs were particularly cruel unless you admit firebombing tokyo and dresden were equally cruel.

That was cruel as well, I will admit.

it was real in his mind ;)

I read this in 6th grade. This isnt a university tier book.

Anyways, you could just leave it blank because it is a fraud. Even fucking Raul Hilberg, the scholar extraordinaire and Hannah Arendts mentor on the subject has denied him factual accuracy:

So america is cruel as well. So why are the nazis different?

Cruelty was how the jews starved people to death and killed tens of millions of people before the national socialists ever got going. If they hadn't been worried about that happening in Germany, there never would have been any notsees.

They were the only ones turning people into lampshades and soap. :^)

Based Hilberg:

I asked Hilberg what accounts of the death camps and the Holocaust did he admire most. “That really depends on the reader. I don’t have that kind of favorite. For my purposes, obviously they have to be correct. There’s an account by Filip Mueller, who was on the gas chamber detail in Auschwitz in 1942, written in collaboration with two people: Eyewitness Auschwitz. It has to be read with care. Another book is Rudolf Vrba’s I Cannot Forgive, written with Alan Bestic. Vrba escaped from Auschwitz. He became professor of pharmacology at the University of British Columbia. This is the most remarkable of survivors, a man of absolutely incredible energy and abilities. In sheer ability to cope with the situation, this man is beyond belief.”

I didn’t press the point, but Hilberg, who stressed to me that he admires Wiesel, did not include Night in this little list. A clue to this omission may be found in Hilberg’s often acrid memoir, The Politics of Memory, published in 1996. In the chapter “Questionable Practices”, notable for a devastating account of underhanded behavior by Hannah Arendt, Hilberg discusses “areas of inappropriateness or illegitimacy”. “I try to nod wisely when poets or novelists step forward with their art, which in its very nature is much less disguised than mine. Nor am I disturbed when popularizers of history excavate the monographs of the footnote writers [among whom Hilberg included himself] and, distilling the contents, highlight story and drama for a large reading public.There are, however, limits. Among the practices that give me discomfort is the creation of a story in which historical facts are altered deliberately for the sake of plot and adventure.”

Then a page later Hilberg continues, “If counterfactual stories are frequent enough, kitsch is truly rampant The philistines in my field are truly everywhere. I am surrounded by the commonplace, platitudes, and clichés.The first German publisher of a small volume, containing my introduction and documents about the railroads [viz. their role in the destruction of the Jews] inserted a poem for which, he said, he had paid good money, describing human beings in freight cars including children whose eyes glowed like coal . The manipulation of history is a kind of spoilage and kitsch is debasement.”

I didn't say they were.

I'm pretty sure you're just repeating Nazi propaganda.

You guys are arguing about nothing. I wish I could put you both in a cattlecar

Lol. Do you know anything able jewish bolshevism in Russia? Jews slaughtered way more people than the notsees ever did. That's what national socialism was a response to.

There are so many good arguments against the exploitation of the holocaust by jewish actors. Finkelstein wrote a whole book about it. The shakedown of the swiss banks and the way that "survivors" have gone from 100k camp refugees to millions of family, friends, and expats who fled germany in the late 20s is fantastic.

Then there is this faggot who rolls out tired conspiratorial talking points he learned from /pol/ and destroys the conversation.

>national socialism a response to bolshevism

In what way?

This is literal Nazi propaganda. Please, stop spreading falsehood.

this is demonstrable, the militant right wing in the German and Italian post-war states were in response to communist paramilitaries. See Richard Evans

These are well-established facts. Scoot along, Chaim, your lies don't work here.

Well, German leadership not only experienced their own mini failed jewish bolshevik revolution in 1918, but later on got wind of how the jewish bolsheviks who had taken over Russia had killed tens of millions of people. They didn't want that to happen to them and their nation, so they built up their national strength and opposed the radical jewish influence within their nation.

Screaming "notsee propaganda" is not an argument. I advise you to try and counter what's being said or shut the fuck up.

I counter it with the fact that it's made up Nazi bullshit.

Then it should be easy for you to counter using actual argumentation and facts. Until you are able to do that, shut the fuck up.

>reading (((Elie Weisel)))

Well I don't know if they were fighting bolsheviks exactly; but it may in fact be the case that the national socialists in germany were proxy agents against Stalin.

Proxy agents of whom?

>he doesnt realize the nazis were a part of the jewish conspiracy

the mormons

>there is barely info on people
It's probably because many of those people never actually existed. The man was a kike's kike, a master of self-pity and trickery.

Maybe you should have allowed yourself time to do a closer reading.

I would say Hearst types. Show me the pictures and i'll give you the war. The medium is still the message here and war is a hell of a medium. Reminds me of the sandanistas writ large.

Lol. Funny story, I actually debunked the bogus numbers given on that entry a few years ago. Sources a book by a kike that used numbers from some senate document that doesn't even include the word "bolshevism." Jews are the biggest bullshitters on the planet, they lie and deceive others to gain influence constantly. I know we're all brainwashed by this stuff from an early age but it's important for whites to understand how jews are incapable of honesty and have gotten their way through moral blackmail, by pretending to be victims, and by slandering anyone who disagrees with them, all while siphoning off power for themselves. These are real disgusting people. When you start questioning their narratives and looking deeper into the subject matter you will inevitably come to the conclusion that jews are never to be trusted. It's a stereotype we all know, because it's true. And the biggest lie of all is their phony six million.

>Can we agree

This is your brain(let) on Nazism. I am awed.

I thought Elie Wiesel was a cool guy until I was some archive of him on TV saying Israel will never stop the killings of Palestinians as it is their duty to protect the promised land. He's a peace nobel laureate.

Retarded or jewish? The nazis didn't call themselves nazis and there hasn't even been a so-called nazi in over 70 years. You see how they're perpetuating this lie through this boogeyman? These are middle eastern scam artists.


>firebombing of dresden and tokyo