Extension du Domaine de la lutte

Just bought pic related. What am I in for lads?

Other urls found in this thread:



The thesis is that the sexual revolution of the Sixties created not communism but capitalism in the sexual market, that the unattractive underclass is exiled while the privileged initiates are drained by corruption, sloth, and excess.

I was underwhelmed but I still am excited for Atomized

It's good and short.
Kind of depressing but really good and eye-opening.

Platform and Submission are his best phamazoid.

Just read cat person instead XD

ah you managed to take a neochirp speak nigger utterance and make it clever, bravo

Your life story.

Why does it seem there is only a UK version of this one?

It's a travesty that no French user has translated the Houellebecq biography yet. It's on amazon for like 5 euros.

Why was his life as sexually frustrating ad his books?

French user here, got a masters degree in translation studies. I'll do it for you and 20 cents per word


What the fuck are you waiting for, get in touch with a publisher's house

Unironically his best work

>neochirp speak nigger utterance

Where do I start with him lads?

Yeah I decided to commit to it because of this:


The guy basically lays out of the point of the book and Houellebecq's work in general. Of course the guy is from Yale so he had to end it with something like women are still really the oppressed ones.


Biography is called Houellebecq non autorisé : Enquête sur un phénomène by Denis Demonpion

>20 cents per word
>5 words a dollar

Lol get fucked Francois Eiffelstein

Start with To Stay Alive

>"What is rather surprising is that at least three of the characters – Philip Schnäbele, Jean-Yves Fréhaut and Catherine Lechardoy – actually exist, and have simply been plonked into the book. Understandably, they took it badly: they are represented, like many characters in Houellebecq’s novels, as pointless and pathetic. (‘Her ugly little face is glum, she regularly wipes her glasses. I even wonder if she hasn’t been crying; I can just picture her breaking into sobs in the morning as she gets dressed, all alone.’) Demonpion records the grievances of Schnäbele (in the novel, a self-aggrandising IT manager known as ‘the Serpent’), who has no memory of meeting Houellebecq: ‘I recognise myself in his descriptions. He describes my office, mentioning the posters that I had up at that time, which proves that he was physically there – but from a very biased point of view. That said, an author has every right to his freedom of expression. I just wish he’d changed my name.’"

I think I've found a free copy of Houellebecq's biography here:


If any French anons could help (properly) translate some passages I post here I'd appreciate it.

and you'd say that Atomized is inferior to both of them?

we've had a thread on this before. absolutely based stuff, made me love Memeful Michel even more.

Never forget: youtube.com/watch?v=rlqG0-9SBPA