Meanwhile on bizarro Veeky Forums

Meanwhile on bizarro Veeky Forums...

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I actually enjoy reading, and writing!


ya done now.


관자재보살이 깊은 반야바라밀다를 행할 때, 오온이 모두 공(空)한 것을 비추어 보고 온갖 고통에서 건너느리라.

사리자여, 물질이 공과 다르지 않으며 공이 색과 다르지 않으며, 색이 곧 공이요 공이 곧 색이니 수상행의식도 그러하니라.

사리자여, 이 모든 법은 나지도 않고 멸하지도 않으며, 더럽지도 않고 깨끗하지도 않으며, 늘지도 줄지도 않느니라

그러므로 공 가운데는 색이 없고 수 상 행 식도 없으며, 안이비설신의도 없고, 색성향미촉법도 없으며, 눈의 경계도 의식의 경계까지도 없으며, 무명도 무명이 다함까지도 없으며, 늙고 죽음도 늙고 죽음이 다함까지도 없고, 고집멸도도 없으며, 지혜도 얻음도 없느리라.

얻을것이 없는 까닭에 보살은 반야바라밀다를 의지하므로 마음에 걸림이 없고, 걸림이 없으므로 두려움이 없어서 뒤바뀐 헛된 생각을 멀리 떠나 완전한 열반에 들어가며, 상세의 모든 부처님도 이 반야바라밀다를 의지하므로 최상의 깨달음을 얻느니라.

반야바라밀다는 가장 신비하고 밝은 주문이며, 위없는 주문이며, 무엇과도 견줄 수 없는 주문이니, 온갖 괴로움을 없애고 진실하여 허망하지 않음을 알지니라.

이제 반야바라밀다주를 말하리라.

아제 아제 바라아제 바라승아제 모지 사바하 (가자 가자 피안으로 가자. 피안으로 건너 가자.)

Only good books ITT

Is this a Nick Land thread in disguise?


I really enjoyed the English translation of this scroll. Never seen a bad translation. Gosh I love reading!


When the bodhisattva of the Tube material is done in the deep Banya-Bara, all of this will be seen in the light of the ball and crossed from all suffering.

The material is not different from the ball, nor is it different from the color, and the color is soon the ball, and the ball will soon be in the ritual of the award.

And all these laws are not to be wiped out, nor are they neither dirty nor clean, nor have they increased.

Therefore there is no color in the middle of the ball, and there is no water-bound expression, and there is no unceremoniously deity; there is no color-inclination technique, neither the boundaries of the eye nor the boundary of consciousness, nor even the obscure obscurity, neither old nor death, nor death, nor stubbornness, nor the wisdom nor the acquirement.

Because it is not to be obtained, the Bodhisattva is not in the mind because it is the will of the wheat and the Banya Bara, because there is no fear, so far away the vain thought that has changed, and enters into perfect Nirvana, and all the Buddha of the details will be in the hope of this half-night, thus attaining the supreme Enlightenment.

The Banya Barada is the most mysterious and brightest order, and is an unmatchable order, and you know that you will not be in the truth and perish by all sorts of bitterness.

Now he will speak of the Lord of Banya-Bara.

Let's go inside the Abu, Abu Barajas (let's go the blood. Come across the blood.)

I love Robert Fagles' translations!

Vergil is indisputably better than Homer

I read books

cute pet fish :D please more of these




Hey gals I like every book I've ever read without exception. I think every author is beautiful and meaningful in their own ways. I think you all are wonderful people blessed by God and jesus, and I just want all of you to not be sad or tired or lonely cause you too are human beings, and I respect you and your opinion as it has also come from a lifetime of trail and hardship that has taught you empathy and love for your fellow man.

Pynchon is overrated

Don Quixote sucks

>he doesn't end with the greeks

I had a great experience in college talking about my favorite literature with people from different backgrounds. I even met the girl I've been dating for the last five years there- I'm proposing to her this Christmas Eve at the used book store we met at in Greenwich Village (we go there every year) so wish me luck!

I'm so jealous of you user. everybody at my uni always agrees with me on everything. we can never get a good discussion going because we all can see each others points too well.
what we need is more diversity to be honest.

Robert Fagles is such a great translator!

Quite right about diversity! We had a number of underprivileged minority students who came from poor backgrounds at my college on scholarship and their insights were really invaluable.

without a doubt the single greatest aspect of our society is our free library system. I can only imagine how detrimental it would be to our society if we didn't have such a well-versed and well-read low-income population.
I hope that "TV show" trend stays dead. such a difficult medium to portray stories.

i hate tao lin so much

go to bed tao

wake up tao

I actually read the book I'm currently discussing. And why don't we ever talk about philosophy instead of literature?

that's just too much man..

>christfags actually provide evidence that jesus was a real person

Let's put down the memes for now guys and go read a book.

can't tell if ironic

I wrote all day and finally finished my novel. It's most likely going to be published but it feels rewarding nevertheless. I am full of hope and happiness. I am going to make it after all.

American writers are the best. I, a Hungarian kid, am in no way taking out my oedipal rage on Americans due to my mother having an American boyfriend. I love Americans and America so much!

>there are impressionable, young, highly exploitable eastern european boys with daddy issues browsing this board RIGHT NOW

Hey, let me just research my opinion really quickly so that I can set the standard for the rest of the conversation I want to have. Better yet, I'll read a full book and take notes so that I can actually make a substantial argument, and an argument that isn't just meant to embarrass someone else, but one which will help me clarify my own thoughts and expand what I already know, since of course the process of thinking is leagues more valuable to me than the accumulation of quick snippets of information I can shoot of to fulfill the image of erudition I have formed and want so badly.

When are they releasing the Bible RPG video game. I hope to Christ they just release the OT and NT at the same time. No fucking expansion pack shit.


I had sex today

I love /pol/'s contributions to this board so much. They really add a lot of class and insight to the place.

I will read a book and then discuss it with other anons until the thread reach bump limit

I do bitchfcu=k/

There's nothing annoying about every thread being derailed

Start with the New York Times top 10 of the current year. You wouldn't want to read outdated stuff, right! ;-)

Haven't you even ever solved the spoken have ever the have to speak the, and not isn't left to the have to speak about and understand universal?

Just finished this bad boy, and I gotta say holy shit! Any recommendations for more books like this?

that's the normal Veeky Forums, senpai

You know, I think the best books are the ones that they assign children to read in high school. They're just so simple and full of great life lessons that anyone can understand. Other books might try to be pertinent to everyday life, but they just don't have the same influence on personal development that these books have.