Recommend a good book to get in to greek mithology. I prefer a book that summarises all legends

Recommend a good book to get in to greek mithology. I prefer a book that summarises all legends

Edith Hamilton's mythology

What about:
robert graves greek myths



This. Never fails.

Calasso's Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony.

>Edith Hamilton's mythology
>robert graves greek myths
>Calasso's Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony.
Good job on the pleb answers Veeky Forums
Hesiod->Homeric Odes->Homer->Ovid's Metamorphoses-> Western canon poets retelling them
[No Fagles]


Morford & Lenardon Classical Mythology

this but skip the retarded norse shit at the end

It's only like 20 pages of Norse stuff, I thought it was interesting

just read wikipedia you faggot

Wikipedia makes it boring and complicated

why Hesiod first? and which? Theogony?

Don't start with the Theogony, you'll burn yourself out before you even start, read Works and Days first.

Theogeny is a clusterfuck. Start with the Homeric Odes desu


Just quit being a wuss and read Homer and Hesiod. Going the brainlet route isn't as enjoyable anyway. Start with Theogony.

Why did she write 300 pages in the Greeks then just patched up some Norse stuff and called it a day? It gives the impression she was superficial in compiling the book.


>Don't start with the Theogony, you'll burn yourself out before you even start
damn... thirty entire pages??


this! It's a nice read!

Don't read Apollodorus, it's painfully dry

I enjoyed the norse shit but I think it just belongs in a different book.

Reading 30 pages of this gibberish?? I can't read a word of it.

pleb answers for a pleb, makes sense no?

Um. What was asked for was a compendium that would spark an interest in Greek mythology and subsequently lead to the poets (you) flaunt. Thought about mentioning Alein's book (The Gods) or Walter Otto's The Homeric Gods, neither of which are readily available, however. Calasso's book is both sound and non-pleb tier. Clearly (you) haven't read him. ..In the future, fucking listen to what is asked for- if (you) disdain the question, skip it. A 'patrician' like yourself shouldn't have to be told..

Reading a book that is basically just a bunch of genealogies is the perfect way to scare away people who are just starting, Theogony is by no means a starter book imo.