What's the best way to into Schoppy after Hegel...

What's the best way to into Schoppy after Hegel? Start with Will and Representation or On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason? Be honest with me whether the latter is necessary

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Reminder that Hegel is the only reason Schopenhauer got a PHD and a job at Hegel's university. Pinkard looked into it and had this to say of it:


Interesting, I always found it odd how much hate Schop had for Hegel despite their similarities, Russel I can understand

haha holy kek

Thanks for this. I always wondered what Hegel thought of Schopenhauer, and honestly this is probably the saddest possibility

not surprised by this at all. Schopenhauer was a jerk.

Let's not forget the time Schoppy lost a competition in which he was the only contestant because he bashed Hegel in the essay he submitted to a hegelian board

>The Society'sJudicium(Judgment) also read "Nor should it go unmentioned that several distinguished philosophers of recent times are mentioned in such an indecent fashion as to provoke just and grave offence". In response Schopenhauer, outraged, says that "These 'distinguished philosophers' are in fact —FichteandHegel!", following with a series of invectives and quoting Hegel, attempting to show with three different examples that Hegel "lacked even common human understanding".
absolute madman

Somone should do the Schopenhauer virgin walk vs Hegel chad.

Only Schopenhauer could manage to be a worse person than a dude who left his bastard son in an orphanage for 18 years

I'd just read his essays with edgy/funny/wise opinions, his metaphysical work is bretty inconsequential

Schopenhauer was the worst bipolar dork.

So he's basically /r9k/?

>If I were to say that the so-called philosophy of this fellow Hegel is a colossal piece of mystification which will yet provide posterity with an inexhaustible theme for laughter at our times, that it is a pseudo-philosophy paralyzing all mental powers, stifling all real thinking, and, by the most outrageous misuse of language, putting in its place the hollowest, most senseless, thoughtless, and, as is confirmed by its success, most stupefying verbiage, I should be quite right.

>Further, if I were to say that this summus philosophus [...] scribbled nonsense quite unlike any mortal before him, so that whoever could read his most eulogized work, the so-called Phenomenology of the Mind, without feeling as if he were in a madhouse, would qualify as an inmate for Bedlam, I should be no less right.[108]

>At first Fichte and Schelling shine as the heroes of this epoch; to be followed by the man who is quite unworthy even of them, and greatly their inferior in point of talent --- I mean the stupid and clumsy charlatan Hegel.[109]

>Hegel "lacked even common human understanding".


Read Kant. Kant solves Hegel and Schopenhauer solves Kant.

I did
>Kant solves Hegel
Doesn't make any sense care to explain?

>this philosopher "solved" this other philosopher
>this philosopher "destroyed" this other philosopher
>this philosopher "ended" philosophy
God i hate Veeky Forums pseuds that talk like this.

Well in chapter two of the world as will and representation Schopenhauer references his fourfould root of the principle of sufficient reason and says to understand the world as will and representation in any meaningful way one has to read his fourfold root of the principle of sufficient reason.

>reads Phenomenology of Mind's introduction
>he pretty much casually dunks Kant's head in piss with sound argumentation.
>goes on Veeky Forums
>user claims that Hegel, whose main project was showing that Kant was wrong and that knowledge of the unconditioned was possible, was actually solved by Kant.
>user probably doesn't even grasp Hegel's basic criticism on 'muh solved his philosophy' 'muh beat him the fuck out'.

You should read both, OP, but remember that the first chapter always sucks with Schoppy.

It's because Hegel was a charlatan haven't you been reading the thread?

It's necessary for a full understanding of the philosophy, but much can be grasped without it.