Books about death and the cult of death in different cultures

Books about death and the cult of death in different cultures


I'm not asking about paranormal, but about the real concept of death

Never post on this board again.

Death in Ancient Rome: A Source Book, Valerie M. Hope.
Death in Ancient Rome - Catharine Edwards.

These 2 are pretty good on Rome.

>Landscape And Memory (just what you ask for)
>Original Wisdom: Stories of an Ancient Way of Knowing
>Man's Search for Meaning
>On Aging: Revolt and Resignation
>The Waste Books
>The Will to Believe, Human Immortality and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy
>In Ruins by Christopher Woodward
>The Hall of Uselessness
>Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence

No I'm no antinatalist.

Death in Venice by Mann

And this
>The Buried Soul: How Humans Invented Death

So I hear you like death and dying . . .

Death and the Ploughman

Tibetan Book of The Dead

what's the literally equivalent to momento mori

Is this whole thread like a game where if you name The Decline of The West, you lose?

Whote Noise, Don Delillo

To me White Noise is how our perception of death changes how we act in life, or who we are

Bernard Werber
Les Thanatonautes

A team of scientist decide to map death using self induced NDE. Chapters are peppered with extracts of all religious books on the theme of death. solid sci-fi

fuck off. i've been looking everywhere for a science fiction book about samsara, about somebody who can remember all of his past lives and is in absolute shambles, begging for it to be over. or a contemporary book about hell, not the divine comedy.

do they mention nobody who has had a nde has never really died, just experienced a dmt trip? do they mention eternal oblivion?

jeez I remember reading that stoner when I was a teen, and his shit about the Ants and stuff. Fucking out there m8.

Pierre Klossowski: The Baphomet.


the whole premise is around NDE
they engineer protocols with sedatives to create longer and longer NDEs to explore death while not being dead

Also Les Dieux
Same characters as Thanatonautes have died and gone through enough re-incarnation to ascend to apprentice gods, a class of twenty each with their own people competing on one planet. Proudhon is a raging homicidal, narrator ends up creating the jews, except they're dolphin people.
Fun times.

dominion of the dead