Best e-reader for pirating Veeky Forums? Any good Cyber Monday deals?

Best e-reader for pirating Veeky Forums? Any good Cyber Monday deals?

Kindle Fire 7" $30 today, but that's a tablet. Must be ereader? $50. Other than that haven't caught a bargain, not looking hard, though.

Will Amazon let me load my own content?

Yeah just download calibre and you're good, but I wouldn't recommend Kindles myself. I'd look into Kobo ereaders. I have a Kobo Aura one myself, very comfortable.

Cool, thanks.

Damn, all of the KOBO are $99 or more.

have you used calibre? it never seems to work very well for me

in what way? works just how it's supposed to for me..


the shit that comes out the other end is always sttrangely formatted and unusable

I have 2 kindle fires (mom gave me one of her old ones cause she has like 5 other e-readers/kindles)
I have no real complaints about tablets like the kindle fire, but what makes you choose Kobo e-readers?

You convert pdfs? Use k2pdfopt for that.
Other formats shouldn't cause problems.

I'm considering purchasing a Kindle from black friday/cyber monday deals, since I'd like to start reading more. Does anyone have experience with the paperwhite or the original, or have any other recommendations on solid, cheaply priced e readers?

Just got the paperwhite and am thoroughly impressed, but fuck the ads.

Also just buy the books user.

Just do it. Paperwhite rules. Get calibre for conversion and loading and briss for cropping pdfs and you're set. I absolutely love mine.

>Also just buy the books user.

Most of the time, the they're more expensive than the paper copies.

>but fuck the ads
This reminded me that you can actually get them removed for free instead of paying the $15-20. Just did it now successfully. All you have to do is go in the amazon support chat and ask them to remove the ads. They'll say some bullshit about how it normally costs money but they'll do it for free since you're a "prime" customer. Takes less than a minute and they're gone for good

I use a Kobo Glo HD, and it's great. I never read physical books anymore. I'd recommend it to you, but they don't sell it any more - they replaced it with some other reader with a lower resolution but the same price.

>Go on chat
>Hi, I'd like the ads removed
>That would be $20

Now what.

lel never heard of that happening, you must not have been nice enough when you asked, or maybe got a shitty rep. Try again and ask something like "Hi, could you remove the ads from my kindle for me? Thanks."

Rest is shit.

The Gen 2 paperwhite or a kobo desu

A Kobo Aura One with KOreader installed.

>Kindle Fire
not e-ink

I also recommend Kindle Paperwhite, I've had it for 5 years with not major issues, with calibre it will do whatever you need. No e-ink reader will be great with PDFs though.

maybe he is not prime member

It doesn't matter which one for piracy - Calibre is the part that's doing the lifting. Paperwhite is objectively GOAT. Don't fall for the Kobo meme - it's a bootlooping lagfest with shit quality control.

Turn on the heuristic formatting option, I have found it works quite well.

I love my Paperwhite. I had a problem recently where it took several seconds to respond to the touchscreen sometimes which was a huge pain in the ass, but a shutdown and full reboot have solved all that.

Just dont turn on wifi for like a month, they disappear until you turn it back on

Managed to get rid of them eventually, thanks

Is it worth getting a basic Kindle for $50?

Have had the PW 1 for years and it just werks with Calibre. I do wish it was better at displaying .pdf, only reason why I'd consider buying a Kobo or w/e

Just get a used Paperwhite 2/3 for the same money.

Kobo has the first reader with a blue light fiter like flux.

I'd get that if i was getting one.

If you do any traveling then definitely. Reading on them is fine although personally I still like to buy physical books and build my library, but kindle editions on amazon are generally cheap and/or you can usually download books on libgen or something.

How well does this work? Last time I tried using a pdf converter the result was basically unreadable.

Is the fire bad compared to an e reader? I'm a poorfag and 30 bucks is really damn cheap for a tablet. I'd primarily use it for ebooks, but the basic Kindle Paperwhite is more expensive.

I don't like buying used. I always have problems when I do.

save a little more for the paperwhite, trust me.

An ereader without e-ink kinda defeats the purpose.


So, I'm not OP, but highly interested in this paperwrite. I take it once I acquire one I'd need to get some other program to pirate the books or will it automatically have access to them?

It's an LCD screen. It would be no different than reading on your computer.

It's a simple decide man, it reads what's on it, you can take books from libgen then transfer them on your Kindle if the formats are readable by the Kindle. If not, you convert them, I just use online converters because they do a good enough job, I Google epub to mobi for example and just use that. Other people use Calibre which is a software that converts different formats or it can read anything on your computer.

iPad 32 gb with ebook app and screen brightness app

I honestly don't understand the advantage of "e-ink." I mean, Paperwhites are like 300 ppi, when a smartphone is like 1100 ppi or higher. Am I comparing apples and oranges? I tend to prefer dark themes. Does that help my selection process?


>I honestly don't understand the advantage of "e-ink."
You would if you'd read an hour from one, your eyes won't get as tired.

Okay, thanks. Not Op, but will get Paperwhite or similar after the holidays.

You're gonna love it, mine is the 2013 model Paperwhite 2 with 211 ppi, in four years I've had zero issues with it and it's wonderful for reading.

epub to mobi has always worked for me just fine

It uses actual pigment used in paper media so there's no need for a backlight like in typical LCD screens, it's the closest you can get to replicating the look of paper in an electronic device.

This comes at a cost whoever, e-ink displays are pretty slow and require frequent "refreshing" to fix stuck pixels.

This, have done that, told that ads are useless for me as I do not live in US lel.

Get Yota3

PDF converting in general depends a lot on the source PDF

Yeah, have a lot of PDFs that have a lot of noise behind the text, impossible to convert.

You want something with a good OCR for those.

Well how can I get something like that, I'd like to convert some PDFs from a German graded readers pack and it's impossible.

All the best cost money, but there are some online ones that are ok.
I'm afraid my knowledge on the subject ends there.


Fucking neato, I didn't know that.

My Kindle keyboard refreshes in about the time to turn a page in a real book, so I don't mind the slight delay.


It also reflects ambient light much better, like actual paper

pardon my ignorance on this subject but if you are reading a pirated book, can you still look up words through wifi or does it somehow detect and or block it in some way?

No need for wif, you just have to highlight a word and a dictionary comes out with its definitions

oh so its part of the device itself?

*But anyway no the ereader doesnt detect you are pirating stuff you can use it normally and you dont need to hack it either to pirate books


It doesn't detect pirated books, the .mobi files that Kindle uses have DRM that locks them to a single device and allow for expiration dates but it's very easy to remove it and not an issue if you are the one downloading the pirated books, it's the person who distributes the files that needs to worry about this.

thank you!

They got in a lot of trouble years ago for deleting Orwell books from devices after they found out the publisher lacked rights to publish the titles, after the drama and lawsuits they updated their TOS saying that they will not delete files without permission.
That case was different though since it involved books bought directly from their store, pirated books have no DRM identification so it's not like they can find out it's pirated unless they start analyzing and comparing the contents of files, it's unlikely but nothing stops them from power-tripping and pissing off everyone again since they basically have full control over the devices and can change their TOS at will, if you are really worried about freedom then there are other brands like Kobo which have a more hands-free approach to their devices.
I don't own a Kobo but some people complain about the device freezing and failing to register touches sometimes, that's also something to consider.

Only story about them 'deleting' stuff came from some women that somehow lost her stuff, most probably by her formating the shit by mistake as it often happens.
On other hand they could look up what you have on your device as soon as you connect to wifi.

Because fuck Amazon and fuck Jeff Bezos

This is absolute fucking wizardry, but when reading on proper sunlight, the kindle looks EXACTLY like paper, it has even disturbed me from time to time.

What was that super great book pirating site everyone mentions here twice a week and I'm too thick to remember?

it's now