The king of Veeky Forums

The king of Veeky Forums

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Even his face annoys me. He's straining it to appear more intelligent.

Sort yourself out.

What’s the deal with the Jung/Nietzsche thing? Out of morbid curiosity I was browsing some of the texts of Esoteric Hitlerism going around /pol/ and everything is always Jung this and Nietzsche that, why those two?

Because Jung revolutionized the new ""reading"" of Nietzsche wherein you can pay lipservice to some of his more profound quotes without taking the time to understand his philosophy

he´s the uglier version of jeremy irons

Any examples? Probably not.

To be clear, I'm saying you're a phony & talking out your ass.

This guy plays word games so as not to alienate his religious audience.
>Interviewer: Do you believe in God?
>JP: What do you mean by "believe" and what do you mean by "God"?
The man can't answer a simple fucking question.

His god is better and deeper and realer than your god, stupid.

You must have been away, meta-mythological narratives are pretty childish compared to the new philosophy of Daddy

>implying I have a God

No, he's just read a lot of Jung


>thinking that was directed at you

What does that lead to? What's Jung like? Is it good?

You would have liked this board circa four years ago, when 50% of all posts were "define x".

God is a psychological experience to be had or not.

What the fuck does 'circa' mean?

So you never read a book by Jung. How do you have an opinion? Or is it an opinion on other opinions? What's your game here?

It means you should read a book.

Circa on how to write plainly, fuckface.

Go right ahead and explain how you came to that conclusion.

>the King of nu-lit
Pynch will always be king

like the brand you should have paid attention or else youd be out there skating for god or sorting out your kick flips by now probsbly

I'm usually happy to explain something, especially if I'm familiar with it. In your case, I'd expect your neural network to be cast wide enough to know that deism is older than Jung & quite popular, especially in the early US.

Tying it to a Jung quote is fucking insane. You're failing the Turing test of 'intelligent guy on the internet'.

Why is everyone suddenly talking about this guy?

Circa is a very common word, but look it up if you have to.

"roughly", but rarely used outside the context of date/time

Daily reminder to report all non-literature related threads

He was fighting against gender pronoun proliferation, so people started listening, and it turned out he had interesting stuff to say about Disney movies and the Bible.

Has become the father figure of the current culture war of traditionalists vs. post-modernists.

If you don't explain, or can't provide anything that shows how Jung does not interpret God as a symbol in the psyche, then there is no moving forward here.

Soyboys need an internet dad

He's an asshole with dipshit traditionalist philosophies like demanding that women be stay-at-home moms and be nothing but a tool for a man's sexual lust and the caretaker of his children.

Of course, he's also charismatic to a degree so /pol/mutts have taken a liking to him because he's their best stand-in for their absentee fathers.

Well fuck me circa. I got a lot to learn from Veeky Forums.

kek way to associate the complete opposite school of thought to the foremost continental philosopher

I like what he says about mythology and archetypes. What are good sources on this stuff, aside from Jung himself?

>He's an asshole with dipshit traditionalist philosophies like demanding that women be stay-at-home moms and be nothing but a tool for a man's sexual lust and the caretaker of his children.
The guy is a milquetoast moderate, he just doesn't like ess-jay-double-ews and le dumb pronouns, which of course is more than enough to fall into /pol/'s good graces.

Veeky Forums would rather watch youtube videos about literature than read books. Booktubers and pop philosophy videos have generally been looked down on, but since this guy is a professor people feel they can substitute his videos for reading without losing self-respect.

Where did you pick up that rhetorical flail: "then there is no moving forward here."

I have nothing to explain, I'm asking you to elaborate, you phony cocksucker. You haven't. You posted an instagram quote. One that doesn't have anything to do with God as a symbol in the psyche. I get that that's your pet theory. Has Jung written something expressing that as well?

(Asking for a friend)

It's interesting, but a lot of it is surfacey. Read a Bible passage and come up with an interpretation. It'll probably be similar to what he'd say.

I gleefully await the day some undergrad comes forward and accuses this man of sexual assault.

What's this based on?

Yeah, but I think it's a good entry point. At least in my case I'm not creative or intelligent enough to gather good interpretations from such stuff, or at least I never took the job to think it properly.

not him but here

Also, the bonus of Peterson is that he relates the topic of archetypes with the scientific knowledge he has on human behavior due to being a clinical psychologist.

Not relevant. Also

>quoting quoted quotes

smdh desu senpai evolve


It sounds like you need to read him. Or better yet, read Nietzsche, since Jung learned a good deal from him. The Jungian interpretation of the psyche is quite different from the Freudian.

The "mystics" and "sages" have always known the fluid nature of things. Read the Tao Te Ching, it's basically the introduction to mystical thought. "Do you believe in God?" is a loaded question. Jung was closer to being a mystic than a scientist, and treated psychological effectors as symbols, otherwise he would not have laid out ideas like the archetypes or the anima / animus.

What's the meaning of the meme commas?

>crucifixion is an inner necessity of individuation
>the soul is by nature Christian
>we all have to be crucified with Christ
>God is incarnated in oneself
"God as a symbol in the psyche" there you go

>He's an asshole with dipshit traditionalist philosophies like demanding that women be stay-at-home moms and be nothing but a tool for a man's sexual lust and the caretaker of his children.
The the only thing even vaguely resembling what your slander is when he suggested that women are denying themselves an evolutionary incentive for affection and child rearing leading to their unhappiness. And he's not wrong.

Well sure it has one of those runny, leaky neural networks like Pynchon has, so yeah he draws connections... but you toss guys like that a tennis ball and they'll give you a philippic and a spinning transmuting encomium...

A single quote doesn't highlight the depth of thinking Jung does in his books, especially not with his idea of God.


>tfw want to sort myself out
>tfw don't because it's too hard and unpleasant
>tfw made peace with it as being part of the lost boys is aesthetic as fuck and gives me something to write about
Who else here manchild?

Peterson is just what everyone on Veeky Forums wants to become.

I don't have a problem with that. If he had said "Yes, but here's how I define God and belief..." I'd be totally ok with his answer.
But that wasn't his (entire) answer.
He said "I act as if God is real". Now THAT is some real bullshit answer that makes him come off as completely dishonest when he calls himself a theist.

You sound resentful.

All this tells me is that you haven't read Jung.

I've read all of Nietzsche. Recommending him as relevant to anything you've said tells me you haven't read him either.

Stop being a shithead fraud.

Your surface level, university-freshman insights give you away.

maybe, maybe not, you never know the answer

Me too, because Peterson is one of the few people with the power of personality and reason that can actually stop this witchhunt mentality in its tracks and save us all from some very deadly groupthink. A lesser person would be destroyed by such defamation, but Peterson? He will come out on top and show the world that it is defamation and reify the need evidence.

Clinical psychologist means he actually helps real people, he puts theory into practice.

This post sad

>can actually stop this witchhunt mentality in its tracks and save us all from some very deadly groupthink

his actually fanbase just thinks what he thinks, they´re also brainless morons and fanboys


Jesus, I'm in Toronto and I know two people who went to his rally (including the blue-haired girl from the thumbnail in that famous video). It's surreal to see him making the news like this.

Please answer me - why do you all hate Peterson SO much? Is it because he's wrongfully praised as being the thinker of a generation? Is it just because of his cancerous fanbase? Sure, he's not a 21st Century Nietzsche or w/e, but he's not THAT bad.

Fuck you. I'm watching his videos and have begun reading Jung.

What kind of trolling is this? The entire thread so far you haven't said anything of substance, you've just said "you're wrong" to people. Either put something on the table or fuck off.

That's funny, since he tries to teach about ideology, its flaws, and how to become immune to it, or at least not completely controlled by it. The "fanbase" you're talking about isn't representative of people who are interested and listen to what he says

>Is it just because of his cancerous fanbase?

because of that

>simple answers
For a complex reality. It's like you hate thinking and want excuses to not have to do it.

How can people take this guy seriously?

Why do people still ask that question? Must be for the easy (You)s, since it has been answered hundreds of times: his obnoxious cult followers are the annoyance. Most people on Veeky Forums have no problem with the man himself.

>his actually fanbase just thinks what he thinks, they´re also brainless morons and fanboys
When has this not been the case with anyone in history? The vocal majority are never what you judge things by, never. You'll live your whole life utterly confused and with upside down ideas of things if you do.

>He's an asshole
>with dipshit traditionalist philosophies
>like demanding that women be stay-at-home moms
>and be nothing but a tool for a man's sexual lust
>and the caretaker of his children.

Zero out of Five, would you like to play again Y/N?

>demanding that women be stay-at-home moms and be nothing but a tool for a man's sexual lust and the caretaker of his children.
find one flaw.

Calm down manchild

Lad, I asked for elaboration on:

"Because Jung revolutionized the new ""reading"" of Nietzsche wherein you can pay lipservice to some of his more profound quotes without taking the time to understand his philosophy"

From there, we see topics changing, corners being backed into, putting the request back onto the inquirer, flailing & fantastic phoniness.

Shithead pseud was asked something and went full mudpuddle to try to save his stupid anonymous face.

>implying he's wrong

He speaks to the lost, if you allow me to be poetic; his lectures on purpose and drive seem to resonate with individuals who wander around not knowing what they want and how to attain it. Castasized by rabid political correctness and bitter politics, the manchildren in question retreat into themselves and a world of comfort and safety

He's like a shitty modern Thomas Carlyle

Take your test blockers princess, you're getting a little aggressive.

And how do you claim to know this? Ultimately Peterson's message is to think for yourself, so forgive me for doubting you insisting on the polar opposite.

>>He's an asshole
He sounds like Kermit. QED.
>>with dipshit traditionalist philosophies
He's afraid of Communism, but never mentions that Capitalism kills more people.
>>like demanding that women be stay-at-home moms
He may as well. QED (Again).
>>and be nothing but a tool for a man's sexual lust
It's heavily implied when he says that 'women are naturally there for men to fuck like dolls or worse'
>>and the caretaker of his children.
He's notorious for asking female students to babysit his grandkids. I'm sure he did the same with his own kids. Did you know his wife is a former student?

This poster is not this poster The latter is an idiot. The Jung/Nietzsche "thing" stems from Jung's known reading of Nietzsche, and while Jung didn't have half the mind that Nietzsche did, he did to some extent inherit Nietzsche's understanding of truth, which is far more akin to a Greek sage than an Enlightenment thinker. If you don't know what that means then I suggest you read some more.

just go to his subreddit or read his youtube video comments and see for yourself

They're a minority.

prove it

>He's notorious for asking female students to babysit his grandkids. I'm sure he did the same with his own kids. Did you know his wife is a former student?
Living the dream.

hes not afraid of communism, he just doesn't like this new breed of people who glorify it while ignoring the violent history of Communist states.

>what people say on the internet is completely sincere and totally indicative of both themselves and everyone else associated with whatever they associate with
That's some SERIOUS fucking resssentiment. You're not a tranny, are you

>Did you know his wife is a former student?
former student of what? of his? they've know each other since they were young. he has told the story of how he met his wife many times.

>It's heavily implied when he says that 'women are naturally there for men to fuck like dolls or worse'
did he literally said that? source me

Dude is an actual alpha.

>that Capitalism kills more people.
How so?

>>The Jung/Nietzsche "thing" stems from Jung's known reading of Nietzsche
You're parroting, not saying this from your experience.

>>Jung didn't have half the mind that Nietzsche did
If you haven't read Jung beyond some quotes, how do you know?

>>he did to some extent inherit Nietzsche's understanding of truth
Nice hedging, undergrad. Interesting that you don't spell out Freddy's understanding, something that would show you understand him—you can do it in half a sentence.

>>a Greek sage than an Enlightenment thinker
Not touching that pile of shit.

>>If you don't know what that means then I suggest you read some more
Yet another rhetorical flail. I mean, holy fucking shit, you have it backwards :^(

And surprise! being a fucking fraud makes people hostile.

Or maybe you're just thinking you know anything because you've done some shower-thinking on some Peterson lectures & Jung quotes. I guess that's fine, but stop pretending, you fake.

you're telling me that the his fans praise him ironically? every member of his subreddit is just shitposting? nigga listen to youself


Why does Pinecone look like a literal retard in every photograph?