What books should a pretty and intellectual transgirl read?

she likes cyberpunk and fantasy stuff. was big into sci fi dystopian stuff in high school.

Is that girl 2d?

>trans girl likes fantasy

Read the Bible to understand how degenerate you are.


yeah! i love fantasy :)

LOTR, dark tower, wheel of time, asoiaf, etc etc.

i loved the book of job. it's funny how everyone thinks it's something completely different from what it actually is.

>i loved the book of job. it's funny how everyone thinks it's something completely different from what it actually is.
Then repent.


Where did you get that godawful picture from?
Why are you letting others tell you how to become a "better" person is?

lol no thanks. i'm fascinated by religion but christianity doesn't interest me beyond being an intellectual curiosity :)

still waiting on good books! if you've ever wanted to recommend a favorite book to a cute girl who will ACTUALLY read your rec, now is your chance!

Book of the new sun

idk i probably found it on google. i like silly motivational pics like that...

they're neat!

and i'm not telling anyone to do anything. even the pic isn't saying, "DO THESE THINGS!" it's just a friendly suggestion. is "9 ways to be a better person" really something that offends your sensibilities? are you triggered by silly inspirational pics?

hmmm let's see

I'll pray for you though, hope some day you get some sense in your head.

The bible doesn't say anything about trans people

thanks so much! :)

good vibes your way too :P

okay. you win the thread! downloading it now. i sincerely thank you

I had a trans gf, but she was crazy. She raped me one time - I kind of liked it, tho.

read marcovaldo by italo calvino
it is a fantastic tragic comedy that really spoke to me as I grew up very poor.

Nightwood, by Djuna Barnes

too bad about the tattoos


lol why?

i love my tattoos :)