Why do Irish-Americans like to play the "WE WUZ OPPRESSED AN SHIEET" card whenever someone brings up racial inequality...

Why do Irish-Americans like to play the "WE WUZ OPPRESSED AN SHIEET" card whenever someone brings up racial inequality involving blacks? Were conditions for the Irish in the United States really comparable to what the Africans endured?

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African slaves were guaranteed home and board. The Irish weren't.

Eh, I don't really know, cause they weren't really considered white people
until the Chinese started immigrating to the US

Conditions for the Irish in Ireland were certainly comparable to what African Americans endured.

>>In 1845,OttomanSultan Abdülmeciddeclared his intention to send £10,000 to victims of the Irish potato famine, butQueen Victoria requested that the Sultan send only £1,000, because she herself had sent only £2,000.[1][2][3]The Sultan sent £1,000 along with five ships full of food. The British administration allegedly attempted to block the ships, but the food arrived secretly at Droghedaharbour and was left there by Ottoman sailors.[4][5]

Ok well what about the harsh conditions the slaves endured? Also, what caused the homelessness amongst the Irish and was more frequent than the average American citizen?

The Irish had it about as bad, if not worse. Living on a plantation and working 10-12 hours a day ( there is only so much work that you can do in a day on a plantation) is allot better than working 16-18 hours a day as an indentured factory worker in a time before safety regulations and unions were a thing. Industrial labor was brutal, and they were too poor to be land owners so to have voting rights, making their actual personal power barely greater than Black slaves.

On paper though blacks had it worse since they were considered property and the Irish weren't, which meant that slave owners could kill them without retribution, where Irish factory workers still were considered persons. Of course, factory owners could still be complete tyrants to them, but they couldn't kill them without having to at least pay a hefty bribe or fine.


That anecdote reflects so poorly on Victoria. Was there like... a reason behind her seemingly unfeeling parsimony? Like her ministers didn't communicate the full extent of the suffering? Or was that just the typical attitude of the British aristocracy towards the Irish?

Fuck off with your racebaiting bullshit

The irish suffered terribly at the hands of the english

t. Jamal

It was literally social darwinisn, which was all the rage at the time. The Irish had overbred, and now nature was bringing back equilibrium the only way it knew how. So the English government got all Prime Directive on Ireland, refusing to interfere in the event and letting nature run its course.