Right wing

Hello Veeky Forums. I have a PhD in economics. I identify as a member of the left in relation to social issues and a member of the right in relation to economic issues. What are some good right-wing literary magazines, writers, novels and blogs, thanks.

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Just two questions first: have you ever read Marx, and what did you think of him?

Yes, we had to read him in university. I actually read him in two separate courses, once for an economics course and once for a social justice course. Both times I found his prose immaculate but his arguments painful to read. Marx basically amounts to basic economics for people not smart enough to understand actual economics. In my economics class it wa sumderstandably taught as a stepping stone to other more solidified ideas. In my social justice class it was terrifyingly enough taught as some some sort of idealist doctrine, and none of the common arguments against it were even remotely entertained.

No, I don't read subversive Jews. His comedy isn't my cup of tea. Thanks for asking.

>Blowing your cover this fast
Good job "leftist." Better luck next time.

>left on social issues
he’s a libertarian/neo liberal you stupid fucking marxist faggot idiot nigger

Which arguments do you consider the most shoddy?
>found his prose immaculate
Can't agree there, but I'm glad you enjoyed it. Some of his extended metaphors are delightful, though.

What sort of right wing are you looking for? You sound like a libertarian, so do you want to read reactionaries? I assume you're familiar with the founders of liberalism and the various schools of economics

you have your priorities switched my man

I almost never talk politics in Veeky Forums because the most vocal are autistic marxfags

anyway, here's a chart

Unironically read Catholic lit. Try Theology of the Body for sexual ethics.

Also, realise that Marx is the starting point for most modern leftist philosophy, even if they don’t want to admit it. Any ethical text written before him will appear extremely conservative in a modern light.

>left in relation to social issues and a member of the right in relation to economic issues
Oh cool. How is working at daddies law firm?

>right in relation to economic issues

Would you consider healthcare to be an economic or social issue? We've seen a fracturing of the lower quartile of the labor market with everyone working part time, at multiple jobs, for employers to circumvent healthcare laws, isn't it time to rethink the whole employer based healthcare to begin with?

I'm probably a right-libertarian if I'm trying to tick as many boxes as possible. Where would you recommend with reactionaries? I've read Carlyle and a lot of neoreactionaries.

How did you know. I know we are a rare breed but that was staggeringly intui

>literally every thread there is some alt-right virgin talking about jews
>marxfags are the most vocal political voice on Veeky Forums though
okay my dude

>I identify as a member of the left in relation to social issues and a member of the right in relation to economic issues. What are some good right-wing literary magazines, writers, novels and blogs, thanks.

>whats the best building material for reinforcing the walls of my made up mind?

Can I ask what country you are from? This is not as big of a phenomenon where I am from.

Generally I believe that hospitals should be privatised and that this results in better service for the public good due to laws of competition. I had a very disparate education in healthcare economic social however, two of my best lecturers ever in two separate years, one was Indian and another was Austrian, and neither taught particularly by the books.

Certainly what you are saying is problematic. Where I live we have universal health insurance (and private if you can afford it) but resources are stretched thin and it is a dire state of affairs. This is probably where my fondness for privatised hospitals comes from.

I'm sorry I could not provide any further elucidation. Not my area of expertise.

This isn't bad to start with, although I disagree with calling anyone prior to Hobbes "right wing." I honestly haven't read many of them, but I can say I enjoyed Hobbes and Mann. I think Hobbes is great because the modern left/right dichotomy really started with him and Locke.

Well it is not that simple. I am curious to see how some of my thinking is reflected in provided arguments and perhaps learn new thins. I intend on going in with a critical mind.

If you don't have anything to contribute please refrain from posting.

Interesting. We had to read Hobbes for the same course I read Marx in. Found his prose style beautiful. The first half of leviathan is a literary masterpiece (as overused as the phrase is on /lit). I still remember his phrase about the imagination just being the fading of dreams at the end of chapter 6. I will probably read leviathan again, Mann, and Edmund Burke.

>hasn't realized ewjew posters are memes

t.retard who doesn't understand political philosphy

Here we go:

mega.nz/#F!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg (/pol/ stuff I)

mega.nz/#F!0F5GXTjS!oGdz8UP5JbcleNMy6YKLvg (/pol/ stuff II)

mega.nz/#F!cZoSEbpC!kdnYuLw3hvYSus9uZl6PRQ!QNAixJZL (/pol/ stuff III)

mega.nz/#F!4MJE0L6Q!teKAfBlT2m3Ija-Tun-EFw (/pol/ stuff IV)

mega.nz/#F!pYRnSJaC!HrC3Siqyioo9PjdGMNWs3Q (/pol/ stuff V)

mega.nz/#F!LotEVRxT!YE-YrG6SZ54nJqltrYN8Nw (/pol/ stuff VI)

mega.co.nz/#F!scMFjYZY!MKTKFWGVVuA7kV4OMHgkcg (/pol/ stuff VII)

mega.co.nz/#F!fo0TDC4a!Ck2n3wuqWutm3FyLtxZB8A (/pol/ related)

mega.co.nz/#F!UdxSVLJB!bgBwqzuFIV3z0HvCswA0dQ (/pol/ related)

mega.co.nz/#F!eMs1HDRD!LJcwVTJXhhx1a5bUu2l0dg (/pol/ related)

mega.co.nz/#F!6sgETKCa!vGFF5iTfCR6lH3ZLXaQorQ (TGSNT, William Pierce, Icelandic Sagas)

no they’re not, fuck off you fucking idiot you faggots are the reason the stormniggers were able to colonize this site so easily. “hurr im whyte and liberal lets say stupid shit about hitler and jews constantly and then keep doing it until feds and neo-nazis show up and take over because we don’t know how to meme”

OP you should read steve hsu's blog about the genetic origin of intelligence if you are really an econ phd (unlikely)

intelligence is almost completely genetic and that necessitates changing your priors given education, immigration etc. policy

First Things is my favourite
>writers and novels
dostoevsky, solzhenytzin, flannery o'connor, gene wolfe, dante, ernest junger, tolkien, chesterton
tocqueville, aquinas, feser, macityre, hilaire belloc, carl schmitt, hayek, pope benedict xvi
edward feser, matt walsh

>I identify as a member of the left in relation to social issues and a member of the right in relation to economic issues.
Libertarian trash. The plebbest ideology. As a patrician I identify as a member of the right on social issued and a member of the left in relation to economic issues.

The biggest insult in that post is "neo-liberal"

This guy knows where it's at.

>I identify as a member of the left in relation to social issues and a member of the right in relation to economic issues.
this is what normies love

If anyone identifies themselves as left wing or right wing it means they're a fucking idiot. You are an idiot, OP.

you got any audiobooks in there?

Well OP, I don't find much value in the right-left graph, so I enforce a taxonomy based on historical definitions whenever I have the occasion. I'm a conservative in the Anglo pre-Reaganite sense. A tradition that has its root in the Whigs and Glorious Revolution. As there is no representation for this in today's Anglo politics anymore, you won't find many publications writing in the spirit of that tradition.

I do enjoy The New Criterion, The Salisbury Review and The Imaginative Conservative (to a lesser extent) though.

As far as fiction goes, I read indiscriminately and almost never pay attention to political leanings.

Would you consider yourself a Carlylesq reactionary?

For a Phd you sound very limited in your knowledge of private or subsidised. Must be from a shitty university.

Yes, you could say so. But I find that those who strongly identify with Carlyle tend to want to live in the past (that is not to say you can't be a reactionary in the spirit of Carlyle without holding that position). I have no desire for the past, just think we elected the wrong future...

As per the meme you're dime a dozen im so sorry

What are you, a retard ?

>I identify as a member of the left in relation to social issues and a member of the right in relation to economic issues.

>identifying as a member of a wing on economics rather than what is suitable for the economy at any given time
Always a good way of spotting a brainlet.

right socially and right economically is the only correct answer

If you have a PhD one would assume you know how to research such things on your own. It ought to come part and parcel of the process. This kind of bait will not stand.

Also, all of Lodurdo's stuff is great.

No you're the idiot. If you can't broadly identify yourself as believing in something even vaguely coherent you might actually have some sort of dissociative psychotic condition

Stick a knife in your neck, sperg

Now that's not nice. You should really lead by example.

>left in relation to social issues and a member of the right in relation to economic issues
So a Nazi?
Oh, okay.

>PhD in economics
Can you fall any lower?

>PhD in econ
>needs the help of Veeky Forums to find relevant literature

I'm describing the exact situation in the USA right now. The trouble is two fold. Employers of minimum wage workers restrict hours to just below the ACA threshold for health benefits, but at the same time the middle quartiles genuinely have received better benefits under the system and would be loathe to give them up.

> I believe that hospitals should be privatised and that this results in better service for the public good due to laws of competition.

The trouble with making classical assumptions in this case is that the inelastic demand curve for life saving treatments balloons the price far beyond what the average patient will ever be able to pay, and I don't see any reform in the healthcare labor sector coming any time soon, barriers to entry into the profession are too high; foreign trained doctors are barred from practice and work at convenience stores. Under classical assumptions the market adjustment should be driven by an influx of workers which should reduce costs in the industry, and I see far too many economists ignore this bottleneck and the fact that the system is currently incapable of responding the way they were trained to expect.

Pardon me if I'm getting off topic, but we don't often get to converse with genuine econ phds here.

>left in relation to social issues...right in relation to economic issues

You've got it mixed up, friend.

Ancient philosophy might be considered conservative relative to what gets pandered these days. I personally find that taking econ greatly improved my philosophy reading, parts that don't make sense to alot of people, your brain automatically produces a quantitative model of, and then it does make sense. Start with the greeks.

You might be interested in Hans Herman Hoppe, he's an Austrian economist who believes monarchy is the best way to guarantee such rights and that a truly libertarian society would naturally lead to social conservatism without government intervention. He's pretty big with the lolberg faction on /pol/.

>I identify as a member of the left in relation to social issues and a member of the right in relation to economic issues.
the worst combo desu

A Nazi would be the other way around.

the jewish question is the biggest social question of them all, and to be liberal on that count is to not judge jews as a malicious hivemind as far right tends to do

>thinks national socialism is right on economy and left on social issues
The absolute state of Veeky Forums

>who believes monarchy is the best way to guarantee such rights and

unlikely he is a phd. not because they arent around, but because of the uality of his posts


>pro non-western immigration
>only correct answer

>claims to have a PhD in economics
>identifies as a member of the right in relation to economic issues

Nice try, but any PhD in economics would never even admit that economics is political.

It is of course, but none of those failed physics students would ever own up to it.

>left on social issues
>names the Jew

Does not compute


Road to Serfdom - Hayek (im sure youre familiar with it by now)

Why Nations Fail (yeah yeah its the most mentioned book ever, but theres a reason for that)

books by Thomas Sowell (again, theres a reason hes so popular. "Knowledge & Decisions" and "A Conflict of Visions" are the best books ive read by him)

Peter Schiff's "Crash Proof 2.0" is interesting. its the book where he predicts the 2008 financial crisis. almost to a point

Austrian economics is dogshit

how so?

you should be beheaded

keynsianism is corporate socialism and the chicago school has literally never accomplished anything

Check out Julius Evola

WATCH: Newly-confirmed Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen says ICE officers will "no longer look the other way" when encountering "other immigration offenders" while in pursuit of "criminal aliens."

literally just read the western canon, pleb.

looking for a pdf of william f buckley "up from liberalism"

Read this and you'll never go back

>The fucking Unabomber manifesto
Holy shit
Isn't this a meme in the MDE reddit or on right wing irony twitter or whatever?

>Confessions of a Mask
>About Fascism

Holy shit there was a girl at the bookstore who told me this was her favorite book, and started dropping hints that she was anti feminist. I totally missed the signs.

It might be but it's a very prescient work

Well your opinions have been greatly dimensioned.

this is painfully true. It was a shock reading Hegel and realizing he advocates for traditional nuclear families existing within nation-states


Y'all duelling with a leaf.