Once the batch has cooled, feel free to Oedipa few and settle back...

>Once the batch has cooled, feel free to Oedipa few and settle back, waiting for the timer to signal the ending of the frying of latke 49.
Did anyone else think that there was too much onion in this recipe? Last time I made it I used half as many onions as it said and I think it tastes better.

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po mo shits BTFO

What's this have to do with cooking?

>This book makes me a little sad, because I think that Pynchon, had he not gone over to the dark side, could have been a brilliant prose stylist, if not anything else.

Which one of you did this?

>An entire novel centered on the unrealistic, flimsy idea that a man getting erections will attract missiles? Some missiles may be heat seaking but the temperature of blood found in the groin during erections is no longer near the degree it takes to attract heat seaking weaponry.

Brainlets taking the premise literally. Jesus. It's Freud 101 in allegorical form, it's not complicated.

can you explain it, what was he trying to express with the the penis missle things?

is Slothrop black? were they trying to blow up the big dick black?

Or was Slothrop non existent spirit of 'thee solider' and the linking of missiles to boners is merely a relation to as if a horny desire to destroy and kill, the use of missles being a phallic fucking

>shoehorning your Freud-by-numbers bullshit into po-mo gibberish

You're the cancer killing literature


>Reminds me of John Coltrane’s Ascension album, which for the entire album sounds like the band is warming up but never gets to play, but the elitist snobs just adore it.

My feeling is that it is more about determinism, and to what extent a person is an independent actor of the matrix of government/industrial interests that surround them.

I don't really care for a Freudian reading of GR because it assumes (whereas the book's thesis tends towards the opposite) that human's a capable of self-originating choice or whether they are objects (pinballs, roulette balls, rockets, the books is laden with obvious parallels) utterly enthralled to forces (governments, industries, death, entropy, gravity) that enforce determinism and disintegrate identity.

Hence the beauty of the Byron the Bulb story. An object endowed with the ability to thwart both the law of entropy and the corporate interests that stand to gain from his race's designed obsolesce. But for all its beauty it is a fable, and I think Tom has a pretty bleak view of any sort of messiah saving us from the inevitable parabola linking birth and death, the assumed curve that the system relies on to function and profit.

To the extent that a Freudian reading applies to the book, it is only in that P put's forward the notion that the subconscious driving our actions is not our own deeper Self but rather the guiding hand of the powers that be. Again, govs, industries, They.


Shit, this was rife with typos, but y'all get the idea

im rereading Mason & Dixon :)

im a huge faggot

Thanks for that informative reply, sincerely appreciated. But I was more wondering specifically, particularly about the: Missiles know where Slothrop has boners?

What did he mean by this?

That the gov wants to ruin your sexy fun?

That the human sexual impulse is just another physical force that can be quantified and bent toward Their ends. Recall the Brit secret service missives sent in invisible ink that could only be reveal by smearing human semen on them. Each parcel came with a photo keyed to the operative's specific, uniqe inner desires that caused them to ejaculate immediately, unwillingly.

Why would they want to synch missile locations to his boners, how would that be indication of proper place to strike?

They aren't synched to his boners, his boners are synched to them. He was conditioned as an infant to respond to the presence of imoplex by becoming aroused. When they deconditioned him of that response, they accidentally pushed his stimulus reaction "beyond the zero," that is, beyond a neutral, contemporary response, so that he became aroused to the presence of imoplex that was not present now but in the future, where the rocket would strike.

backwards causation senpai
his boners sense imoplex in the future

ok and is there any meaning behind that? besides surface and what has already been covered?

The solider gets boners at the prospect of future wars? Of destruction in general.

Does it describe the point behind conditioning him as an infant to get aroused by that?



Not that guy... but please, you're a fucking retard. Stop.

Despite a promising opening, GR started to become a bore early in, and I had to grit my teeth through the final 300 or so pages. What a mind-numbing xhore of a book. I had read, and sort of enjoyed, Pynchon's earlier "V," which told me more than I wanted to know about Malta, and I knew that creating three-dimensional characters wasn't Pynchon's strong suit, but DAMN, this book was dull. It reminded me of what was said about Milton's "Paradise Lost": "No man e'er wished it longer." I feel the same about GR, in spades.
I had to read GR for a university course in the '70s, long before there was an Internet.. If you are in the same predicament, find Cliffnotes or a synopsis on the web. Believe me, your professor won't know the difference. Life is too short.
Too bad Pynchon never wrote a book just about Benny Profane. Now that was a character with some potential.

>I lived in Germany a few years ago and found this book in a train station. Someone had just walked off and left it. After about ten pages, realizing that Pynchon was an intellectual rip-off artist, I secured it a trash can where no one could find it. I like to think I protect the public from pollution.
