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Literature #104
Trying to read a "classic" novel
Is NEETch the single worst thing to happen to 'philosophy'?
Who was in the wrong here ?
Wake up at 9 am
Music // Music Theory
Character behaviour
Stop believing in qualia
Found a note in a 19th century Bible
Do words reflect the reality or create it?
ITT: post authors who were great aesthetes / have unique prose...
What the fuck does he mean by value? I realize its not the strawman meme that is pushed by marginalists...
2017 Top 100
That disgusting prose
What do you consider a brainlet book?
How long does it take you to finish a book? It takes me about a month, which is probably too long
Why is Veeky Forums - Literature being used as Veeky Forums - Pseudointellectualism?
If you want a perfect human society, why would you try to create it with anything but unrestrained darwinism...
How was it?
Did new chart user died?
Is this considered a self help book ?
Books for novices
Alright, /lyricists/, post 'em up
Worst covers ever
I just finished this, what did I think?
ITT: your Veeky Forums unpopular opinions, everything goes, others can shit on yours, I will start this ok?
Movie better than the book?
Writing in my favorite coffee shop
What is the spectacle?
The Last thing I Will Ever Write
Have you lads read bleak house? I-it w-w-was her favorite :(
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
So what do your waifus read?
World Building
What's a genre that's experiencing a golden age right now?
/sFFG/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Were there any Philosophers of Africa?
What the fuck
ITT: American writers who eternally BTFO any and all works from any and all other God forsaken countries
Good books on Platonism?
Blogs, philosophy, and delayed self improvement
Bookshelf thread?
What are some good books that come from an unapologetically black perspective?
What happened at the end boys?
Moby Dick
Which should I read first, Veeky Forums?
Reading material
/crit/ - Writing Critique General
Guys wtf are dreams?
Poetry Critique Thread
Aristotle is more insightful than you may think
Books for People Who Are Mentally and Physically Exhausted
Hp lovecraft
Should I go up and talk to her Veeky Forums?
Who's stronger : Evola or Guenon?
The Last Psychiatrist
Used Books
What books should I read to become smarter?
Naomi Klein
How to talk to ask the librarian out
There is one important thing Marx forgot to consider when writing this book; human nature
ITT: Veeky Forums's favourite words. I'll start:
What's the best translation of Moby Dick?
Mom only reads romance novels and murder mysteries
ITT: Post an album, get the book recommendations
Will Martin manage to write it?
So what philosophy do you personally believe in?
Hello Veeky Forums
E-reader vs books
Is the memory of pleasure pleasure?
Don Quixote
Stories about depression and MI as in The Bell Jar, Mrs Dalloway, To Room Nineteen, etc.? Also...
Does meaning have any inherence or does meaning only exist because we've determined it as such. And if the latter...
Books for this feel?
What books do Chads read?
Post the last 5 books you read and indicate which one was your favourite
Is it fair to say that Kafka is Kafkaesque?
Why did he do it bros? ;_;
Why do you hold on to the 'book buying' meme...
So who has this in their preorder?
If God where to create, and write a book in todays world, what would it be about?
What kind of movies do certain writers like?
Foolishly enter debate in a thread
Is this the most Nietzschean scene in cinematic history?
The Ginsberg of our generation
Yfw when you realized plato was right about literally everything
How to not fall for meme shitbooks
Welp. I've pre-ordered my copy. I don't want to miss out on the book of the year...
Can literature compete as the universal legacy of Men with Music?
Anti-Oedipus Book Club
What books do art thots read?
Your post makes you sound incredibly stupid
Author uses latin, and french phrases throughout the book
If Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth and Othello are the four great tragedies, then what are the great comedies if any?
So there is truly no hope for Europe?
Can someone recommend me books to get started into politics?
Why can't this old fuck stop talking about bulls?
I agree with this. Where do I go from here?
Does anyone have hobbies/distractions that they like less than reading but they end up taking up more time...
What are you favorite novels by female authors?
Boston Veeky Forums Meetup Group
Are there any good atheist arguments against nihilism...
Why is the Hero´s Journey so overrated?
Cat Person author has a piece hating on david foster wallace
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
What are some book topics you want to read about?
I'm a postdoc in in the Humanities and I'm 100% convinced women actually have no souls...
What am I in for?
What are the best works of literature published from 1990 onwards?
Opinions on William Blake? Reading his works I'm pulling away ideas similar to philosophers like Hegel...
Is anybody else here intimidated by the vast difference between the kind of intelligence / talent needed to write...
Dostoevsky & Napoleon
Any good book about a lonely pathetic man falling in love and getting obsessed with a teenager?
Is it worth reading Veeky Forums?
So what's the deal? Can you just read this thing as is or do you need to a biography of those two Mains first?
What are some desolate, lonely feeling books?
Writing in another persective
I know that Vichtenstein believed that the most serious and profound problems and questions and issues could be...
Begin each day by telling yourself: Today I shall be meeting with interference, ingratitude, insolence, disloyalty...
Top 5 favorite works of literature
Being a Literature teacher
Gregory "i need anger management" Sadler
Is anybody else here well on their way to inhabiting a totally solipsistic universe in which only their own value...
I've been browsing /pol/ for a few years now and I want out. I want out so bad...
Redbull me on hinduism
The Bible
Is the High Fantasy genre played out...
What should I read by him?
Open Infinite Jest
Real 2017 chart
Name a book or an author that you never see discussed on Veeky Forums and you can't understand why not
Let's talk about the Pocket Poets collection
I'm about 1/5th of the way in and I'm bored to tears. Does this get even vaguely interesting at any point?
Shouldn't poetry make a comeback now that people have trouble with concentration?
Line 900 and i still have no idea what the fuck is going on
Best books on contemporary art?
So Veeky Forums what book do you recommend to a younger guy like me to read that would help him in his later life
Latin America Greatest Writer
Gravity Rainbow Reading Group: Thread #2
What kind of ending was that? You guys told me Dostoyevsky was optimistic and full of hope...
Who is the lefitst version of pic related
What are your thoughts on this film critic's writing style?
Hello Veeky Forums
Is she a good author?
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
Alright lads, the 2018 Winter Cup is coming up, and Veeky Forums F.C. is still in it...
How can anyone justify enjoying such a decrepit, untalented simpleton?
Should authors "dress the part"?
How do you read your books Veeky Forums? eBook or physical?
Home-library tips from Lovecraft
What are some great short-stories collection?
What if everything he wrote is true?
Reading outside
Home librarys
Is this worth reading? Should I spend my time and money on it?
Best Books by "Bad" People
Rank the epics that you've read thread
How do you name your characters?
What am I in for?
What is a Veeky Forums name for a cyberpunk distopian city state?
Not real bright—she thought the figure he’d trace without thinking on her bare flank after sex was the numeral 8...
What is quintessential CHAD literature?
Who would win in a fistfight?
/bookshelf rate/
Oh wow, "ludwig wittgenstein's tractatus logico philosophicus", sounds like a hard book! You must be very smart
*destroys western society*
Hi Veeky Forums, what do you think of my nonfiction section?
Sits down next to you at a bar
Continental brainlets BTFO
Stop reading
First lecture of the semester is the professor apologizing for being white
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius?
Study Christianity, pray rosary, read books on prayer or moral theology, etc
What awaits us after death?
Hedonism > Everything Else
Open Bible
Are there any fantasy books not by tolkien that are actually good? I would like to read a good series of books...
Top 100 Tiebreakers
What is the literary equivalent of "Soundcloud Rap" ?
My Philosophy 101 Reading List:
Hey Veeky Forums, you probably have a bunch of fags from /v/ asking about these books...
Is there any reason for physical newspapers to exist now?
David Bowie's Top 100 Books
“I don’t do a lot of reading because don’t like spending that much time in someone else’s imagination...
Name a book from the 21st century worth reading
Why do they keep BTFOing us?
Where should I start with Jules Ebola?
Eastern Literature thread
Verily, I request you say something profound
Writing Advice and Guns in Fantasy
How's the writing career coming, Veeky Forums?
Why are the vast majority of contemporary philosophers hardcore leftists?
How can I force myself to start reading, Veeky Forums? What's the secret...
Who did paranoia better, Pynchon or PKD?
Do any of you write in shorthand?
Read it's about depression
What are some good books about human sexuality?
Are you going to buy his book, Veeky Forums?
Anti-natalism and industrial society
I want to be a total sellout who writes a best selling YA trilogy that gets adapted into a moderately successful movie...
Friendly reminder that this man is the most intelligent human being of the last 118 years
/HPG/ - Harry Potter General
Should I get all of Aristotle writings?
Have you guys read all the books in this list?
Daily reminder that you cannot "know" anything until you've experienced it
ITT: god tier book covers
Why do most great religious works come from non "protestants"?
Best translations of The Odyssey and The Iliad?
What is the coziest novel?
Is it ever rational to get upset over things outside of your control?
You have 30 seconds after reading this post to explain why thousands of years of ethical discussion by the best of...
Help writing a letter to my (ex-)girlfriend
Care to critique my poem? It's my first one. My english teacher says it's good enough for our school's literary journal...
6 pages of moby-dick per hour
Hey Veeky Forums so I'm going to be spending the next 6 - 8 months sleeping in a tent in a very rural region...
ITT female literature characters you would love to "fuck"
Which disease might I consciously attempt to infect myself with as a means of having a justifiable reason to live the...
What do you think of President Emeritus Obama's top books of 2017?
What are your thoughts on Analytical Philosophy?
Words that you've learned to hate
/SfFG/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
ITT: hard truths
Porn for Veeky Forumsizens...
Book starts with a quote
What are some books that have the main character gradually descend into madness throughout the narrative...
Which is the best Lolita cover?
What is the literary equivalent of films that are so bad they're good...
Which book is, objectively speaking, the most fun book of all time?
What does Veeky Forums think about My Twisted World?
Why aren't you reading outside Veeky Forums?
A child born out of wedlock can be killed because he doesn't juridically exist
"Life has no inherent meaning"
ITT: Authors Veeky Forums pretends not to like
Book suggestion thread
Can ancient history be trusted?
Veeky Forums top hundo
Why has literature degenerated so much over the past century?
Brainlet Russell
Vladimir Nabokov
ITT:Words that normalfags are DESTROYING and we have no way to stop it
I might pick "Divergent and the Dystopian Novel" as my Bachelor's thesis. How fucked am I?
Learning Languages Thread
All Platonic dialogues are essentially the same formula over and over...
Behold! I show you The Ultimate Man. "What is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is a star...
Any books on getting over "the one"?
Would national socialism be effective at reversing this capitalistic march-to-the-lowest-common-denominator the West is...
The Minotaur of Milwaukee
Which E-reader should I buy if the vast majority of my digital library consists of PDFs? I've heard it said here...
This guy is literally just John Green if he was extremely insecure about his pencil dick and took adderall every day...
C/u/nt here, can anyone recommend me good /u/ literature? I'm getting kinda of tired of reading manga and light novels...
Are antinatalists hypocrites?
Was I memed? This translation is fucking garbo
Books with beautiful prose
How does someone wake "with a start" anyway?
He's going to fly off the handle any day now
I’ve read the following books: The Bible. What should I read next...
One of the only pop musicians who wrote decent lyrics
"Can we help you?"
Why do Reddit litfags talk like this? I mean look at that edit. What man of age talks like this?
How does god know he isnt living in a simulation
/clas/ - Classical Greek and Roman Literature Thread
Start with the Sumerians
Reminder that to be art a film has to:
"Yes, it's true! I have committed this evil Crime and Punishment will soon await me," said Raskolnikov
2018 Top 100
The Foundation For Exploration
Should sensitivity readers be mandatory?
2017 accomplishment thread
Farmers, laborers, simple men, the poor
Help me Veeky Forums, no one else can
Voice in head that goes "nah thats too pretentious"
Write about yourself
Please convince me that there is nothing important to be found in the writings of "postmodern" philosophers and...
Gorgeous Titles of Works
How does this picture make you feel, Veeky Forums?
ITT: literature that reveals the jews for what they really are
ITT: All books you've read in 2017
What is the philosophy or religion of just "being"? Staying in the now, not worrying about the past or future...
Do people still write good books?
Be 34 years old
My brain is sideways and my eyes can only feel the way into reality, sight lost in the fierce volacity of my mind
How can anyone read pomo novels without feeling scammed and humiliated and cucked?
ITT looking back on the year Veeky Forums was memed into taking on the JQ and became stronger than ever...
Brainlet Russel
ITT: people who don't belong in the literary cannon that were/are more literary talented than dfw
1. What will be your first book of 2018?
Hey my dudes
Calculus solved Zeno's paradoxes
Is 2018 the year?
How to Bomb the U.S. Gov't by Sam Hyde
Where is a good place to start with poetry...
Why does it seem that all the greatest Irish writers hate Ireland?
So what are you folks reading this New Year's Eve?
Literature about fallen man
QTDDTOT - Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Is this worth a read?
Is he the most Veeky Forums comedian...
What's your job Veeky Forums? Does it leave you with enough time and energy to read and maybe write?
Gateway to Philosophy
Without turning this into yet another "Hurr Rowling sux" thread, what exactly was the cause of her success...
Cliches in humanities scholarship
What's your favorite Borges story?
Why are modern women such turbosluts? Think of the modern woman's fantasies of being a princess...
Shouldn't Land be pro immigration?
Not to mock you or anything... but why do you read anyway? I mean humans have basic needs... food, sleep, sex...
I only read books that were published in the year 1842
He reads books but he can't solve differential equations
Any tips for creative writing besides 'write a lot'?
Why is Existentialism so popular?
Grabbing Life by the Balls
So, how do you sort your books?
I love bad bitches, Veeky Forums. What are the best books to read if you like anti-heroines, villainesses...
Godel's Incompleteness Theorems and Philosophy
Do any of you litfags keep a journal? I tried to, during 2017...
List poets more depressing and morbid than Sylvia Plath
What is a Veeky Forums name for a cyberpunk distopian city state?
Honestly, can someone please explain this book to me
Crit thread?
Are we just going to ignore this?
Have you ever considered going into a bookshop and buying something you've never heard of before...
Are there any little or unknown epic poems that you know of. something you couldn't really find on the google list
What's a good philosophy to live by if I feel on the verge of going insane? Nothing too edgy pls
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
New purchases thread
2017 Veeky Forums top onehunned link
Any good conspiracy/paranormal lit for this feel? Fiction or nonfiction
What is the /lit equivalent of the term "kino" ?
I like Tolstoy, Melville, Hamsun and YeCarthy. I especially dislike Dostoyevsky and Nabokov...
I apologize for furthering this meme but I'm 200 pages in and it's really fucking boring. What am I not understanding
Is he controlled opposition?
Reading on the train
ITT literal plagarists that got called out but got away with it
Veeky Forums the anime
Is the Economist the Veeky Forums choice of magazine?
Writing prompt
So, what's Veeky Forums's opinion on Bukowski?
User, you only have two (2!) days to finish reading the 2017 top 100. I hope you didn't have any New Year's Eve plans
I need recommendations about sci fi books that deals with philosophical themes. Sci fi books that makes you think...
Do you see yourself as an intellectual?
What book would you give to a normal girl?
Can a NEET with literally no life experience write a good book or will it invariably be riddled with shitty tropes and...
Is homosexuality against the categorical imperative?
Is Jordan Peterson right about what he wrote about the dangers of Post Modernism?
Does Pynchon get any better? I feel like I just read a bunch of meaningless nonsense
How are you writing your Main character of your Novel Veeky Forums?
Poetry without rhymes
How to become a polymath
Why does Doc rape Shasta?
Books you liked when you were Young
Is Pale fire good or is it just a meme book?
Your view on STEM degrees
Daily Writing Prompt:
How would I go about writing a book on my bizarre, wild, traumatic and dysfunctional life?
Anyone here read this? Is it worth the time?
Why are pseuds with boring, middlebrow literary tastes so often highly regarded as erudite and cultured intellectuals...
Twf see attractive girl
Confess, Veeky Forums
Why was he wrong?
I brush my teeth for 5mins, after mentioning that I'm going to bed, and it gets 404'd...
How can anyone claim to be a good person when they spend money on anything but the bare necessities to live...
Japanese Society
Why don't you like Joseph Campbell?
Just finished it. I'm floored. Any recommendations?
I’ve read both the Way of Men and Becoming a Barbarian. I’m not entirely impressed...
Cringe thread?
Since this is a literature board I assume linguistics is fair game...
Hey guys, can I get some critique. I am working full time and also trying to write a book. I will post 3 sections...
Going on a date
Alright, I have way too much time on my hands at the moment so I made a full phil bracket for the end of 2017
Poetry critique thread
Here's the top books of 2017 as voted by your peers
Philosophical debate
Is this worth the read? What kind of person would enjoy this?
Veeky Forums top 100 2017 survey
How do you overcome hedonism? Alcohol and porn just feels too good
Gravity Rainbow Reading Group: #00
Top 3 Gay Authors
Hi Veeky Forums
Is anybody interested in reading my manifesto in PDF form?
Veeky Forums top 100 books
In your best prose, describe this image
He was wrong, right?
Friends! Do any of you remember the read along threads...
What is the Veeky Forums equivalent of the Nintendo Switch?
Why are so many prominent philosophers misogynistic...
Waiting in line at bank
Do you agree with Godel on philosophy ground?
How do I get into poetry? I'd rather something that's not corny and actually rhymes...
And the Veeky Forums meme of the year award goes to
“A human body in no way resembles those that were born for ravenousness; it hath no hawk’s bill, no sharp talon...
/SfFg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Bro, I don't want to be rude, but those girls over there said you're creeping them out...
What position do you sit in while you read
Veeky Forums
Do I HAVE to read the Greeks???
I kissed her softly on the lips, and said, ‘There is no Israel for me.’
This is a Librivox™ recording
Admit it, your favorite author is a soy boy
Short Stories
Is social anxiety Veeky Forums approved?
So is Socialism just a meme? Would it work for American today? What books did you read to support your claim?
What will be the last book you read in 2017?
How does this make you feel?
Give a deductive logic brainlet some reading material so she doesn't do poorly in a uni philosphy course this next...
Write whats on your mind
What are bookish women like?
Please leave this board and never return if any if the following applies
The Foundation
Tfw already got my 20 pages for the day done
Katie is back with a comments section
Allan Watts
Just watched Blade Runner 2049. And I was thinking about read this book. Is it worth reading? I mean...
Being and Time
Writing Test
Let's discuss Junger
Going to a barnes & noble for the first time in my life today... what should i do?
Anything written to serve a political purpose (rather than to explore and create) is propaganda, not art
What do you guys think of pic related? Just read the first chapter, the author sure does love to swear
Why are so many prose fetishists afraid of poetry?
Books added to your bookshelves in 2017 thread
I am a Citizen of the World. I went to film camp. I've read Sartre. I've read Thomas Pynchon. I've read Ayn Rand...
Goddammit why can't chinks get over their 'my ancestors' autism and just use a proper syllabary...
‘I will tell you what Jews are like. Once, in the early months of the war, we were on the march...
Post your favorite verse
"Buy a book and get out!"
Chan/Zen thread
The anti-post-modernism on this board is particularly ironic because collaborative communities like Veeky Forums...
What are some books that'll help me appreciate art...
ITT post a pic, get book recommendations
Has Veeky Forums read Mirror Mirror by Cara Delevingne?
How many anons have adhd?
The creative reading and writing community is dominated by women...
I've had no luck getting a peaceful analysis and critique of feminist theory thread going on Veeky Forums unfortunately...
The last book you read by an Irish writer
Please explain this quote to me
ITT: Post your TRUE literature opinions that will get you the most (you)s
Can I read this book to understand Women???
Sits down next to you at a bar
How popular was it before GoT came and normies invaded?
What's better? Reading 1 hour everyday or going to the gym for 1 hour everyday?
Is intelligence overrated?
A library of the Patristic Literature is over 12 million words long in hundreds of volumes
The fact that the model is just an idea is, moreover...
Gorilla Mindset
Just bought this book, is it any good?
Oh, hi user. You sure love buying books. I never heard of this one before, whats it about? :)
Is it really that good?
Red Pill Books
What's the most you've ever read in one sitting?
Is rap music poetry?
Thoughts on Haruki Murakami?
Just finished "Do Androids dream of electric sheep" by Phillip K dick
Have any Veeky Forumserati gone the law school route after university...
Are you lads fucking ready to BTFO nuclear power?!?!??
Why we should not kill myself if we will die anyway?
Pascal's wager
It is only due to a predominance of influences that are not only entirely morally indifferent...
QTDDTOT - Questions that don't deserve their own thread
ITT: Veeky Forums memes, ylyl, and so on and so on
Am I the only one?
One of my new years resolutions is to read more. At a minimum a book a week
My little sister got me Purgatorio and Paradiso for christmas
I want to discuss the concept of a "universal class"...
Why was being a fraud considered worse than being a murderering rapist? What kind of backwards logic is that?
Hmm what is your reaction regarding bookstores allowing Holocaust-questioning material to be sold?
Is might right, Veeky Forums?
Kafka: Good or Meme?
Can anyone give me a list of occult books to read?
New Write What's On Your Mind
Goodreads top 100
How do I become a good writer? Clearly I should write...
What's your favorite literary related conspiracy theory? Mine is that Edgar Allen Poe was murdered
In order to come to terms with Heidegger...
I got that new roastie translation of the Odyssey for Christmas. It’s pretty good so far
Implying hes wrong
Tfw to dumb too read books
Fellas, is it worth trying to change a jezebel into a good Christian girl?
2017 ends in a few days. Did you meet your goodreads challenge?
Are light novels literature? Is it okay to read light novels?
Will machines that are capable of producing novels which are crafted according to an algorithm designed to appeal...
What are your hobbies user
Top 5 books
I am quite interested in political-theory and philosophy...
Not writing your own wank material in the form of a classic greek comedy
Whats the most beautiful piece of prose you have read?
Where to start with him?
This should be promising
Is there a name for this?
For a decade of loyal service, the Bogdanoffs grant you the ability to learn 3 and only 3 languages of your choosing...
I don't get what's so great about this book. Coming off of the Iliad and Odyssey this seems way worse. It's not bad...
Is this a good book? Why or why not?
Pic related just arrived in the mail. Did I fuck up?
I beg of you, say something profound
After seven years... I have finally finished the western canon. Now what?
Was Plato wrong?
Do you take notes while reading, Veeky Forums? If so what about?
Veeky Forums videos
Prove you are a better writer
Be honest with yourself: he's smarter than you
Let's try something different
Mishima's Confessions of a Mask
Is this the pinnacle of poetry ?
What is this book?
Fiction Books that showcase the slow destruction of the protagonist's mind. Preferably 21st century...
Average Veeky Forums user
Has Veeky Forums ever indulged in psychedelics?
What is the best writer from your country?
The Foundation for Exploration AMA
How do you block out background noise when reading?
How would you rate Pynchon's novels?
What literature are you looking forward to getting published in 2018?
ITT: We're in a waiting room
What are some books that made you feel like a brainlet?
Write a paragraph or two about your most recent intimate experience of any kind
Is Jameson's Postmodernism: Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism worth reading...
Simple Question
Why doesn't literature treat franchises like film does with all the sequels prequels spinoffs and reboots?
Whether you're a writer, a person with a dream, or any type of solo entrepreneur...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
The paradox of IQ testing
The best sources to get free e-books, pdf or epub, fuck-a-kindle
What are some essential soyCORE books like, moving kings, the NIX, catcher in the rye, the old man and the sea...
Eastern European
Do you guys ever write down your thoughts or imaginary conversations with fans/critics of your unwritten works? (1/4)
Watch people review music albums on YouTube
"Books will never be considered art" - Brian Wilson
What book are you starting new years off with?
Nietzsche lost it because he never did zen. he didn't strive for total detachment nirvana...
Can nothing exist?
What books did you get for christmas Veeky Forums?
Is Christianity actually bad or do people just cargo cult it and do something bad accidentally
What kind of books do women read?
Could anyone reccomend any actually horrifying horror novels?
Stack Thread
Who is your favorite and least favorite philosopher?
ITT: Authors whose books you will never read
Hi Veeky Forums, why don't we create our own Space Fantasy Adventure?
Itt: right wing authors
This breaks Veeky Forums
Shit is feeling festive in this bitch
Tom Bombadil
Are you going to read daddy's new book?
Is writing good prose and telling a good story two separate talents, or do the correlate?
Hey lit
Sankt Max
Books on body language?
Finnegan's wake
Deserted island book thread
Tfw not obsessed with anything
Trad Catholic essential literature
"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
Worth it?
Go for a walk
Found this chart here a while back, does it still hold up...
Go live in the woods you pleb
I want to understand leftist philosophy/political thought. Where should I start? What's worth reading and what isn't...
Was he right about music being the highest form of art?
Is there any use of philosophy in today’s world?
Rene guenon
Everything happens for a reason
ITT: your favorite person's favorite book
Is this book just full of shit or not? I've seen it crop up quite a lot here and am interested in reading it...
Hi Veeky Forums
What are some upcoming books being released in 2018 that you are looking forward to?
Why do you buy books instead of just going to the library? Is it to show off?
Hello I am the best philosophy channel on the web
Books with a desert setting
Got this for Christmas. Time to turn my life around
Idries Shah
Does free will exist in heaven?
The Stranger
How did your Christmas go, Veeky Forums?
Which philosophers support the idea of a social hierarchy?
I have worked as a librarian since September and it is a terrific joy! The pay is meager, but I have no expenses...
Hi Veeky Forums
Got these for Christmas. Which one should I read first?
Penguin Classics
Famous book written by a female
Was he the most attractive philosopher?
Why don't women write big ambitious novels?
Write what’s on your mind
watching "It's a Wonderful Life" with my family
What preliminary reading do
So how does Veeky Forums write their masterpieces?
Should i study classics at uni?
How realistic is this for someone who hasn't read regularly for a few years?
Any good Veeky Forums about people like pic related?
Rupi Kaur
What do you think of my poem ,Veeky Forums?
Which books written in a serious, empathetic, frank manner will help me not want to kill myself?
Why do you journalism / lefty / humanities people keep demanding that Silicon valley should be regulated more or have...
Where does logic come from?
Is this a good book, or just a /pol/-tier polemic?
The Foundation for Exploration
ITT: Countries with no literature
Top zozzle tfw your parents still think you're a pleb and get you signed Franklin library copy of slaughterhouse five...
What books encapsulate this mode
Sup /pol/ here, just want to say we agree. We're with you Veeky Forums. Stay strong lads
Dude lets just give up and let science figure all this philosophy stuff out
Thoughts on Malcolm Gladwell?
The Last Philosopher
Wtf is this?
Any Puritan works worth reading?
What is the philosophical history of veganism/vegetarianism? Who were some famous vegans/vegetarians?
Daily reminder this book disproves everything you have ever read or learnt...
How can I get a British Accent?
Who are the best modern Christian thinkers?
The Naipaul test: Can you tell an author's sex?
Reading Adorno as a reactionary is actually pretty comfy tbqh
OG self help lit
Is Shakespeare meant to be read or watched?
Who is a writer who grasps the totality of everything? One who eliminates perspective best?
On Knight's opinion of James Joyce
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
It's another 'person with no education in physics using quantum mechanics to justify his religious/spiritual beliefs'...
How pissed are you going to be when he wins the Nobel?
Books that deal with hatred of Christmas
What do you guys think of Yahtzee's books?
George Saunders
Who here /postmodern/?
What universities have the best English programs? (Specifically for undergraduate)
Another year gone
This literally isnt true wtf
Must read works of theology?
How do you feel knowing we are the Last Great Men of history?
What the fuck is morality?
Your thoughts on the works of John Green?
Why is this board talking about the same exact shit all the time
God is dead
Bruh the soul interacts with the body thru the pineal gland
Reading the bible for the first time
Prove you are a good writer
People who "read the russians", aside from, maybe, Chekhov, are usually narcissistic psychopaths I've noticed. Discuss
Besides a street car named desire, what books is he reading?
Dumb question but
From a purely literary and philosophical standpoint, how do you judge the work of Aleister Crowley...
Was he the first analytic philosopher?
Are there any other writers who can pull off being sentimental the same way Chuck can?
Did Veeky Forums get any books for christmas?
What books are you asking for Christmas Veeky Forums?
Happy holidays, Veeky Forums
Are there any books about how awful police are?
How can I read for understanding?
How fucking awful is nostalgic demagoguery that this tripe can not only pass for a novel but be picked up for...
What's she reading Veeky Forums?
Contemporary civilisation consists of hundreds of countries...
Reminder that even if you are sad and want to kill yourself just remember that you are loved...
What the FUCK is a rhizome? Am i fucking stupid or is Deleuze completely insane?
*blocks your free will's path*
What is the difference in between left and right hegelianism?
Is there a God...
Reading the follow up to Industrial Society And Its Future as a festive treat...
Does anyone else feel like a massive pseud all the time? Is this normal...
"Reason" and "logic" are hilariously overrated. They are presented as the highest virtue and basis of a healthy society...
Literary fiction in crisis as sales drop dramatically
Name ONE book that doesn't include police
Why is this country devoid of any literature value?
Surely Marxism can be defended in analytical phil or contemporary economics defenses
The first assignment in English One is called a Reading Reflection...
What degree does someone pursue in college who wants to become a fiction writter?
Thoughts on Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion? I think I'm starting to become a Calvinist...
Alright, so I've always thought that I wasn't a communist, but a libertarian socialist...
I’ve never seen a thread on Platonic secondary literature, but I love finding new, good commentators...
What is the best e-reader?
Seriously what the fuck was that
Honestly what's the difference? Why is JRRT called literature and GRRM not? Both have complex worldbuilding...
What are some books that will help keep me from falling in love with every sorta cute girl I meet?
The Wasteland / Eliot thread
Bear with me now, I am searching for the best translation of the Old Saxon poem Beowulf...
Killing people is moral if there is no afterlife
What's the best book where the protagonist is an asshole or is evil
Your 14 year old Son/Daughter starts their Freshman year of American Highschool in a few months...
French literature is better than any other language
Have you noticed that all the people who have genuine intellectual achievements like Elon Musk or Bill Gates or famous...
/SffG/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Zay sumzing pwofoun', I implore vu
If no one reads a book...
Let's have an orgy
The plebs always say Harry Potter is the best
What are your opinions on this Veeky Forums?
We're free to construct our own meaning
Is masculinity just a social construct after all?
What's the worst book you've read cover to cover?
Only post in this thread if you attended or attend a shit tier school. Post your
Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere
Why was socrates such a smug little cunt
Are there things you just shouldn't read?
Dear Veeky Forums
So the two colleges I got accepted into both mailed me two separate copies of the Illiad...
Boston Veeky Forums Meetup Group
Was he alt right?
Paradise Lost and Divine Comedy
What is a good book gift for a female family member? I need to make a last minute purchase
So basically, the only way to get conceivably published is through an agent, having (((special connections)))...
Greco-Roman idealization of women
Just got pic related. should i go in blind? bought on a whim
I am here for the left wing literature
Which side wins?
How do women think?
Play-doh's republic
Hey Veeky Forums. I'm going to kill myself next week. I've never been much of a reader...
Math and Logic
What makes a good writer?
Are there any books that concern the nature of the beast taken to the logical endpoint?
Crazy Coated In Black
Author dream
Do you have to read full books to understand philosophy?
Complete works of Plato
Now that the dust has settled
Just finished reading this today. Anybody want to have a discussion on it? Some parts were pretty confusing for me...
Stop reading books
The kindest, least sinful person on Earth can still get sent to Hell because they weren't Christian
Rationalism vs. empircism
Hey user, have you switched to a feature/dumbphone because of internet addiction/attention issues? If so...
Who here actually reads a book a day?
Everyone should read this book
What is the most functional language?
Books less than 300 pages
ITT: Non-fiction books that aren't textbooks but still contain useful knowledge
Veeky Forums , whats a good philosophy podcast to listen to?
How do I subtlety criticize the jews in my novel?
Is Dune good or just a meme?
My mom told me to buy this guy's book for my father this christmas. I never heard of him
My otherwise smart Veeky Forums gf can't shut up about De Sade...
Why don't kids like to read books?
How can I stop thinking way too much?
What does Veeky Forums think about this book? I'm interested learning about consciousness so is it a good start?
Why do retards think that this book is good?
What's your favorite Philip K. Dick story?
Write whats on your mind
Recent thread lads
Reading is probably "the final destination", or maybe the final distraction, for those of us sick of the world
Why are the Meccan Surahs objectively superior in quality to the Medinan surahs?
What does Veeky Forums think of this autobiographical philosophical-treatise and arguably the most influential book of...
Veeky Forums-Pill me on Roger Scruton
What is the worst religion
/sžg/ Slavoj Žižek general
Be yourself
Are there any books about pathological contrarianism? It's ruining my life...
How do I get shit published in English if I'm not from an English speaking country?
So what the fuck IS postmodernism anyway?
ITT - Why you need to go read Kierkegaard right the fuck now
Her eyes were like blue lakes/wells/ponds/oceans
Everyone you meet on here has read themselves stupid
[Adv/Lit] How do I stop wasting time on mindless entertainment rather than reading
I want to get a book for my mom that provides some basis for developing general artistic taste (something that she...
What are your Must Read books, Veeky Forums?
Story time
Writing exercise: Post variations on 'who is this semen demon?'
Critique Thread
Socratic Dialogues
/er/ eastern religion general
Is "fiction writer" the only profession where one is expected to be a little crazy?
What are some books that would make a good film?
What jobs can you get with an English literature degree?
In your best prose, write anything about Christmas
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games