Fill out this form and post your results and your favourite author/philosopher, any genre/style.


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I am my favorite philosopher
No favourite author, I don't read stupid monkey books.

I'm unironiclly better at philosophy than anyone else

>better at philosophy

Proust, Thomas Mann, Pynchon, Bolaño (kinda)

Reminder that MBTI has no scientific validity and that the Big Five Model is superior

>typology models instead of trait models

My Lord Jesus Christ

>Big Five Model is superior

You had an argument until here. The big five is an absolute joke, it makes MBTI look like neuroscience

Yup ya heard me.


My favourite philosopher is probably Kant, though I don't agree with him on a lot. I prefer analytic philosophy over continental.

As for authors, probably Jean Racine.

The traits have held as valid constructs across a ton of studies.

Maybe it's not the final model, but it's the best we've got.

>socionics is mbti

Me and my big five.

> me and my personality
Hello schizophrenia

>across a ton of studies.

Yeah fucking retard studies like psychology and marketing

I don't have schizophrenia though. Other stuff, for sure, but not schizophrenia.

I'm sure you don't user.

I bet you also don't lump things together in a "me vs them"
And I'm guessing you don't have an overactive imagination in where you have a grandiose sense of self.

I am also guessing you don't even have a very well defined idea of being and you feel like you merely react to situations.

>implying I'm not projecting

>dismissing an entire field

I mean, I have a good grasp of what's going on following what I've read (philosophy, economics, politics, etc.) but I'm not better than anyone else - I actually hate and despise myself a lot because with respects to a huge variety of things I'm worse than most of my peers and I know very little overall. So, although I don't act in a edgy "me against the world" type of thing, nor do I think highly of myself, your third point is someone accurate considering I'm often lost in my life and at odds with what I do and with what I should do or could be doing, but am not. Actually, it's more of a "me" versus my pathetic self which can't produce much of anything of worth to help "them". I'm much less edgy than what you think my neuroticism levels would presage.

Favorite author
I just wrote a long paragraph justifying my love of Shakespeare, and then deleted it after realizing that my perfervid, incomprehensible rant was unnecessary. Anyway, I like him.



>tfw also infj
>have been increasingly thinking of going to church to see what it's like

>INTP is autism symbol

God, these fucking tests. I never know how to answer any of these questions, even the simple ones, such as are you generous, or are you polite. I don't know where I stand compared to an average person, it's impossible for me to pin down my position in relation to the rest of the world.

How am I supposed to know if I'm, say, objective? Everybody thinks they're objective, it doesn't mean much because they're still influenced by their preconceived biases and emotions. Or generosity, or inquisitiveness, or any other trait. Everybody thinks they're inquisitive, even those disgusting slags who spend all of their free time watching Netflix and texting. I guarantee you that they think they're generous and insightful and strong-willed too, those mindless consumers.

I don't know where I was going with this. I don't even care about a meme test, but I'm annoyed by my inability to self-evaluate. Is this normal, c/lit/?


i get intj but i dont think thats right.

john williams

>INFP, probably
>N +, A ++, C --, E -, O ++

>such as are you generous, or are you polite
If a test literally asks you "are you polite?" then it's shit.

>Everybody thinks they're objective
What do you mean by objective? I don't think I'm objective

>Everybody thinks they're inquisitive
Not really. But then that's why no good test will ask you "Are you inquisitive?" but rather will give you 5 different questions like "Can you imagine yourself spending 2 hours reading encyclopedia"
Also if it were as simple as "Everyone thinks they're inquisitive" then tests like these wouldn't give different results for different people, and yet they do (pic is, the grey area is 10th to 90th percentile)

second part of the post is a reply to

i always get either INFP or ENFP, which seems retarded cus they look like polar opposities

Congratulations, you’re an INFP

The mbti/socionics shit is mostly a meme, but

>INFP or ENFP . . . they look like polar opposities
take a look at op's pic INFP and ENFP both have Extraverted Intuition/Introverted Feeling as dominant/auxiliary functions and Extraverted Thinking/Introverted Sensing as tetriary/inferior functions

looks pretty similar to me

We still doing this pseudoscientific horoscope shit?

INFP, ENFP, and ISTJ all function in a similar way, they usually get in well together.

Isobel Briggs Myer who invented the test/typing system was an INFP and her husband an ISTJ

ENFP’s are essentially just Extroverted INFP’s.

Sam Hyde is the perfect example of an ENFP and Charls is a perfect example of an INFP.

i meant as in introverts and extroverts being on opposite sides. INFPs often get associated with the shy, quiet poetry reader and ENFPs the life of the party. I dont feel like i'm either but hey, i got social anxiety so

>INFPs often get associated with the shy, quiet poetry reader and ENFPs the life of the party
And AFAIR this is mostly an incorrect take because I/E just determines whether your primary function is introverted or extraverted. Introversion-Extraversion as in "a recluse vs the life of the party" is a spectrum and is thus better reflected in Big-5 or HEXACO. Of course whether you are usually the life of the party also depends on Neuroticism (negative emotionality not preventing you from socialising), Openness (so that you have something to talk about and you can talk about it well), and sometimes even Conscientiousness (when it comes to pragmatic social networking)

I can never finish these tests. Almost every question seems too vague or unnecessarily binary.

How do i interpret these results?

Wagner or Shostakovich

retake test and get ENFP. Feel like pic related until seeing this post. Thanks user

Five favorites:



No favorite philosopher. I like Kafka and Camus and Melville. Starting to really enjoy T.S. Eliot and Yeats. Want to get into Chekov but he's a bit obscure.

You sound boring as fuck

Kant, Confucius, Mishima, Mann, Dick, Herbert

That's not schizophrenia. You are thinking of MPD.


Jünger, Mishima, F. H. Burnett, Wilde, Hemingway, Hector Malot


Don't read fiction. From what little I read, I liked Tolstoy and Wilde.
Too dumb for philosophy unfortunately

Haven't read enough


J.P. Donleavy