I love bad bitches, Veeky Forums. What are the best books to read if you like anti-heroines, villainesses...

I love bad bitches, Veeky Forums. What are the best books to read if you like anti-heroines, villainesses, and similar female characters?

Black Company

Mild spoilers: Soulcatcher is a woman and is beyond terrifying, and the perspective you get from the narrative is of an average schmuck who could be killed like an insect

Nana, She, The Three Musketeers, The Silver Chair, V.

All contemporary fantasy is about "rogues" being all witty gods of men. A lot with female protagonists.

How can I get a bad bitch to humiliate me?

east of eden



Why are bad bitches so superior, bros?


I have to admit though, when I re-read East of Eden (and most of Steinbeck's work in general) it seemed pretty heavy-handed and overtly sentimental.

I used to really like Steinbeck but the voice in his books started to seem fraudulent to me after a while.

Can't win against the clit. Nope. Not the clit.

Ask one out.

cant recommend Nana enough.

Also try Mildred Pierce

Brothers Karamazov

Double Indemnity

On the Shakespeare tip: Macbeth, King Lear, Antony and Cleopatra.

The Bible.

never see any discussion of Zola here, what can I expect

Is that your fuckin problem, OP?

Based whore

The Custom of the Country
The Postman Always Rings Twice
Zuleika Dobson
Dangerous Liasons
A Dance to the Music of Time

Revolutionary road

A Beerbohm and Powell reader! Bro' user, I always knew [you] were here, hovering like a little vulture above the fray. Happy New Year, m8.