How are you writing your Main character of your Novel Veeky Forums?

How are you writing your Main character of your Novel Veeky Forums?

For me the MC is the standard run of the mill YA Urban Fantasy Protagonist who like every other protagonist before her and after her is special in some way that the world bends over backwards for her. She is without the doubt the quintessential Standard Ya Protagonist.

The story however will tell a different tale about her through her actions and unreliable narrator. With how she views herself and how society views her, her code of conduct and overall attitude towards other people.

He's me except he occasionally does things.

The main character of my novel is a selfish jaded porn-addicted womanizing alcoholic misanthrope know-it-all and speed addict with a fucked-up case of oneitis who works as a memory erasing technician in the last city on earth: Big Money City.
He also dreams nightly of a bizarre Beksinski-esque dimension he attributes to his heavy drinking keeping him in a state of REM sleep, but is really his brain entering a state of resonance with some malleable psychic dimension.

When a reality TV show about killing bizarre monsters in a nightmarish wasteland outside of Boston begins streaming it's season finale, he and a few of his old friends decide to go on a scavage hunt for a hard drive of lost golden age pornography at a porn director's long abandoned estate, using the stream and consequent tailgate party to distract the nightmarish horrors of the wasteland, and thus begins his bizarre adventures of evading horrific creatures, jerking off to cam girls, getting fucked up, being sought out by violent gangsters, and being pursued by a Lovecraftian and Kruger-esque seemingly magical dream vampire who wants to employ him for his "We're Here to Bring Back the Fear After School Campaign."

He is often the FPV, but he himself is unreliable as a narrator because he has subconsciously altered his own memories through the medium of synaptic synthesis, resulting in all sorts of weird phenomena, such as having different accounts of events from others who are convinced he's lying or misremembering them, numbers in his phone to numerous contacts simply not working, etc.

He's a sacrificial linchpin and for some time the main character, but not so much the protagionist.

So someone better?

He's pretty much Prince Hal.

E-cigerette merchant with a gambling addiction

Cyberpunk distopia, the cigerettes can make the users feel certain emotions.

my character is a perverted female paparazzi with a penis who sees conspiracies everywhere and thus gets manipulated to kill people

be sure to title it "Feels Dealer"

Mine is a newscaster with no depth or development who merely exists as a situational catalyst.


How about "Dealing with Feelings"
Just awful

My MC is an autistic astronomy nerd who's trying to come to terms with the existence of real magic in her bloodline and mesh a world view she knows to be true with one she can't explain any other way

Ironically, her bloodline is that of an oracle, but she has absolutely no foresight in the common sense

oh user


Sounds neat. For some reason it reminds me of Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas.

I'm starting a novel where the protragonist is a pretty blond girl from California who's just entering college at an elite Ivy League school. She's your standard left coast teenage do-gooder, who believes in saving the world and the whales. She likes rap music, especially Kanye West.

She gradually becomes horrified that all her fellow students, who are from old money, are aggressively terrible people, whose sadism and sociopathy fill her with dread because she knows their wealth and connections will one day lead them to run the world.

Her solution to this problem is to start murdering them.

brett easton ellis posts on Veeky Forums wow

I guess it really is like a BEE novel, isn't it? But hopefully unlike BEE's books this one will be good.

i was just kidding good luck no bants i hope you finish it

Sam is that you

Yeah, I figured. It's funny because American Psycho is actually an active influence on the book. I'm also drawing a tiny bit of inspiration from I Am Charlotte Simmons by Tom Wolfe.